Title: Applications 201
1Applications 201
- Internet2 Fall Member Meeting
- 2004 September
2Tutorial Overview
- General Introduction and Goals for Applications
Efforts - Applications via Program Managers and Their
Communities - Sciences Engineering Arts Humanities Health
Sciences Voice and Integrated Communications
Internet2 Commons and Collaborative Tools Loaner
Equipment and Demos Communications - QA period
3Internet2 Mission
- Develop and deploy advanced network applications
and technologies for research and education,
accelerating the creation of tomorrows Internet.
4Internet2 Applications
- What are Internet2 applications?
- They deliver qualitative and quantitative
improvements in how we conduct research and
engage in teaching and learning - They require advanced networks to work
5Application Attributes
- Interactive collaboration
- Real-time access to remote resources
- Large-scale, multi-site computation and data
mining - Shared virtual reality
- Any combination of the above
6Application Goals
- Collaborate with discipline communities and
organizations, and address the critical (and
unique) needs of research communities - Support strategic demonstrations in order to
demonstrate the value of advanced networking and
facilitate member collaborations - Scout for and engage innovative applications
under development, so that the Internet2
community can maintain openness to innovation at
the edge - Move maturing applications to production status
in order to promote the large-scale adoption of
common applications
7Knowledge Sharing
- Internet2 acts as a clearinghouse to help
distribute information through the community - Technical meetings
- Virtual presentations
- Technical support
- Software tools (monitoring, diagnostic)
- Loaner hardware
- Access to expertise (working groups)
- Event planning and organization
- Coordinating meeting spaces and logistics
- Providing information distribution and support
(e.g., website and content creation for working
8Apps Working Groups, Advisory Groups, SIGs, and
- Health Sciences
- Veterinary Medicine
- Arts Humanities
- Arts Performance
- High Energy and Nuclear Physics
- Geospatial Apps
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Voice over IP
- Digital Video
- Videoconferencing
- ResearchChannel
- Network Storage
- Presence Integrated Comm.
9Applications Strategy Council
- David Lassner, Univ of Hawaii (chair)
- Jacqueline Brown, Univ of Washington
- Bill Decker, Univ of Iowa
- Parvati Dev, Stanford
- Mark Ellisman, UCSD
- Vijay Kumar, MIT
- Clifford Lynch, CNI
- Homer Neal, Univ of Michigan
- Harvey Newman, Caltech
- George Thoma, NIH
- Joel Tohline, LSU
- Egon Verharen, SURFnet
- Glenn Wheless, ODU
10Major Activity Areas
- Technology evaluation and advocacy
- Advanced applications deployment
- Installing storage servers (with Tennessee), VRVS
videoconferencing servers (with Caltech), Access
Grid deployment assistance - Prototyping
- Demonstrations
- Meetings
- Virtual Briefings (now on-request)
- Flyers, testimonials, web site
- Campus presentations
11Discipline Approach
Broad Outreach Internet2 Days, web site,
application flyers
12Program Managers
- Work with defined communities on integrating
advanced technologies that support the discipline - How we can help
- Connect you with Internet2 resources and with
people doing similar work - Help learn from other projects
- Watch for trends
- What we do not do
- Run your Internet2 project
- Lay wires, code applications, etc.
13Science and Engineering
- Russ Hobby T. Charles Yun
- Program Managers for Science
- and Engineering
14Science and Engineering
- Program managers are one channel through which
communities can interact with Internet2 and the
broader Internet2 community - Our backgrounds are different and we provide
views into different portions of the world - Middleware
- End to End Performance
- Engineering (network)
- Security
15Application Communities
- Progress is driven by those who see ways in which
advanced networking technologies can benefit
their research communities - Internet2 has worked with a variety of
communities over time. One way to organize is by
our history of interaction with these groups - Mature
- Developing
- Nascent
- Even more nascent
16Four Slides in One!
