Title: Managing IT Innovations:
1Managing IT Innovations
- The Case of Group Support Systems
2The Case of GSS
- Generally purchased software
- Maintained by IS group, operated by a GSS
organisation - Centralised for the firm, or
- Pilot project, or
- Used by only one department
- Major uses are highly exposed
- Strategic planning with upper management
- Team building across departments or
3GSS (contd.) Challenges
- Almost always used by novices
- Product has high promise, but has not lived up
to it - Stewards are hard to find, as operators are
often not the champions - IS Group role is often merely operational, but
with strong maintenance flavour - Network problems abound
4Application Trends
- A new kind of application
- Strategic to companys plans
- Operated by a group, possibly for gain
- Complex, hw/sw/nw/third-party situation
- Not computation in traditional sense
- Possibly inter company, non-standard
- Has own interest group, multidisciplinary,
5GSS Applications
Brainstorming Nominal Group Topic Commenter Group
Writer Group Outliner Bulletin Board Discussion
Group Idea Organiser Voting (Various) Group
Matrix Multi-Attribute Eval Etc.
Net- work
Meeting Simulator
Participant Stations
6Brainstorming (Nominal Group)
A enters the original comment on the topic
Aaa aaaa aaa aaa
Bbb bbb bbbb bbb
The comment is sent to B, who reads it and adds a
comment to what A has already said
Ccccccc cccc ccccc
The two comments are then sent to C, who reads
both comments and then adds a third comment to
the existing two.
Other sheets have other debates recorded on
7Facility Requirements
- A network
- A number of microcomputers
- Software (generally a package of functions)
- A room, generally bookable
- A booking agency or facility manager
- One or more facilitators, also bookable
- A set of policies
8A GSS Example
- GSS facility of 12 stations running GroupSystems
for Windows. IS Group has only maintenance
function, as well as responsibility for the
network. The day before a meeting, ISG is
notified. However, room and equipment are booked
through another department. Product steward
knows nothing about how the application works
inside and users are almost always executives
with little time to spare for technical problems.
System was built for OD Department. Relations
with steward are very poor!
ISD Role
9Managing GSS
- Expectations
- Procedures
- Activities
- Relations
- Whos in the middle here?
- Is GSS a Typical Product?
Good meetings
Opera- tors
Trouble-free operations
Useful events
Stew- ard
Happy (repeat) customer
Ven- dor
10Products of the Future
- Diverse group of users
- Strategic employment
- Technology is highly transparent
- Technology is network dependent
- User relations depend on success of product
operation - Third-party installation, including outside,
outsourced, consultants