Title: The Norwegian Governments White Paper on Research
1The Norwegian GovernmentsWhite Paper on Research
- Some implications for high performance computing
- PÃ¥l Gretland, Assistant Director General
- Ministry of Trade and Industry
- NOTUR 2005, Trondheim, 30 May 2005
2New White Paper on research Commitment to
- Norway is to become a leading research nation
- Total RD expenses 3 of GDP by 2010, of which 1
from public sources - The fund for research and innovation to reach NOK
50 bill. by January 2006
3A need to increase private RD -expenditure
4Growth in all areas but uneven
- Active participation in the EU framework
programmes and other European research
cooperation - Gradual opening of national programmes
- Bilateral cooperation North-America, China and
Japan - Norway as an attractive host nation for research
- Facilitate immigration procedures for researchers
and their families - Stronger emphasis on research in the development
aid policy
7BASIC RESEARCH (with emphasis on research
quality and math and sciences)
- More funds to independent research
- Strengthen professional research management
- One model for financing universities and colleges
- Expand existing schemes to improve quality
(Centres of Excellence and Outstanding Young
Investigators) - Special emphasis on math and the natural sciences
- New model for private financing of basic research
- An attractive research career
- A more knowledge intensive industry through
- Centres for research-based innovation
- Strengthening of user-initiated research
- Strengthening of schemes concerning industry
development contracts - Industry PhD
- Regional innovation centres
- Strengthening of commercialisation
- Strengthening of Norwegian enterprises
participation in EU and EUREKA
9- Exploit national assets
- Meet the need for knowledge in central areas
- Further develop existing priorities
- Create synergies
- Involve stakeholders in the process ahead
10- Sciences which develop fast
- Generic technologies broad fields of use
- Take part in the global production of knowledge
- Build on and develop national niches
11Private expenditures on basic research goals
and methods
- There are few private donations for research in
Norway - Engage more stakeholders in basic research
- Encourage alternative and bold financing of
research - Contribute to a increase in the total RD
expenditures - New model donations of more than NOK 5 mill. to
universities, the Research Council of Norway or
the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter
trigger an additional 25 from public sources
12An attractive research career
- Continued growth in number of PhD scholarships
- Research schools
- More post-doc positions
- Junior professorships
- Additional funding of EU scholars
- RCN-scheme to cover smaller funding needs
13Whats in it for high performance computing?
Total RD expenses 3 of GDP by 2010, of which 1
from public sources Filling the Maths and
Sciences Gap The ICT Technology area The
Basic Research and other priorities
BASIC RESEARCH (with emphasis on research
quality and math and sciences)
14Commitment to research