17Community Interaction (1 of 3)
18Community Interaction (2 of 3)
19Community Interaction (3 of 3)
20High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HENP)
- Physics has traditionally been one of the power
users of all networks - Physicists are generating Terabytes of data
(1,000,000,000,000 or 1x1012) per experiment from
the CERN lab in Switzerland - Types of network usage
- Bulk data transfers that are extremely resistant
to data loss. - VRVS expects multicast and low-latency/jitter
networks for effective video conferencing
As a mature community, we learn as much from the
HENP community as they do from us (it could be
argued that we are the students).
- Astronomers collect data about a star from many
different earth based antennae and send the data
to a specialized computer for analysis on a 24x7
basis. - VLBI is not as concerned with data loss as they
are with long term stability. - The end goal is to send data at 1Gb/s from over
20 antennae that are located around the globe.
Internet2 works closely with the VLBI researchers
and assists where we can. We are the teachers,
but probably not for long.
22NEON and Earthscope
- Boath in the early stages of their development
- Their research goals and science plan is fairly
well understood. - Using advanced networks to connect researchers,
data and sensors is assumed. - The specific ways in which advanced networking
will be integrated into their project still needs
to be investigated. - As a new group in the Internet2 community, the
Program Managers are identifying areas in which
advanced networking experience can be used to
further their research
23A New Community Games
- There are many examples of communities that might
fall into this category. One of Internet2s
objectives is to identify technologies, users and
applications that will change the way we look at
the network - Lets use games as an example
- Shared 3D visualizations, persistent world
environments, real time interaction, trusted user
communities, etc.
We are looking for communities that will push
networking research in multiple areas,
particularly areas that will become
- Spidermans Uncle said, with great power comes
great responsibility. Security is a
inter-community, cross-application concern. - Cutting edge applications are often
indistinguishable from security breaches. - Implementing systems to support advanced
applications while addressing security is a
requirement for all future applications. - http//security.internet2.edu/
Internet2 has gathered a group called SALSA to
begin looking into the ways in which security and
advanced network applications can coexist
25More Info
- Russ Hobbyrdhobby_at_internet2.edu530.752.0236
- T. Charles Yuntcyun_at_internet2.edu734.352.4960
- science.internet2.edu
26Arts Humanities Initiatives
Ann DoyleProgram Manager for Arts and Humanities
27Master Classes
- Columbia University Manhattan School of Music
- Cleveland Institute of Music New World Symphony
- Curtis Institute of Music University of Michigan
- Eastman School of Music University of Oklahoma
- Florida State University Wayne State University
- Indiana University
28New World Symphony
photo by R. Andrew Lepley
29Columbia University, Manhattan School of Music
and CANARIE Inc.
30WSU/FSU Telematic Dance Coaching Session
- Internet2 advanced networking technologies
applied to distance learning for dance - Enabling schools to collaborate and share
resources - Providing students with access to experts
31Live Performance
32Cultivating Communities Dance in the Digital Age
Case Western Reserve and
Cleveland Institute of Music
The Bing Theater, University of Southern
California, Oct 2002
33Transcontinental Poetry ReadingA Tribute to
Kenneth Koch
- Live transcontinental reading of Kenneth Koch's
"Twenty Poems" - Seven Internet2 campuses provided
Poet Anne Waldman
Virtual Event, April 2003
34Other Innovative Efforts in Live Performance
- Adapt collaborative dance project
- University of Utah
- Ohio State University
- Arizona State University
- University of California, Irvine
- Florida State University
- Digital Radio programming
- University of South Florida
- University of Washington
- Screen writers course
- Bradley University
- California State University, Los Angeles
35Advisory and Working Groups
36Performance Archive and Retrieval
- A working group jointly sponsored by
- Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
- Internet2
- Designed to propose standards and best practices
for documenting, archiving, and retrieving the
recordings of performances such as live theatre,
musical compositions, and dance
37Performance Archive and Retrieval Working Group
- Produced two white papers
- Capturing Live Performance Events
pdf - Digital Asset Management
- arts.internet2.edu/files/digital-asset-management
(v09).pdf) - (compiled, edited and authorship contributions by
University of Michigan intern, Leilani Dawson)
38Internet2 Performance Arts Advisory Committee
- Assist in the planning for innovative uses of
advanced networking in the performing arts that
- Highlight the gifts of performers and artists
from our member institutions - Highlight capabilities of Internet2
technology-enabled performances - Create best practices guides
39Humanities Advisory Group
Assist in the planning for innovative uses of
advanced networking in the humanities that
- Enable research and education in the areas of
museum education, language learning technologies,
forensic debates, and history - Focus on current activities and future ones that
might be enhanced by advanced networking
40New Communities
- Museum Community
- Foreign Language Instruction
- Archaeology
- Architecture
41More Info
- Ann Doyle
- adoyle_at_internet2.edu
- 734.352.7011
- arts.internet2.edu
42Voice and Integrated Communications
- Ben Teitelbaum
- Program Manager for Voice and Integrated
43Internet2's Secret Sauce
- Demographics
- 3.8 million students (tech-savvy, talk a lot,
adapt easily) - And, by the way, they graduate (tech-transfer à
la email) - Institutional Commitments
- Internet2 members have committed to advance IP
communications and promote collaborative apps - Many are looking for ways to reverse eroding
voice revenues - Connectivity
- Great networking connectivity
- High-bandwidth, low-loss, low-jitter
- End-to-end transparency (few NATs)
- IPv6 and multicast too!
