Title: An Overview of Chemistry and Physics Resources
1An Overview of Chemistry and Physics Resources
- I will use frequently asked questions at the
Reference Desk to present an overview of select
resources that will provide answers to the
patrons questions.
- Infolinks (Key Word Search)
- SciFinder Scholar to access Chemical Abstracts
- Infolinks (Journal name search)
- WorldCat
- Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
3How do I find ?
- Chemistry and Physics
- Books, conference proceedings, theses or
journals. - References to articles in journals, conference
proceedings and patents. - Full-text articles in journals, conference
proceedings and patents.
4How do I find ? Books on quantum optics and
- Search Infolinks. You have two options
- 1. Keyword Search
- Keyword search (quantum optics and photonics)
- Combine two subject terms in a Keyword search
(squantum optics and sphotonics) - 2. Subject search
- quantum optics
- photonics
A Keyword or Word search finds words in titles,
subject headings, notes, publishers,
organizations, conference names, and personal
authors. Use a Word search when you do not know
exact Library of Congress subject headings. Use
connectors (and, or, not) to combine words or to
broaden or narrow your search.
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8Patron looks at the contents and states that he
was really looking for quantum optics and
molecular photonics.
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10Modern nonlinear optics / edited by Myron W.
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12Compare Keyword Search With Subject Search
- Keyword search enables you to combine two or more
key words or subjects. - You can select a subject heading from searching a
record by keyword and search on it. - Retrieves resources with the subject as the focus
of the resource. - A subject search allows only one subject heading
at a time.
13Patron Requests Help with Citation
Patron is looking for the following
reference Shkinev, V. M. Rochev, V. Ya.
Spivakov, B. Ya. Coordination Chemistry.
(English) 1981, 7(8), 1183-9
Patron checked Infolinks and found the Journal of
Coordination Chemistry (Alternate title
Coordination Chemistry) CHEM-PER QD471 .J635
 Patron checked the shelves found that the volume
number and year do not match. He can not find the
article, and comes to the Reference Desk for help.
14Librarian checks Infolinks to confirm patron
information is correct.
15Verify Citation
USE SciFinder Scholar SciFinder Scholar is an
easy-to-use interface to Chemical Abstracts
(1907-) and related databases, including Caplus,
MEDLINE (covers biomedical literature from more
than 3900 journals from 1958 to the present).
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23 Reference in SciFinder
Shkinev, V. M. Rochev, V. Ya. Spivakov, B. Ya.
Kevdin, O. P. Akhmanova, M. V. Zolotov, Yu. A.
Study of the state of organotin extractants in
organic solvents and extracts. Koordinatsionnaya
Khimiya (1981), 7(8), 1183-9. CODEN KOKHDC
ISSN0132-344X. CAN 95176595 AN 1981576595
CAPLUS Checked Infolinks for Koordinatsionnaya
Khimiya INTERNET RESOURCE Â QD474Â online access
from Dec 2000-
24Before sending patron to ILL check CASSI and
WorldCat for holdings and name changes. Science
journals change names frequently.
25CAS Source Index (CASSI)
A three volume set in print at the Reference
Desk. On CD-ROM in Chemistry Library
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28Patron is looking for the 1959 volume of Physical
Review Letters
- Use Infolinks the online catalog to find records
for books, journals, magazines, newspapers,
microforms, electronic resources, audio and video
recordings government documents . - Provides links to full-text electronic journals.
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32What are Physical Constants?
Melting points, boiling points, density reaction
yields, types of crystals formed, and what
solvent a substance dissolves in, are physical
and chemical properties that an undergraduate
student will frequently need to find. This
information can be found in the Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics. There are databases and
hundreds of handbooks that provide data on
organic, organometallic, and inorganic
compounds. Chemists, Physicists, Biologists,
Geologists, Engineers (and any one interested in
science) frequently need to look up data in the
course of their work.
33Some sources of data are handbooks, databases,
journals and internet resources CHEMnetBASE ENG
netBASE Beilstein Landolt Bornstein Journal
of Physical and Chemical Reference Data PHYS-PER
Q199 .J68 (contains data compilations and
critical data reviews). Journal of chemical and
engineering data QD1 .J92 online 1958-
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37- The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics contains
several different tables including - conversion tables for nearly every conceivable
unit of measure - physical properties of thousands of organic and
inorganic compounds, and minerals - chemical bond strength information
- superconductors
- semiconductors
- caloric values of food
- polymers
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