Title: - Search Manager!
1- Search Manager!
Bringing Technology to your Search Rescue
Training Module 2
- Creating and Managing a Mission
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2Creating a Mission- creating a new mission
1. Click the New (blank-page) icon to create a
new mission
2. Enter mission information
4. Click OK
3. Enter the Operational Period Number
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3Creating a Mission - using the Quick Start Wizard
Note The Default Communications Plan will be
loaded here the first time the Mission
Communications Plan is opened
1. Click the Mission button to create (or open)
a mission
2. Complete a Missing Person Questionnaire (if
Tip use this check-box to quickly load all the
pre-stored Default Trails
3. Complete a Mission Communications Plan
4. Check-In Personnel
Tip use thischeck-box to quickly load all the
pre-stored Default Search Areas
5. Prepare a list of Mission Trails
7. Create a list of Assignments (Operations Plan)
8. Log the missions Communications
6. Prepare a list of Mission Search Areas
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4Creating a Mission - Preparing a Communications
Note Call Signs, Channel IDs and Frequencies
will appear in the Comms. Log
1. Open Communications Plan from the Logistics
2. Enter/Edit Comms. information
5. Check - Active records will appear in Comms.
3. Edit BASE to whatever default Call-Sign name
you wish to use
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5Creating a Mission - completing aMissing Person
Note Point Last Seen (PLS) is important
1. Click new (blankpage) button to create each
new Missing Person Record
Police File from Mission info. form will appear
2. Enter missing person(s) details on each tab
3. Enter information for each Kin and Informant
(if available)
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6Creating a Mission - Check-In Personnel
1. Click the Check-In button to check-in each
The checked-In person appears in the table
4. Select the Role of the person
2. Select a person from the Personnel Table
3. or enter a new person
Summary Personnel, Affiliation and Role data are
automatically displayed
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7Creating a Mission - create Mission Search Areas
(required date for Search Priority and Updated
POA calculations)
4. Enter Consensus POAs for this Mission Search
3. Enter Access Hour and Exit Hours to/from
Mission Search Area
1. Click new (blank-page) button to create each
new Mission Search Area
2. Enter name of MissionSearch Area
(Use Segment if you need to divide the
MissionSearch Area into smaller area segments)
5. Enter description and length of each baseline
(required for grid-search calculations)
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8Creating a Mission - create Mission Trails
4. Enter the Access Hour and Exit Hours to / from
the Mission Trail
1. Click new (blank-page) button to create each
new Mission Trail
3. Enter Direction of Travel, Conditions and
Length of the trail
5. Enter the Task Hours - the time required to
travel the trail
2. Enter name of the MissionTrail
(required data for Search Priority calculations)
6. Enter Consensus POAs for this Mission Trail
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9Creating a Mission - create Assignments
4. Edit the Assignment Name as required
1. Click new (blank-page) button to create each
new Assignment
10. Select the assignments Status
2. Select the Assignment Type
9. Add Call Signs and select Channel IDs
6. Enter the Task Hours - the time required to
complete the assignment
3. For Area or Trail assignments Select a listed
Mission Area or Mission Trail
7. Enter the expected POD (for area searches)
5. Enter the Details of the assignment
(required data for Search Priority calculations)
8. Enter the Number of Persons required for the
11. Save the data then go to the Personnel
Comments page
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10Creating a Mission - add assignment personnel
5. Change the assignments Status from
Unassigned to Assigned
1. Click Add button to add each new person to
the assignment
3. Select individual call-signs (if required)
(Call-signs created in the Assignment Form will
appear in this list)
2. Describe the Role of each person
4. Add assignment comments (if required)
Note This information will be displayed in the
Communications Log
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11Creating a Mission - open Communications Log
(Click here to start the Interval Timer)
1. Click on the From button of the selected
call sign
2. Click on the To button of the selected call
Communications Plan call signs appear here
Assignment call signs appear here
3. Enter the Dialogue
(Any clues entered will also be recorded in the
Assignment Debrief Form)
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