- Emerging middleware infrastructure for AuthN/Z
- Need to build on this to connect users with each
44Religious Principles
- Voice is strategic
- Integrate / leverage campus IT assets
- Metcalfe's Law
- Paths in the Snow
- Connect the users
- Follow the paths in the snow
- New value and business models will follow
45Today Connectivity Through 3rd Parties, Campus
Islands, and PSTN
3rd Party Matchmakers(Skype, AIM, YIM, MSN)
high-performance, end-to-end IP transit
46Evolving Architecture for RTC
P2PTrust / Policy / Encryption
Rich PresenceServices
Auth N/Z
Auth N/Z
Damping Middleware
Call Routing
Call Routing
Connective Middleware
Campus-to-CampusTrust / Policy / Encryption
high-performance, end-to-end IP transit
47VoIP Working Group
- Web Site
- http//voip.internet2.edu/
- Chairs
- Walt Magnussen, Texas AM University
wmagnussen_at_ppfs4.tamu.edu - Mike Enyeart, Indiana Universityenyeart_at_indiana.e
du - Program Manager
- Ben Teitelbaum, Internet2ben_at_internet2.edu
48VoIP WG Charter
- Umbrella for a variety projects
- Develop and deploy advanced voice communications.
- Understand the implications of network
convergence - Improve the scalability, survivability, and
functional richness of voice communications
49VoIP WG Accomplishments
- Workshops
- VoIP Workshop, September 2004, Austin, TX!!
- VoIP Workshop, October 2003, Indianapolis, IN
- VoIP Workshop, April 2002, College Station, TX
- Projects
- Emergency Communications (i.e. I911)
- SIP.edu
- Voice Disaster Recovery
- H.323 VoIP Testbed
- 20 sites peered through H.323 gatekeepers
- Concluded (but continuing peering relationships)
50Internet2 Test and Evaluation Centers (ITECs)
- Provide testing and evaluation services
- Texas AM ITEC
- http//itec.tamu.edu/
- VoIP interop, security, emergency services
- Contact Walt Magnussen ltwmagnussen_at_ppfs4.tamu.ed
ugt - North Carolina ITEC
- http//www.nc-itec.org/
- Abilene backbone engineerings, IPv6, multicast,
VoIP - Contact John Streck ltjps_at_ncstate.edugt
- Web Site
- http//voip.internet2.edu/SIP.edu/
- Project Leader
- Dennis Baron, MITemail, sip dbaron_at_mit.edu
- Organization
- Currently a VoIP WG project
- Evolving as SIP.edu community builds
52SIP.edu Architecture (today)
SIP User Agent
IP Voice
DNS SRV query sip.udp.bigu.edu
sip.udp.bigu.edu IN SRV ...
TDM Voice
telephoneNumberwhere mailbob
Bob's Phone
53SIP.edu Architecture (real soon)
SIP User Agent
IP Voice, Video, IM, ...
