Title: ITEC 4010: Systems Analysis and Design II.
1ITEC 4010 Systems Analysis and Design II.
Lecture 12 Risk Management
- Elements of Risk management
- Risk identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Prioritization
- Risk Control
3Risk Management
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Control
- Different Levels of Risk
4Risk Management (cont.)
Figure 12-1. Risk management tree.
5Risk Assessment
- Risk Identification
- Produces a list of risks that have the potential
to disrupt the projects schedule - Risk Analysis
- Assesses the likelihood and impact of each risk
and the risk levels of alternative practices - Risk Prioritization
- Produces a list of risks prioritized by impact.
This list serves as a basis for risk control
6Risk Control
- Risk-management planning
- Produces a plan for dealing with each significant
risk. It also makes sure that the risk-management
plans for each of the individual risks are
consistent with each other and the overall
project plan - Risk resolution
- The execution of the plan for dealing with each
significant risk - Risk monitoring
- The activity of monitoring progress toward
resolving each risk item. Can also include the
ongoing activity of identifying new risks and
feeding them back into the risk management process
7Risk Identification
- First step in managing risk is to identify the
factors that pose a risk to your schedule - Three general risks to avoid
- Making one of the classic mistakes described in
lecture 10 - Ignoring the development basics described in
lecture 11 - Failing to actively manage risks described in
this lecture - In addition to these there are many other types
of risks can be classified by where they occur
8Most Common Schedule Risks
- Feature creep
- Requirements or developer gold-plating
- Shortchanged quality
- Overly optimistic schedules
- Inadequate design
- Silver-bullet syndrome
- Research-oriented development
- Weak personnel
- Contractor failure
- Friction between developers and customers
9Complete List of Schedule Risks
- Schedule Creation
- Schedule, resources, and product definition have
all been dictated by the customer or upper
management and are not in balance - Schedule is optimistic, best case (rather than
realistic, expected case) - Schedule omits necessary tasks
- Schedule was based on the use of specific team
members, but those team members are not available - Cannot build a product of the size specified in
the time allocated - Product is larger than estimated
- Reestimation in response to schedule slips is
overly optimistic - Excessive schedule pressure reduces productivity
- Target date is moved up with no corresponding
adjustment to the product scope or available
resources - A delay in one task causes cascading delays in
dependent tasks - Unfamiliar areas of the product take longer than
10Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Organization and Management
- Project lacks an effective top-management sponsor
- Project languishes too long in fuzzy front end
- Layoffs and cutbacks reduce teams capacity
- Management or marketing insists on technical
decisions that lengthen the schedule - Insufficient team structure reduces productivity
- Management review/decision cycle is slower than
expected - Budget cuts upset project plans
- Management makes decisions that reduce the
development teams motivation - Nontechnical third-part tasks take longer than
expected (budget approval, equipment purchase
approval, legal reviews, security clearances etc) - Planning is too poor to support the desired
development speed - Project plans are abandoned under pressure
- Management places more emphasis on heroics than
accurate status reporting
11Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Development Environment
- Facilities are not available on time
- Facilities are available but inadequate
- Facilities are crowded, noisy, or disruptive
- Development tools are not in place by the desired
time - Development tools do not work as expected
developers need time to create workarounds or to
switch to new tools - Development tools are not chose based on their
technical merits and do not provide the planned
functionality - Learning curve for new development tool is longer
or steeper than expected
12Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- End-users
- End-user insists on new requirements
- End-user ultimately finds products to be
unsatisfactory, requiring redesigns and rework - End-user does not buy into the project and
consequently does not provide needed support - End-user input is not solicited, so product
ultimately fails to meet user expectations and
must be reworked
13Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Customer
- Customer insists on new requirements
- Customer review/decision cycles for plans,
prototypes, and specifications are slower than
expected - Customer will not participate in review cycles
for plans, prototypes, and specifications or is
incapable of doing so resulting in unstable
requirements and time-consuming changes - Customer communication time (e.g. time to answer
requirements-clarification questions) is slower
than expected - Customer insists on technical decisions that
lengthen the schedule - Customer micro-manages the development process,
resulting in slower progress than planned
14Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Customer (cont.)
