Title: Support Model Rollout
1Guidelines for Improving Adoption
David Wilson M.Ed. Regional Manager Global
Service Asia Pacific, Blackboard, Inc. October
2Institutional Challenge Improving Adoption
Common pain point(s) ..
- Institutional adoption appears to have reached a
plateau below the desired levels of adoption of
the institution - Depth of usage seems to have stalled
- Increased adoption can be at the expense of sound
pedagogical practice and student learning
experience - How do we leverage our investment to maximise our
3Institutional Challenge.
How do we..
- Achieve Institutional Wide Adoption
- whilst
- Mapping academic practices to institutional
goals, sound pedagogical learning theory,
evaluation methodologies and industry best
4The Path to a Networked Learning Environment
- Commercial enterprise course management system
- Online courses, organisations, and institutional
services integrated with back-office systems
- A full online school with learning communities
and shared digital content resources
- When any student or teacher can view
instructional content, collaborate with teachers,
evaluate academic performance, and access
learning resources at any time to achieve their
educational objectives.
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase I
5Institutional Adoption - The S curve
Early Adopters
Early Majority
Late Majority
- Ability to cope with a high degree of uncertainty
about innovation - Access to financial resources
- Ability to understand and apply complex technical
- Opinion leadership
- Serve as role models
- Respected by peers
- Require little assistance
- Limited or no opinion leadership
- Often isolated
- Point of reference is in the past
- Innovation decision process is lengthy
- Resources limited
- Interact freq. with peers
- 1/3 of system
- Deliberate before adopting a new idea
- Need to see tangible benefits
- Pressure from peers
- Economic necessity
- Sceptical and cautious
Phase I
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
(Everett Rogers Geoffrey Moore)
6Typical Adoption Pathway
Within each of the adoption categories
individuals typically progress through 5 stages
of adoption
7A Framework Successful Implementation Adoption
Rosenberg (2002) proposed a framework which
utilises Rogers and Moores Innovation of
Adoption theory as the foundation of a successful
online learning strategy
- Step 1 Establish a Common Vision
- Step 2 Build a Community of Champions
- Step 3 Implement Pedagogical Best Practices
Evaluation - Step 4 Effective Professional Development
Mentoring Programs - Step 5 Adopt an effective Change Management
8Step 1 Establish a Common Vision
The implementation of an effective eLearning
strategy requires a shared common vision
- Utilise the Opinion Leadership and Peer
Respect of early adopters to assist in
articulating the institutions vision. - Build a shared vision through collaboration
and consultation across all groups not
just innovators and early adopters -
- Avoid multiple disconnected strategies targeted
at individual pockets within institution
confuses expectations and leads to further
isolation of the late majority / laggards - Respond quickly to address miss conceptions of
Learning Strategic Plan and clearly
articulate expectations to minimise apprehension
and fear of the unknown
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand,
more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in
its success than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things.
9Step 2 Build a Community of Champions
Utilise the Opinion Leadership attributes of
the early adopters to build effective communities
of champions
- Communicate and demonstrate examples of the value
proposition of the institutions eLearning
Strategic Plan - Late Majority and Laggards - Adopt agreed metrics/criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of phased implementation
Rubric(s) - Establish a mechanism for communicating success
stories and examples of best practice to peers
preference on internal vs. external increased
acceptance - Identify areas of greatest resistance and utilise
opinion leadership and respect of early adopter
to embrace the Laggards - Consider implementing internal user groups
schedule show and tell sessions- monitor for
signs of rejection and . -
When faced with the choice between changing
ones mind or proving there is no need to change
almost everyone gets busy on the proof.
(John Kenneth Galbraith)
10Step 3 Implement Pedagogical Best Practices
- Grant MacEwan College in Alberta, in
collaboration with 11 US institutions, identified
the following 9 categories as a framework for
monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of
the pedagogical practices in improving the
teaching and learning experience - Provision of General Information
- Accessibility
- Organization
- Language
- Layout
- Course Content
- Instructional or Learning Strategies and
Opportunities for Practice and Transfer - Learning Resources
- Evaluation
- Source http//www.imd.macewan.ca/imd/content.php?
11Step 4 Effective Faculty Training Mentoring
- Provide functional training programs targeting
the specific tools and functions to be deployed
during early phases of implementation across
institution - Conduct post training micro-workshops
- - Provide on-site or remote on-demand
training (typically at the granular tool level)
to aid in the completion of a desired task. - Target small groups such that faculty can learn
from and support one another post workshop. - Provide tips and tricks to demonstrate both how
to efficiently complete functional tasks - Gain understanding of unique characteristics of
individual faculty in order to be able to deliver
customized assistance that meets their particular
learning style. - Provide access to individual or small group
mentoring/coaching to provide just in time
support - Consider external mentoring/coaching support to
augment internal programs
12Step 5 Effective Change Management Strategy
An effective Change Management Strategy
- Consults and considers the input and concerns of
the stakeholders who will be required to
implement the strategy - Identifies clear goals and the criteria by which
you institution will evaluate success of each
phase Plan Do Check Act - Understands the nature of reluctance to change,
and offer alternative paths to success - Utilises the institutions champions to help
communicate the desired goals and expectations
maintain communication levels throughout
implementation -
- Ensures that the institution has the skills,
support and professional development programs in
place to embrace the challenges that lay ahead of
them - Is implemented at the outset of implementing an
eLearning Strategic Plan not after! -
Its not the strongest of the species who will
survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones
most responsive to change (Charles
13Blackboard Global Services and Partner Support
- Contact Information
- David Wilson, dwilson_at_blackboard.com
- http//www.blackboard.com
14Blackboard Global Services - Supporting a
Successful eLearning Implementation Strategy
- Blackboard and its partners have worked with a
number of clients globally to assist in the
development of a framework for the successful
implementation of their eLearning strategy. - This steps involved in developing a successful
eLearning Strategy involve - Developing and communicating common vision
statement mapping institutional goals to
Global Best practice. - Develop rubric(s) that describe the
pedagogical best practices to enhance
both the teaching and learning experience within
the culture and context of your
individual institution - phased approach. - Establishment of a Program Board to guide and
manage insitutional vision through a
Unified strategy supported by key
15Blackboard Global Services - Supporting a
Successful eLearning Implementation Strategy
- Development of a framework/guidelines for
evaluating the success of your inistutions
eLearning Strategy against appropriate metrics - 5. Providing Input and guidance on the
implementation of your institutions required
change management strategy and/or continuous
improvement model. - 6. Assisting to develop internal support
materials and Training programs to augment
institutional programs focus on micro events. - 7. Engage as trusted partners to provide ad-hoc
guidance and support during the ongoing
implementation of your institutions eLearning
strategy. -
16Global Services Additional Services Support
- E Education Planning
- Implementation planning
- Technical implementation planning
- Operational readiness
- Strategic planning
- Community/Content System Strategies
- System Architecture Design
- Installation
- Load balanced/clustered installation
- High Availability (Oracle RAC)
- Health check
- Performance audit and tuning
- System Integration
- Snapshot integration
- SIS Integration design service
- LDAP configuration
- Custom SSO integration
- Mentoring
- System administration
- Production system mentoring
- Building Blocks/Powerlinks TKT
- Updates/Upgrades/Conversions
- Same platform conversions
- Oracle database update
- Course conversions
17Global Services - Case Studies
- City University Hong Kong
- Singapore Polytechnic
- Nanyang Technological University
- University of Melbourne
- University of Sunshne Coast
- University of Western Sydney / University of
Western Australia
18Reflection Questions
- Contact Information
- David Wilson, dwilson_at_blackboard.com
- http//www.blackboard.com