Title: Earth System Modeling Framework
1Earth System Modeling Framework
ESMF and the Transformation of Earth System
Sylvia Murphymurphys_at_ucar.edu
- What is ESMF?
- Who is Using it?
- How is ESMF Transforming Earth System Modeling?
- Current Development Status
- Future Directions
3What is ESMF?
- ESMF is a software library that consists of
coupling tools and model utilities that increase
modularity, interoperability, and performance of
geoscience applications.
4What models are using ESMF?
Operational Version of the GFS Weather
Forecasting Model
GEOS-5 Atmospheric GCM
HYCOM Ocean ModelCOAMPS Atmospheric
WRF Weather Forecasting Model
ADCIRC Hydrodynamic modelADCIRC-WASH123
58 components are currently using ESMF
5What programs are using ESMF?
NUOPC National Unified Operational Prediction
Capability Consortium (NOAA, Navy, Air Force
Weather Agency)
Has announced intentions to base its next
generation National Weather Prediction (NWP)
system on ESMF
Image from NOAA rapid refresh (RR) model, a
replacement model for the Rapid Update Cycle
(RUC) model.
BEI Battlespace Environments InstituteDeveloping
integrated forecasting systems across DoD.
MAP Modeling and Analysis ProgramFacilitating
research and model use of NASA data
6The Transformation of Earth System Modeling
ESMF is changing
- How models are structured
- How models are developed
- The scale of collaborations
- Governance strategies for developing community
scientific software
7How Models are Structured
- Hierarchical component based architecture
- Interchangeability
- Easy replacement of component elements
- Interoperability
- Swapping component between applications
- Coupling diverse applications
8How Models are Developed
- Large number of components available from across
the community - Develop science components for a well-understood
community architecture and interfaces - Technological advances are propagated quickly
across many applications simultaneously
9The Scale of Community Collaborations
- Collaborations across
- Operational centers (e.g CNMOC, COPC, FNMOC)
- Research centers (e.g. GFDL, NCAR, NASA Goddard)
- Universities (e.g. MIT, University of Hawaii)
- Different domains (weather, climate, space
weather, hydrology)
BEI Battlespace Environment Institute NUOPC
National Unified Operational Prediction
Capability CCSM Community Climate System
Model WRF Weather Research Forecasting
Model MAP Modeling Analysis and Prediction
10Governance strategies for developing community
scientific software
Shared governance model emphasizes
- Distributed, global development
- Direct participation of users in setting
development priorities - Multi-agency management
- Incorporates open-source methodologies into
scientific software development
esmf_jst_at_ucar.edu has 300 subscribers who
participate in ESMF development
11ESMF Release Plan
2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009
ESMF v1 Prototype
ESMF v2 Components, VM and Utils ESMF_GridCompRun(
ESMF v3 Index Space Operations ESMF_ArraySparseMat
ESMF v4 Grid Operations ESMF_GridCreate() ESMF_Fie
ESMFv5 Standardization Build, init, data types,
error handling,
Last public ESMF v2.2.2r
Last internal ESMF v3.0.3
12Current Features (v3.0.3)
- Component-based architecture
- Allows serial or parallel execution
- Components can run concurrently or sequentially
- Single executable support, limited support for
multiple executables - Support for model ensembles
- User friendly uniform, rectilinear, and
curvilinear grid representation - Unstructured and multi-patch grids represented in
index space - Regridding via sparse matrix multiply with user
defined weights - Utilities such as time manager, message logger,
and resource file manager are usable and adding
features - Fortran interfaces and complete documentation,
increasing number of C interfaces - Distributed with Reference Manual, Users Guide,
2500 tests and examples - 2000 downloads
13Current Supported Platforms
- Cray X1
- Cray XT3/4
- HP ZX6000 Linux intel
- IBM Bluegene,
- IBM Opteron Linux pathscale
- IBM Opteron Linux pgi
- MAC G5 Darwin xlf
- MAC G5 Darwin xlfgcc
- MAC G5 Darwin nag
- MAC G5 Darwin absoft
- Pentium III Linux lahey
- Pentium III Linux pgi
- Pentium III Linux pgigcc
- PC Xeon Cluster Linux absoftintel
- PC Xeon Cluster Linux g95
- PC Xeon Cluster Linux intel
- PC Xeon Cluster Linux nagintel
- SGI Altix Linux nagintel
- SGI Origin 3800
ESMF runs 2500 tests on all these platforms every
14Sparse Matrix Multiply Updated
- User supplied weights
- Facilitates the widest possible couplings
- The methods have the following new features
- Improved performance and reduced memory usage
- Support for distributed definition of factors
- Support for user-supplied arbitrary sequence
indices via 1D DistGrid - Support for ESMF_TYPEKIND_I4/I8/R4/R8
- Default initialization of destination Array to
zero (can be overridden)
15New Structured Grids
Image of HYPSE (Hydrostatic Padua Surface
Elevation Model) Dept .of Physics, Univ. of Padua
- Support 1D, 2D, 3D and higher dimensions
- Supports parallelization across any or all grid
dimensions - Supports uniform, rectilinear and curvilinear
16Near Future Structured Grids
- Multi-tile grids (e.g. cube-sphere)
- More efficient memory use for non-curvilinear
grids - Coordinate halo
- A wide variety of different types of connections
between tile edges - Automatic generation of topology and coordinates
for common shapes (e.g. sphere)
Image courtesy Steve Thomas and Rich Loft, NCAR
17Near Future General Regridding
Curl of bilinear interpolant
Exact curl
Curl of patch-recovered interpolant
Work conducted by David Neckels/ESMF in
collaboration with Bill Large of the ocean
modeling section at NCAR.
18Near Future Unstructured Grids
- Uses same infrastructure as general regridding
- Representation for hydrology grids and other
grids - Future basis for exchange grids and observational
data streams
Image of rossby waves on a triangular adaptive
grid (Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and
Meteorological Forecasting)
19Longer Term Interoperability Integration
- Enable groups with compilations of ESMF
components to develop integrated modeling systems - Define standards to increase component
interoperability - Metadata conventions
- Strategies for automation and supplemental tools
(e.g. MAPL)