Title: Physics 211 Lecture 4: General 1Dimensional Motion
1Physics 211 Lecture 4 General 1-Dimensional
General Kinematic Equations
- General (most complicated) Case a a(t)
- Examples of a a(t)
- Exponential
- Sinusoindal
- Polynomial
2General Kinematic Equations (continued)
- Integrate to obtain velocity v ?a(t)dt
- Exponential
- Sinusoindal
- Polynomial
3General Kinematic Equations (continued again)
- Integrate again to obtain position x ?v(t)dt
- Exponential
- Sinusoindal
- Polynomial
4Constant Acceleration Kinematic Equations
- Replace a a(t) with a constant as shown
above. - Acceleration a C
- Velocity (integrate)
- Position (integrate again)
- What about free fall? Use a -g where g9.8m/s2
5Constant Acceleration defining average velocity
Note see book, page 36
Average Velocity - Mathematically
Average Velocity - Graphically
6Constant acceleration - Velocity as a Function of
Position rather than time
Note see book, page 36
Start with
Substitute eq. for t back into vel eq.
Determine t as a function of position Find
equation for t in terms of position
Use quadratic equation to solve for t
Eliminate square root
7Example Ch2 22 745i BMW at 60mi/h stops in
121ft and at 80mi/h in stops in 211 ft. Find
average acceleration in a) 60mi/h case b) 80mi/h
case c) 80mi/hr to 60mi/h. Answer each in units
of mi/h/s and m/s2.
8Example Ch2 37Ball at rest accelerates at
0.5m/s2 down a 9m inclined plane. Next, ball
rolls up a 15m inclined plane to come to rest.
Find a) ball speed at bottom b) time to reach
bottom c)acceleration on second plane d) speed at
8m along second plane.
9Questions for Groups
- 2.12 Can eqs 2.9-2.13 be used if
- accel varies in time?
- a0?
- 2.14/15 One ball is thrown up at speed vi and
another down with the same speed. - Compare their accelerations while in the air
- Compare their velocities when they hit the ground
- 2.17 Ball dropped from window hits ground with
speed v. Now drop again but with another ball
thrown upwards simultaneously at that speed v.
Do the balls pass each other at, above, or below
the half way point? Why?