INVITE (sipbob_at_bigu.edu)
DNS SRV query sip.udp.bigu.edu
INVITE (sipbob_at_207.75.164.131)
Bob's SIP Phones
54SIP.edu Growth
- Cisco and Avaya partnerships
- gt8 other schools coming soon
55Presence and Integrated Communications WG (PIC)
- Web Site
- http//pic.internet2.edu/
- Chair
- Jeremy George, Yale Universityemail, im, sip
56Presence and Integrated Communications
- Presence
- Notification of events that facilitate
communication (Henning Schulzrinne) - On-line, Away, Idle, On phone, Out to
lunch, ... - Back to the future?
- Remember finger, write, who?
- Presence restores the sense of community that
existed on timesharing systems - Forward to the future!
- New standards for interoperability and
scalability - User-centric control of presence publication
- Richer state semantics and automatic triggers
57Rich Presence Trials
- Using Internet2 meetings to prototype advanced
campus services - Advanced WiFi infrastructure (location service)
- Advanced middleware infrastructure (SIP/SIMPLE
presence agent / location server) - Advanced real time communications services
- Highly-participatory
- Enthusiastic attendees
- Distributed trial-dev team
- Columbia IRT Lab, HP Labs Cambridge, University
of Pennsylvania, Ford Motor Company, Microsoft,
58Rich Presence Enabled Clients
- WaveThree and Columbia clients (Session, SIPC)
- Others welcome! (client requirements doc on web)
59Client Locations (Map View)
- IP addresses and SIP registry used to map SIP
URIs - Very useful for finding rogue APs too
60Health Sciences
- Michael McGill
- Consultant to Internet2
- for Health Sciences
61Healthcare in the Information Age
62The scope of the Internet2 Health Science
Workgroup includes clinical practice, medical and
related biological research, education, and
medical awareness in the public.
63Key Health Science Members
- 86 Academic Medical Centers (AAMC)
- 130 Health Science related colleges
- Public Health, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy
- Affiliate Members
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Pharmaceutical Companies (Big Rx)
- JohnsonJohnson, Pfizer, Eli Lilly
- TeleHealth
- Prous Science, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, SUN,
Polycom, Ford Motor Company
64Health Sciences Initiative
- Health Science Advisory Group
- Working Groups/SIG/BoF
- Medical Professional .Org
- Driven by the needs of the medical discipline
- Information
- Computation
- Engineering
- Technology
Stanford UCSD
65CLINICAL Why Physicians Participate in Internet2
- Extend the provision of better healthcare
- TeleHealth (eHealth)
- National Tumor Board
- Develop Clinical Skills and Assessment (AAMC
partnership) - Distributed data sharing
- Electronic Health Record
- Presence and Integrated Communications (VoIP,
RFID) - Advanced visualization Computer Assisted Surgery
- Computer Aided Diagnosis
- Collaboration independent of boundaries
- Geography Second Opinion Networks
- Time Learning Technology (Distance Education)
- Computation Knowledge Management
66Educators Why Faculty Participate in Internet2
- Rich resources from student endpoints to
centralized powerful computation and large
storage - Students absorb multiple channels of information
Dynamic charts
Second screen
Communal note taking
Slide courtesy Parvati Dev, Stanford University
67ResearchersWhy Scientists Participate in
- Internet2 doesn't only save time, it allows
interactivity in places where that was not
possible before. I'd call it a quantum leap, if
I didn't know that physics defines that as the
smallest change a system is capable of...
Timothy Poston, Bangladesh
68Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN)
Funded by NCRR/NIH Mark Ellisman, PhD,Univ.