- Customer-furnished components are a poor match
for the product under development, resulting in
extra design and integration work - Customer-furnished components are poor quality,
resulting in extra testing, design, and
integration work - Customer-mandated support tools and environments
are incompatible, have poor performance or
functionality - Customers will not accept software as delivered
- Customers have unrealistic expectations about
speed of development
15Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Contractors
- Contractor does not deliver components when
promised - Contractor delivers components of unacceptably
low quality, and time must be added to improve
quality - Contractor does not buy into the project and
consequently does not provide the level of
performance needed
16Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Requirements
- Requirements have been baselined but continue to
change - Requirements are poorly defined, and further
definition expands the scope of the project - Additional requirements are added
- Vaguely specified areas of the product are
time-consuming than expected
17Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Product
- Error-prone modules require more testing, design,
and implementation work than expected - Unacceptably low quality requires more testing,
design and implementation work to correct than
expected - Pushing the computer science state-of-the-art in
one or more areas lengthens implementation - Development of the wrong user interface results
in redesign and implementation - Strict requirements for compatibility with
existing system require more testing, design and
implementation than expected
18Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Product (cont.)
- Requirements for interfacing with other systems
that are not the teams control - Requirements to operate under multiple operating
systems takes longer than expected - Operation in an unfamiliar software or hardware
environment causes unforeseen problems - Development of a kind of component that is brand
new to the organization takes longer than
expected - Dependency on a technology that is still under
19Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- External environment
- Product depends on government regulations, which
change unexpectedly - Product depends on draft technical standards,
which change unexpectedly
20Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Personnel
- Hiring takes longer than expected
- Task prerequisites (e.g. training, completion of
other projects, acquisition of work permit)
cannot be completed on time - Poor relationships between developers and
management slow decision making and follow
through - Team members do not buy into the project and
consequently do not provide the level of
performance needed - Low motivation and morale reduce productivity
- Lack of needed specialization increases defects
and rework - Personnel need extra time to learn unfamiliar
software tools or hardware environments - Personnel need extra time to learn unfamiliar
programming languages
21Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Personnel (cont.)
- Contract personnel leave before project is
complete - New development personnel are added late in the
project, and additional training and
communications overhead reduces existing team
member effectiveness - Team members do not work together efficiently
- Conflicts between team members are not removed
from the team, damaging overall team motivation - Problem team members are not removed from the
team, damaging overall team motivation - Personnel most qualified for the project are not
available - Personnel most qualified for the project are
available but are not used for political or other
reasons - Personnel with critical skills needed for the
project cannot be found
22Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Personnel (continued)
- Key personnel are available only part time
- Not enough personnel are available for the
project - Peoples assignments do not match their strengths
- Personnel work slower than expected
- Sabotage by project management results in
inefficient scheduling and planning - Sabotage by technical personnel results in lost
work or poor quality and requires rework
23Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Design and Implementation
- Overly simple design fails to address major
issues and leads to redesign and reimplementation - Overly complicated design requires unnecessary
and unproductive implementation overhead - Poor design leads to redesign and
reimplementation - Use of unfamiliar methodology results in extra
training time and in reworks to fix first-time
misuses of the methodology - Product is implemented in a low-level language
(e.g., assembler) and productivity is lower than
expected - Necessary functionality cannot be implemented
using the selected code or class libraries
developers must switch to new libraries or
custom-build the necessary functionality
24Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Design and Implementation (cont.)
- Code or class libraries have poor quality,
causing extra testing, defect correction, and
rework - Schedule savings form productivity enhancing
tools are overestimated - Components developed separately cannot be
integrated easily, requiring design and rework
25Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Process
- Amount of paperwork results in slower progress
than expected - Inaccurate progress tracking results in not
knowing the project is behind schedule until late
in the project - Upstream quality-assurance activities are
shortchanged, resulting in time-consuming rework
downstream - Inaccurate quality tracking results in not
knowing about quality problems that affect the
schedule until late in the project - Too little formality (lack of adherence to
software policies and standards) results in
miscommunications, quality of problems, and
rework - Too much formality (bureaucratic adherence to
software policies and standards) results in
unnecessary, time-consuming overhead
26Complete List of Schedule Risks (cont.)
- Process (cont.)
