Title: ENSO Teleconnections SLPNDJ
1Assessment of Variability in CCSM 2.0 Control
Phenomenom Good G/F Fair Poor Stationa
ry Waves X PNA/NAO X Reemergence
X ENSO Teleconnections X Subduction
X Indian Ocean Variability
X Extratropical Clouds SST
X SLP X Asian Monsoon Mean X ENSO
Link X MJO X Diurnal
Cycle Sfc T X SLP
X Convection X
2Correlation between Low Cloud and SST JJA
CCSM2 (0191-0410)
Observed (1952-1996)
colors local correlation (every 20) contours
climatological cloud cover (every 10 )
3ENSO TeleconnectionsSLP(NDJ) SST(FMA)
Regressed on Niño Index (NDJ)
4Annual Temperature Anomalies at 500 m Depth
5Active Participation in Model Evaluation
- Workshops
- Joint with other working groups
- On a specific science topic
- With other modeling centers (e.g. GFDL)
- With other organizations/programs (e.g. CLIVAR)
- Diagnostics
- Focus on coupled processes and errors
- Generate large suite of climate variability
diagnostics - Post diagnostics to the web