California San Diego, SDSC www.nbirn.net
Slide courtesy of Arthur Toga (UCLA)
70Time Needed to Move Brain Images Across the
Voxel size 1 mmImaging Technology Current
color MRIData generated 4.5 Megabytes
643 seconds
56 Kbps Modem
36 seconds
Broadband Internet
0.4 seconds
Typical LAN
0.006 seconds
Current Internet2 Record (5.6 Gbps)
71Time Needed to Move Brain Images Across the
Voxel size 1 µmImaging Technology Near-future
color fMRIData generated 4.5 Petabytes
1,062,925.17 weeks
56 Kbps Modem
59,523.8 weeks
Broadband Internet
181.7 weeks
Typical LAN
10.6 weeks
Current Internet2 Record (5.6 Gbps)
72NHII Vision
73NIH Roadmap nihroadmap.nih.gov
- What are todays most pressing scientific
challenges? - What are the roadblocks to progress and what must
be done to overcome them? - Which efforts are beyond the mandate of one or a
fewbut are the responsibility of (NIH as) a
E. Zerhouni, M.D.Director, National Institutes
of Health
74NIH Roadmap Implementation Themes
- New Pathways to Discovery
- Research Teams of the Future
- Reengineering Clinical Research Enterprise
- National Electronic Clinical Trials and Research
Network (NECTAR)
75Health Science Grand Challenge
----Atomgt (1m) (10-3m)
(10-6m) (10-9m) (10-12m) (10-15m)
models Continuum models (PDEs) ODEs
Stochastic models Pathway models Gene
Courtesy Peter Hunter, University of Auckland
76Remote, Real-time Simulation for Teaching Human
Anatomy and Surgery
- Demonstrate remote, real-time teaching of human
anatomy and surgery - Deliver real-time simulation and visualization
technologies - Network-based architecture will allow for
multiple high-resolution stereo-graphic displays
and haptic devices
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA
77Surgical Planning
- Pipelines for Morphometric Analysis
- Surgical Planning
- Interoperative segmentation
- Brain atlas
- fMRI
Funded by NCRR/NIH Ron Kikinis, M.D., Steve
Pieper, Ph.D., Simon Warfield, Ph.D. Brigham and
Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School
78TelemammographyNational Digital Mammography
- Storage and retrieval of complete clinical
record - Mammographic images
- Radiology images (DICOM)
- Pathology reports and related patient information
- Standard formats using standard protocols
- Multi-layered security
- Input and retrieval from multiple locations
- Measurement Criteria Saving lives!
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Y12
National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Oak
Ridge, TN University of Chicago, Chicago,
IL University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC University of Toronto, Toronto,
79Research Team of the FutureCancer Biomedical
Informatics Grid
- Global Cancer Research Community
- Grid deployment to Cancer Centers
- Bioinformatics infrastructure
- Public data sources
Funded by NCI/NIH http//cabig.nci.nih.gov/ Dav
id States, MD, PhD
- Cancer Microarray Database containing close to 50
million datapoints - Data mining tools to efficiently query genes and
datasets of interest - Meta-analyze groups of studies
http// Funded by Univ
of Michigan Pathology, Pew Scholars Program,
American Cancer Society, and V Foundation Arul
M. Chinnaiyan, MD, PhD
81Center for Biologic Nanotechnology
- Bring together the multiple disciplines to
develop nanotechnology from conception to human
trials. - Nanotechnology will impact communications,
information storage, materials sciences and other
non-biologic applications offering limitless
opportunities for miniaturization.
http//nano.med.umich.edu/ Funded by NIH, DOE,
NSF, DARPA James Baker, MD
82The GAP Translational Research
Discipline Community
CS, Math, CSE
Network of Research
Discipline Community
CS, Math, CSE
Healthcare Life Sciences
83(No Transcript)
84The Internet2 Commons 201
- Facts, figures and fantasies
- Jonathan Tyman
85The Internet2 Commons
- Jonathan Tyman
- Tyman_at_internet2.edu
- Cheryl Munn-Fremon
- John Krienke
- OSU/OARnet
- Bob Dixon
- Megan Troyer
- Gabe Moulton
- Commons Management Team
86The Internet2 Commons Mission
- Promote and facilitate remote collaboration
throughout the Internet2 research and education
community by means of innovative and integrated,
standards-based Internet technologies. - Build on useful technologies to create
collaboration services that are reliable,
sustainable, scalable.
87The Internet2 Commons Videoconferencing
- Goals
- Accelerate adoption of Remote Collaboration
- Respond to member input
- Promote open-standards
- Make it reliable, sustainable, scalable
The mission of the Internet2 Commons is to
promote and facilitate remote collaboration
throughout the Internet2 research and education
community by means of standards-based, integrated
Internet technologies.