- Management-level programs reporting takes more
developer time than expected - Half-hearted risk management fails to detect
major project risks - Software project risk management takes more time
than expected
27Risk Analysis
- After identifying the risks the next step is to
analyze each risk to determine its impact - Can be used to choose among several development
options - Can be used to manage the risks associated with
an option already chosen
28Risk Exposure (RE)
- Risk unexpected loss
- Risk Exposure (RE)
- Equal to the probability of the unexpected loss
multiplied by the size of the loss - E.g. if you think theres about a 25 chance that
it will take 4 weeks longer than expected to get
your project approved, the risk exposure would be
25 multiplied by 4 weeks which equals 1 week
29Example of Risk-Assessment Table
- Risk Probability of Loss Size (weeks)
Risk Exposure - (weeks)
- Overly optimistic 50 5 2.5
- schedule
- Addition of requirement to 25 20
5.0 - fully support automated
- updates from the mainframe
- Additional features added 35
8 2.8 - by marketing
- New programming tools 30 5 1.5
- Do not produce the promised
- Savings
30Estimating Size of Loss (in terms of time)
- You might be able to precisely pin down estimates
of loss - E.g. you might know a project will approved
either Feb. 1 or might be a month later, on March
1 - Or the loss may not be easy to estimate
- You might break down the loss into smaller
losses, estimate these and then combine the
estimates - E.g. if you are using 3 new programming tools,
you could estimate the loss resulting from each
tool not producing its expected productivity gain
31Estimating Probability of Loss
- Have the person most familiar with the system
estimate the probability of each risk, and then
hold a risk-estimate review - Use Delphi or group-consensus practices
- You have each person estimate each risk
individually and then discuss the rationale
behind each estimate, especially the very high
and low ones. Continue the process in successive
rounds until the estimates converge - Use betting analogies (to calibrate your guess
estimation) - E.g. Would you take this bet? If the facilities
will be ready on time, you win 125. If theyre
not ready on time I win 100 Refine the bet
until youd be as happy being on either side of
it. The risk probability is the dollar amount on
the downside divided by the total dollar amount
at stake e.g. the probability of the facilities
not being ready on time would be 100 / (100
125) 44
32Estimating Probability of Loss (cont.)
- Use adjective calibration
- First have each person choose the risk level from
a verbal scale of phrases like highly likely,
very good chance, probable, likely, improbable,
unlikely, and highly unlikely. Then convert the
verbal assessments to quantitative assessments
33Total Project Overrun and Buffers
- The expected overrun for a project is the sum of
all the weeks in the Risk Exposure column on the
previous slide - If for example a 25 week project has an expected
total overrun of 12 weeks you have a problem that
calls for active risk management - What you could do
- Try to reduce risk
- Adjust your schedule to include risk (i.e. add it
to your schedule as a buffer) - Publish a schedule with a plus-or-minus qualifier
for each risk and adjust the schedule as risk
34Risk Prioritization
- Once youve created the list of schedule risks
the next step is to prioritize the risk in order
to focus your risk-management efforts - Projects typically spend 80 percent of their
money fixing 20 of their problems - Can develop a table to help you focus on the most
important 20 -- simply take the Risk Assessment
table from slide 28 and put the risks in
descending order of risk exposure (i.e. sort it
so that risks that would cause the greatest delay
in weeks are at the top) - Sorting this way creates a list of risks that are
ordered roughly by priority and you might want to
address those at the top first - There is little point in managing a low-loss risk
that also has a low likelihood of becoming a
problem - The priority ordering is only approximate since
the numbers we used are all estimates
35Risk Control
- After youve identified your projects risks,
analyzed their probabilities and magnitudes and
prioritized them, you are ready to control them
(i.e. risk-management planning, resolution and
monitoring) - Risk Management Planning
- Focus is to develop a plan to handle each of the
high-priority risks you have identified - Can be as simple as a paragraph for each risk
that describes the who, when, where, why and how
of each risks management - Should also include provisions for monitoring the
risks and identifying emerging risks
36Risk Control (cont.)
- Risk Resolution
- Avoid the risk
- Dont do the risky activity, e.g. take
responsibility for most of the system design but
not for the unfamiliar part of the system (I.e.
have the client design that part) - Transfer the risk from one part of a system to
another - Sometimes a risk in one part of the project isnt
as risky in another part of the project and you
can move it - E.g. have client review and approve your design,
effectively transferring responsibility for some
risk to them - In general get the risk off the critical path, so
that if the risk occurs the project as a whole
isnt delayed - Buy Information about the risk
- E.g. develop a design prototype to test the
feasibility of your approach - E.g. bring in an outside consultant
37Risk Control (cont.)
- Risk Resolution (cont.)
