Title: Secure Mobile Banking as Telecommunication Operator Service
1Secure Mobile Banking as Telecommunication
Operator Service
ITU-T Workshop onNew challenges for
Telecommunication Security Standardizations"
Geneva, 9(pm)-10 February 2009
- Igor Milashevskiy
- Chairman of the Board
- Intervale, Russia
- E-mail intervale_at_intervale.ru
2Mobile commerce
- Remote payments
- Internet (Brows)
- Adopted for mobile terminal
- Security
- Payment account
- Payments from Bank account
- Payments from Mobile Operator account
- To provide mobile subscriber with flexible and
secure feature, allowing to have remote access to
his bank account and to make payments for any
goods or services, when the mobile terminal
serves as a payment or banking terminal and the
wireless network is used as a transport system to
carry transaction flow.
4Convenient service
- At any time and any place
- While traveling
- Simple and structured interface
- Ability to personalize the menu
- High speed transactions in real time
- Few payment tools in one handset
- Confidentiality (encoded messages between Bank
and Client) - Integrity of data
- Impossibility of refusal and attributing of
authorship of transaction - Authentication (establishment of authority of the
payer) - Knows something
- Owns something
- Payments infrastructure
- Applet Java application on SIM-card (STK
application) - Midlet Java application on handset
- Any mobile-based transport (SMSUSSD
- Established in 1999 (Moscow)
- Mobile Bank system
- The only live solution in CIS implementing VBV
remote payments - CIS leader in technology and live implementations
- Remote payment projects (ATMs, POSs, Internet,
cash-points) - Utilizes flexibility of Mobile Bank platform for
supplementary revenue
8Architecture of secure decision
Issuer Domain
Acquire Domain
Interoperability Domain
- Issuer Mobile Access Point (iMAP)
- Supports the interface with MSP
- Carries out authentication of the client by means
of dynamic passwords through a mobile phone - Acquirer Mobile Access Point (aMAP)
- Supports the interface with MSP
- Gives the interface for interaction with shop
10Components (cont.)
- Mobile Service Provider (MSP)
- Provides interaction between the application on a
SIM-card of the client and the Emittent. Carries
out routing of inquiries to the corresponding
Bank-Emittent - Merchant
- Recipient of payment
11 Applet
Triple click payment
Balance status always available
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000
BANK A 1 PAYMENTS 2 INFO on demand 3
Orders 4 Services 5 Refresh Exit
PAYMENTS 1 TOP-UP 2 Bills 3 Digital TV 4
Refresh Exit Ok
TOP-UP 1 Visa 00000 ON 2 VE 11111 ON 3 ECMC
22222 ON 4 Maestro 33333 ON 5 Refresh Exit
Add/Remove cards or recipients of payment at
any time
Remote personalization
Payment from any registered card
12Features of realisation
- Existing payment infrastructure is used
- Provides possibility of initiation of financial
transaction, both by the client, and the seller
(shop) - Corresponds to requirements of the international
payment systems to carrying out of remote
financial transactions
13Thank You !