- Make it EASY for the user
- Train 100s of site coordinators
- Make it all workfor 10cents/port minute
88H.323 Multipoint Videoconferencing
- Commons H.323 service offers
- mature technology, accepted standards, multiple
vendors, installed base - Advanced features in multiple MCUs
- Ad hoc/scheduled conferencing
- Streaming/archiving of conference
- Display options galore
- Firewall traversal
- Diagnostic tools, and
- Help! when you need itand before.
89Communities and Technologies VRVS
91Communities and Technologies Access Grid
Access Grid
sense of common place
92Communities and Technologies Access Grid
- Access Grid sharing spaces
93Communities and Technologies MPEG2
- Quality Videoconferencing
- Low latency
- Mature
- Free clients
- P2P or
- Multicast
- Michael Tilson Thomas, NWS - Ann Doyle
- photo by R. Andrew Lepley
94(No Transcript)
95Complexity? No problem
- Susan Topol
- Publications Manager
97Types of Communications
- Apps website apps.internet2.edu
- Printed Infosheets
- Email newsletters
98(No Transcript)
99Weekly Showcases
- InfoKit provides a complete collection of
Internet2 information resources, including
infosheets, network maps, FAQs, PowerPoint
presentations, and the member list. - www.internet2.edu/info/infokit.html
102Join Our Mailing List!
- Join our apps_at_internet2.edu mailing list and
receive our monthly newsletter and announcements
by sending a request to apps-newsletter_at_internet2.
103Contact Us
- Feature your application, event, researchers,
awards, etc. on our website - Send us your ideas for publications
- Tell us what types of communications are most
useful to you
104More Info
- Susan Topol
- stopol_at_internet2.edu
- 734.352.7007
- apps.internet2.edu
105Loaner Equipment Advanced Application Demos
- Chris Goosman
- Applications Technician
106Loaner Equipment
- One PIG (Personal Interface to the Grid, smaller
version of the Access Grid Node) - 4 Camera/video inputs, 2 VGA outputs
- Four VBrick 6200 MPEG-2 units
- Four Internet2 Cakebox units (network monitoring
boxes) - Two NCast Telepresenter units
- Two DVIP (Digital Video over IP) units (small PC
with Fujitsu DVIP cards)
107Loan Process
- Complete online form to request equipment
- http//apps.internet2.edu/request-form.html
- University borrowing the equipment pays for all
shipping expenses - Equipment is covered under Internet2 insurance
policy for shipping to and from your location
- Limited technical support
- Most equipment can be preconfigured, or
assistance with initial configuration and
109Demos Purpose and Kind
- Demonstrate the value of advanced networking and
facilitate member collaborations - Scientific applications such as e-VLBI
- Health science applications such as remote
surgery - Performance events
- Streaming video applications
110Demos Where and How
- Member Meetings
- Watch for the Fall Meeting Call for Demos in May!
- Internet2 Days
- Demos at the Broadband Summit, Tuesday, April 20,
500-700pm, Reagan International Trade Center
111More Info
- Chris Goosman
- goose_at_internet2.edu
- 734.352.4991
- apps.internet2.edu/roadshows.html
112Internet2 Days
Ann Doyle Program Manager for Membership
113Internet2 Days
- Campus-based events that demonstrate the
potential of advanced networks - Build interest among faculty and staff at member
institutions for advanced network activities
114Internet2 Days
- Half or full day events
- Internet2 provides presenters, equipment,
communications, and planning resources - See Hosting an Internet2 Day
- apps.internet2.edu/host-Internet2-day.html
115National Internet2 Day
- Day-long virtual event held on March 18
- Generate awareness of Internet2 capabilities to
member institutions - Over 25 speakers
- 38 participating institutions held simultaneous
local events - Over 1000 viewers
- Planned again for early March 2005
- events.internet2.edu/2004/Internet2Day/
116More Info
- Marianne Smith
- melser_at_internet2.edu
- 734.352.4976
- apps.internet2.edu/Internet2-Days.html
117More information
- Laurie Burnslburns_at_internet2.edu
- 734.913.4251
- apps.internet2.edu
118(No Transcript)