Title: Analyzing Attendance using WVEIS and Excel
1Analyzing Attendanceusing WVEISand Excel
- Glenn Sweet
- Attendance Director
- Barbour County Schools
2Originally this was Sufficient
3What Changed
- A New Board of Education
- A New Superintendent
- A Chart From Monroe County
- A Challenge Indeed
4The Chart Looked Like This!
5Where To Start
- I Called Maury in Monroe County
- Maury Ran Several WVEIS Reports
- Then He Counted Kids and Put it Into Excel
- Then I Called Susan Harker at RESA VII
- Please Create a Query to Download into Excel
- Then I Talked to A Barbour County Excel Guru
- Please Create a Spread Sheet Using Given Data
6So What Happened?
- Maury had a One Month Warning to Meet the
Challenge. - I was Given a Six Month Warning.
- I Believed That The Data Could Be Manipulated.
- I Recruited the Right People.
7Susans Work
8Susans Work
9Susans WorkSteps 1 2
10Susans Work
- Steps 3 4 Run by Simply Running the Program
- The File is Now Created
11Transfer the Data to Excel
12Transfer the Data to Excel
13Transfer the Data to Excel
14Transfer the Data to Excel
15Transfer the Data to Excel
16Transfer the Data to Excel
17Transfer the Data to Excel
18Transfer the Data to Excel
19Transfer the Data to Excel
20Transfer the Data to Excel
21Transfer the Data to Excel
22Transfer the Data to Excel
23Add Formula to Column ID1F1
24Drag the Formula to the Bottom of the Chart
25Copy This Chart
26Open Attendance ChartYTD Previous Month
27Paste New Chart into Previous
28Save As New Chart
29Sharons Work Automatically is Applied to Each
School Chart
30Low SES
31Special Education
32Ability to Drill Down to Students
33Sort for Easier Identificationof Issues
School Specific
Largest To Smallest
34Focus on Specific Students
By Student ID
35A Principals Exercise
- Principals are Overwhelmed
- They Need Something Easy to Guide Them for
Diagnostics - A Chart Was Developed
36Attendance Workbook
38Glenn J. Sweet Director/Manager Attendance,
Facilities, Technology Barbour County
Schools 105 South Railroad Street Philippi, WV
26416 (304) 457-3030 extension 127 (304) 457-3559
(FAX) Have a 'POSITIVE Day!