Title: Improving Sustainability in the Transport Sector
1Improving Sustainability in the Transport Sector
- Through Weight Reduction and the Application of
Aluminum - Ken Martchek
- Tucson, October 2007
2Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Aluminum production responsible for about 1
- 0.4 of GHG emissions come from aluminium
industry and - 0.5 from power plants to supply electrolysis and
other Al needs
Source International Energy Agency
3Our Industrys Response to Climate Change
- Formed U.S. Voluntary Aluminum Partnership
with the EPA in 1995 - 70 reduction in perfluorocarbon emissions
- Joined and Exceeded U.S. Climate Vision Target
with the Department of Energy - 25 reduction of all direct smelting emissions
- Signed and Implemented Memorandums of
Understanding with Province of Quebec - Charter Sector of the Asia Pacific Partnership
4 IAI Global Sustainability Initiative12
Voluntary objectives covering key environmental,
social, and economic indicators
- Voluntary Objective 1
- An 80 reduction in Perfluorocarbon (PFC)
greenhouse gas emissions per tonne of aluminium
produced for the industry as a whole by 2010
versus 1990 levels.
- Voluntary Objective 3
- A 10 reduction in average smelting energy usage
by IAI Member Companies per tonne of aluminium
produced by 2010 versus 1990.
- Voluntary Objective 7
- The industry will monitor annually aluminium
shipments for use in transport in order to track
aluminium's contribution through light-weighting
to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from
road, rail and sea transport.
- Voluntary Objective 8
- The IAI has developed a mass flow model to
identify future recycling flows. The industry
will report annually on its global recycling
- Voluntary Objective 11 New
- The IAI Member Companies will seek to reduce GHG
emissions from the production of alumina per
tonne of alumina produced.
IAI International Aluminium Institute
5Goal to Reduce Smelting Electricity
Per Ton of Aluminum by 10
-10 Reduction objective
Voluntary Objective
6Sources of Electrical Power Used for
Aluminium Smelting
7Recycling Aluminium Conserves Energy
- The recycling of aluminum requires up to 95 less
energy than that required for primary aluminum
production. - Recycling aluminum from used products saves an
estimated 84 million tonnes of greenhouse gas
emissions per year.
8Avoided EmissionsPost-Consumer Aluminium
Since its inception, post consumer aluminium
recycling has already avoided the emission of a
billion metric tonnes CO2,e
9Modeling Past, Current and Future Global Aluminum
Supply Mix
- Modeling indicates that the industrys average
recycle metal supply from outside
our industry - has increased from 17 in 1960 to over 32
today - is predicted to increase to 37 by 2020.
Post Consumer and Customer Recycled Metal to
Total Metal Consumed
10Improving the Sustainability of Transport
11A Growing Transport Sector
Future growth in car and light truck sales
Source International Energy Agency
12Vehicle Use Stage Dominates Transport
Energy Consumption
- Looking at a vehicles life cycle,
- the use stage dominates energy consumption and
CO2eq emissions, - while production, assembly, and end-of-life stage
represent less than 20.
13Vehicle Weight Trends
Evolution of weight in compact-class cars
Source Jaguar
14Weight Reduction Has Significant Potential
Light-weighting the worlds transport fleet would
save 660 million tonnes GHG annually (9 of
transport GHG)
Source IFEU (Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research)
15Highest Potential -Weight Savings of Autos
Light Trucks
Source IFEU (Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research)
16(No Transcript)
17Improving Sustainability in the Transport
Sector Through Weight Reduction and the
Application of Aluminium
- The application of aluminium in passenger
vehicles and light trucks manufactured in 2006
will lead to potential savings of
approximately 140 million tonnes of CO2eq
emissions over the lifecycle of these vehicles. - Contributes to moving people and their goods in a
safe, energy efficient, and environmentally-frien
dly manner. - Â
18Improving Sustainability in the Transport
- Collaborative effort of International Aluminium
Institute, European Aluminium Association, and
the Aluminum Association - Built Upon Earlier IFEU Paper on Lightweighting
- Utilizes the latest life cycle data on primary
aluminium (more later) - Observes the principles of life cycle assessment
per ISO standard 14044 with regards to energy
and greenhouse gas emissions. - Technical paper and also a dynamic model that can
be used to assess future scenarios and
IFEU Institute for Energy and Environmental
Research Heidelberg Ltd.
19Credible Life Cycle Transport Model
- Focuses on real examples of the benefits of
mass reduction - Substitutions by aluminium are made
component by component in different
vehicle series. - Each component is subjected to individual
life cycle analysis accounting
for production, vehicle use and
end-of-life recovery - For each component a sensitivity analysis is
20Data Source Examples Vehicle Use
Road vehicles
Source IFEU (Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research)
21Specific Examples Illustrate Potential of
Engine block Substitution of cast iron
- Aluminium can reduce the mass of a typical motor
block by more than 50 - and save 20 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions
for each ton of aluminium utilised.
22Specific Examples Illustrate Potential of
Front hood high strength steel
- The aluminium hood on the US-manufactured family
sedan registered a 42 direct weight reduction
over high-strength steel - and a total reduction of 52 when indirect
(secondary) savings were included.
23Average Aluminium Content in New Cars
Source Ducker Worldwide
242 200 kg Potential GHG Savings per Vehicle in 2006
for passenger cars and light trucks
25140 million tonnes Potential GHG Emission Savings
for passenger cars and light trucks (2006
26Credible Life Cycle Data on Primary Aluminium
- Completed Mine to Ingot Assessment of Primary
Aluminium - Transparent - Report Posted on
www.world-aluminium.org - Representative of Majority of Global
Primary Aluminium Production for
Year 2005
27Life Cycle Inventory Highlights Recent Progress
- Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced
Significantly Despite Growth in Primary Aluminium
Production New Life Cycle
Inventory Report Confirms - London, UK (October 22, 2007)
International Aluminium Institute reported today
industry survey results - showing a 14 percent reduction in total direct
greenhouse gas emissions from the production
processes of primary aluminium, between 2000 and
2005, - despite a 20 percent growth in primary aluminium
production covered in the survey. -
28Outreach and Promotion
- EAA/AA/IAI Joint Press Release
- Greater Aluminium Use Will Lower Transportation
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Worldwide,
New Study Confirms - Conferences
- China (Dalian, Transport), Switzerland (Zurich,
LCA), Canada (Toronto, Light Metals), - Press articles
- Metal Bulletin, Aluminium International,
Financial Times Germany
29Next Steps
- Expand technical paper to include
lightweighting case study of hybrid car, etc. - Address Other Aluminum Products
- Beverage container LCIs
- Sustainability of Aluminium in
Building Construction - Etc.
30In Conclusion
- Aluminum Improving the Sustainability of
Production - Aluminum Improving the Sustainability of
Transport Part of the Solution - The End
31Example of Results Update on GHG Emissions
- Based on IAI GHG Protocol - Consistent with
WRI/ WBCSD Corporate Entity Reporting