Title: Indicators of Sustainability
1Indicators of Sustainability
2What are Indicators?
3Properties of Indicators?
- Relevant
- Measurable
- Understandable
- Reliable and repeatable
- Based on data that is accessible.
4Properties of Indicators?
- Simple?
- Dimensionless?
- Always Numerical?
- Counter balanced?
- Predictive of distorted behaviour?
- Narrow/wide?
- Emotional/emotionless?
5Indicators of what?
- Social progress
- Environmental improvement
- Economic good
6Indicators of what?
- Social progress
- Life expectancy
- Happiness
- Crime
- Education
- Health
- poverty
- Inequality
- Political stability
- Need/satisfaction/Carpet sales
- Public involvement
- Employment
- Self realisation
7- Environmental improvement
- Air quality
- Biodiversity
- Loss of species/habitat/rate of extinction
- Landscape
- Water quality
- River quality
- Litter pollution
- Pollution reduction
- Health of species
- Forestation
- National parks
- Noise
- CO2 and GHG
- Waste volumes
- Resource exploitation
- Public awarenes
8- Economic good
- Commodity/ value added
- House ownership
- Homelessness
- Import/export
- Wealth stratification
- Debt
- Average Household income
- Inflation
- Interest rates
- Working population ratio
- Subsidies
9Policy Framework
10Headline Indicators
- Economic Growth
- H1Economic output
- H2Investment
- H3Employment
11Headline Indicators
- Social Progress
- H4Poverty and social exclusion
- H5Education
- H6Health
- H7Housing
- H8Crime
12Headline Indicators
- Environmental Protection
- H9Climate change
- H10Air quality
- H11Road traffic
- H12River water quality
- H13Wildlife
- H14Land use
- H15Waste
13H1 Economic Growth
14H2 Investment
- http//www.sustainable-development.gov.uk/indicato
15H3 Employment
16H3 Employment
- Relevance
- A high employment rate is one of the key
objectives of sustainable development. Employment
enables people to meet their needs and improve
their living standards and is the single most
effective and sustainable way to tackle poverty
and social exclusion for those who can work.
Improving employment opportunities will increase
the productive potential of the economy, leading
to benefits for society as a whole.
17Poverty and Social Exclusion
18(No Transcript)
19H5 Education
20H6 Health
21H7 Housing
22H8 Crime
23H8 Crime
24H8 Crime
Relevance Everyone has a right to live in a
community that is safe. Crime imposes economic
costs, reinforces social exclusion and can hasten
the environmental decline of neighbourhoods. It
can make people reluctant to walk or take public
transport or go out after dark.
25H9 Climate Change
26H10 Air Quality
27H11 Road Traffic
- The key objective is to strike the right balance
between transport's role in helping the economy
progress and allowing people to travel wherever
they need to go, while at the same time
protecting the environment and improving quality
of life. In the past traffic growth has been
associated with economic growth, but the
resulting volume of traffic leads to congestion,
noise and air pollution and contributes to
greenhouse gas emissions which cause climate
28H11 Road Traffic
29H12 River Quality
30H13 Wildlife
31H13 Wildlife
32H14 Land Use
- New development within existing urban areas
contributes to the revitalisation of communities
and enables people to live near to shops and
employment, reducing the need to travel. Use of
previously developed land wherever possible is
also important for the protection of the
greenbelt and countryside.
33H14 Land Use
34H15 Waste
35H15 Waste
- The types of waste we produce, all forms of waste
management, and the transport of waste, have
impacts on the environment. Waste is a potential
resource and increased levels of reuse, recycling
and energy recovery will contribute to
sustainable development.
36H15 Waste
37Stimulating actions? - we need more specific
individual measures.
- We need specific indicators in each area of
possible action - to find out where we are
- against where we want to go
- so as to decide our next steps
38- Sustainability is an ideal end-state. Like
democracy, it is a lofty goal whose perfect
realization eludes usas the process of
attempting to achieve sustainability will
continually reveal new challenges and
questions...a definitive definition is
impossible. - Any indicator framework, therefore, needs to be
flexible and adaptable to those changing
definitions. It needs to grow as our
understanding grows, while continuing to serve
its purpose as a simplifier and guide to
complexity. It needs to maintain a trail of
continuity from year to year and decade to
decade. Most important, it needs to speak to
people in ways understandable both to the
rational mind and the intuition. - (Atkinson, A. (1998) The Compass of
Sustainability Framework for a comprehensive
information system).
39- We need more effort in standardising on sector
indicators and less on inventing new ones - On many environmental impacts, the data is not
easily available, and complex to calculate -
steadily learning - The indicator criteria (say CO2 emissions) should
be industry standard the divisor will be
sector-specific (per m2 of office, per tonne of
steel, per Mlitre of water.. - On some social (eg. staff) issues the KPIs are
soft and hard to measure - but vital, so
persevere - We must not, to quote Charles Handy (1994)
Presume that which cant be measured easily
really isnt important - This is blindness
40- Measure all the things which matter - KPIs will
drive behaviour - Dont measure things which do not deliver
- Prioritise, where KPIs may drive in opposing
directions - trade-offs - Measure at the highest possible levels
- Sum different types and levels of KPIs separately
41Industry Standards
- EcoHomes
- Good Corporation.com
- KPI Zone
42Quality of Life Barometer
- DEFRA May 2003, periodical
- 150 indicators
- Development is decoupling
43DTi DEFRA Decoupling Indicators
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 1990-2002 (cf H9)
- SOx and NOx 1990-2001
- Rivers of poor or bad quality (cf H12)
- Commercial Industrial Waste 1998/99,
household waste NOT recycled 1990/91 2001/02
(cf H15)
44DTi DEFRA Decoupling Indicators
- Total Material Use 1990-2001
- Water abstractions
- Homes Built on land NOT previously developed
45DTi DEFRA Decoupling Indicators
- Electricity produced and fossil fuel use
- Motor vehicle km and emissions 1990-2001
- Agricultural Output Volume inputs of fertilisers,
methane emissions, farmland bird index 1974-2000 - Manufacturing Output (GVA) energy consumption,
emissions 1990-2001 - Household final consumption expenditure,
emissions, waste not recycled
46(No Transcript)
- The Pioneers Club
- Sustainability Indicators implementation of
targets and indicators (RP644) - This initiative builds on CIRIAs recent
publication, Sustainable construction company
indicators (C563). Through consultation with the
industry, CIRIA identified a series of indicators
against which companies could measure the
sustainability of their business and the
activities they perform. Each indicator provides
a snapshot of progress towards sustainable
construction. Overall progress is assessed by
considering the suite of indicators as a whole.
- Both strategic and operational indicators have
been identified and trialled. The strategic
indicators are relevant to most construction
companies and measure the systems and processes
in place to improve performance - for example,
the use of an environmental management system.
Operational indicators measure the performance of
the company in delivering more sustainable
construction projects - for example tonnes of
wastes to landfill per turnover.
- The process of implementing the indicators has
involved the participating companies in a range
of activities, including the following key
processes - Identification of key sustainability issues
- Identification of appropriate performance
measurement indicators - analysis of data to determine key performance
improvement requirements - implementation of performance improvement
initiatives - preparation of information for a sustainability
report. - The project represents a learning process and the
club approach has been an innovative approach to
sharing knowledge whilst companies attempt to
make their first tentative steps to collecting
sustainability data.
50Forestry CommissionIndicators for Woodland
- A1. Woodland area
- A2. New woodland creation
- .
- A3. Loss of woodland
- A4. Tree species
- A5. Woodlands in landscape
- A6. Area of sustainably managed woodland
- A7. Management practices