- Eliminate the root cause of the risk
- If part of the design of the project is very
challenging, then recast that part of the system
as a research project (and eliminate it from the
version you are building) - Assume the risk
- Accept the risk might occur but decide not to do
anything about it, especially if the consequences
are small and effort to avoid is large - Publicize the risk
- Let upper management, marketing, and customers
know about the risk and its consequence I.e.
minimize the surprise theyll feel if it occurs
38Risk Control (cont.)
- Risk Resolution (cont.)
- Control the risk
- Accept that the risk might occur, and develop
contingency plans to handle it if you cant
resolve it. Allocate extra resources to test the
part of the system whose design you are worried
about and plan for extra time to fix defects - Remember the risk
- Build up a collection of risk-management plans
that you can use on future problems
39Means of Controlling the Most Common Schedule
- Feature creep
- Use customer-oriented practices
- Use incremental development practices
- Control the feature set
- Design for change
- 2. Requirements gold-plating or developer
gold-plating - Scrub requirements
- Timebox development
- Control the feature set
- Use staged delivery
- Use throwaway prototyping
- Design to schedule
40Means of Controlling the Most Common Schedule
Risks (cont.)
- 3. Shortchanged quality
- Allow time for QA activities and pay attention to
quality-assurance fundamentals - 4. Overly optimistic schedules
- Use multiple estimation practices, multiple
estimators and automated estimation tools - Use principled negotiation
- Design to schedule
- Use incremental development practices
- 5. Inadequate design
- Have an explicit design activity and schedule
enough time for design - Hold design inspections
41Means of Controlling the Most Common Schedule
Risks (cont.)
- 6. Silver-bullet syndrome
- Be skeptical of productivity claims
- Set up a software measurement program
- Set up a software tools group
- 7. Research-oriented development
- Dont try to do research and maximize development
speed at the same time - Use a risk-oriented lifecycle
- Manage risks vigilantly
- 8. Weak personnel
- Staffing with top talent
- Recruiting and scheduling key team members long
before project starts - Training
- Team building
42Means of Controlling the Most Common Schedule
Risks (cont.)
- 9. Contractor failure
- Check references
- Assess the contractors ability before hiring it
- Actively manage the relationships with the
contractor - 10. Friction between developers and customers
- Use customer-oriented practices
43Risk Control (cont.)
- Risk Monitoring
- Risks come and go as the project progresses so
you need to do risk management - You can create a Top-10 list of risks for your
project - This list can contain each risks
- Current rank
- Its previous rank
- The number of times its been on the list
- A summary of steps taken to resolve the risk
- On a rapid-development project, the project
manager should review the Top-10 list weekly
44Example of a Top-10 Risks List
- This Last Weeks Risk
Resolution - Week Week on List
Progress - 1 1 5
Feature creep Staged -
adopted -
- 2 5 5 Inadequate
design Identification and - selection of expert
reviewers - 3 2 4 Test lead not on
Top candidate has - board yet been offered job
45Risk Control (cont.)
- Interim Postmortems
- A fast track project should also include
postmortems conducted throughout the project - Many project managers wait until the end to do a
postmortem, which helps with the next project but
doesnt do much for your current project - For maximum effectiveness conduct a small-scale
postmortem after you complete each major milestone
46Risk Control (cont.)
- Risk Officer
- Some organizations appoint a risk officer to be
alert to risks to the project and keep managers
and developers from ignoring them - Helpful to have a person to play devils
advocate to look for all of the reasons the
project may fail - May be a full time or part time position
- For psychological reasons shouldnt be the
project manager
47Risk, High Risk, and Gambling
- For purposes of rapid development, some projects
are risks, some are high risks and some are
gambles - High risk and rapid development make a less
compatible combination as risks tend to extend
development schedules - Many projects require you to commit to an
ambitious development schedule even when the
project involves many risks - With two or three high-risk areas, even your best
schedule projections will be nearly meaningless - At the extreme end of the risk scale, some
projects are scheduled so aggressively, they
become out-and-out gambles they are more like
the purchase of a lottery ticket than a
calculated business decision!
48Risks and Rapid Development
- About one-third of all projects have an
impossible combination of schedules, feature sets
and resources dictated to them before they even
start - Not much incentive for risk management in such
cases when the project starts off with a 100
chance of failure! - With no chance of meeting their schedules it
becomes rational to gamble on 1000-1 long shots
such as the code-and-fix development strategy - Such projects, which know they need maximum
development speed, ironically become the projects
that are most likely to throw effective, proven
speed-oriented practices out of the window