Title: Jan Vandensande
1DB2 UDB for z/OS
Version 8
Performance expectations
Jan Vandensande janv_at_jeeves.be
2- New version migration
- Typical lt5 cpu increase
- DB2 V8 cpu up to 10
- Most customers 5 - 10
3DB2 V8 at a glance
- 64 bit - VSCR
- Unicode
- Online schema evolution
- More online zparms
- Index enhancements
- Data encryption
- Row level security
- Multi-row select, insert
- Dynamic scrollable cursors
- Backup and restore system
- Automatic space management
- 2 MB SQL statements
- CI size gt 4KB
- 4096 partitions
- Migration changes
- Utility enhancements
- SQL enhancements
- and more
4- Major performance impact items
- DB2 Catalog
- CPU growth
- I/O time
- Storage
- Compatibility mode
- New function mode
5- DB2 Catalog
- Support for long names
- Easier to port applications from other platforms
- Conversion to Unicode
- UTF-8 and UTF-16 used by DB2
- Impact on space and order by
- 0 - 10 space growth
- Reorg catalog tablespaces before migration and
increase allocation - Drop user defined indexes and recreate as not
padded - Run modify utility
- Dont forget the catalog consistency queries
6- CPU
- New version migration
- Typical lt5 cpu increase
- DB2 V8 cpu 0 - 10
- 64-bit mode instructions
- Longer and variable length names
- Unicode
- Longer and more complex SQL
7- CPU unicode conversion
- Conversion of SQL statements and derived metadata
to Unicode - Minor Conversion
- Fast
- Conversion between EBCDIC SBCS and UTF-8
- Major Conversion
- Slower
- Call to Unicode Conversion Services for z/OS
- Used if minor conversion can not be done
- Always used for ASCII/EBCDIC-gtUTF-16
8- CPU conversion performance
9- CPU conversion performance
10- CPU conversion performance
11- Less CPU regression if under DB2 V7
- Hiperpools and bpools in data spaces
- Simplified buffer pool management above the bar
- SMF 89 record collection
- V7 generates these records after every SQL
statement while V8 generates these records on
each commit. In some environments, this has the
potential of saving up to 15 in CPU consumed by
DB2 V8 - Heavily use of DSNTIAUL and DSNTEP4
- exploit multi-row operation. This is applicable
to NFM only. - DRDA workload
- automatically exploits multi-row operation. This
is applicable to CM as well as NFM. - I/O intensive workload
- I/O intensive workloads tend to benefit from long
term page fix option and 180 CI limit removal.
Sequential processing with larger CIs can also
benefit. - IRLM PCYES
- Default in V8
- Lock avoidance enhancements
12- Tuning for CPU in V8
- Rebind all packages/plans
- Long term page fix buffer pools
- Up to 8 CPU savings
- Only if enough real storage to back bpools for
100 - Multi-row FETCH and INSERT
- Requires change to local application
- Used to manage virtual storage
- Increase size of buffer pools
13- Tuning for CPU in V8
- Long term page fix
- DB2 V8 introduces a new ALTER BUFFERPOOL
parameter called PGFIX. This parameter allows you
to fix the buffer pages once in memory and keep
them fixed in real storage. This avoids the
processing time that DB2 needs to fix and free
pages each time there is an I/O.
14- Tuning for CPU in V8 multi row fetch
15- Tuning for CPU in V8 multi row fetch
16Accounting class 2 CPU time increase
Do not just take the accounting class 2 CPU times
to compare V7 to V8 performance. You must also
factor in any CPU time reduction in the DB2
address spaces from statistics reports.
17Accounting class 2 CPU time increase but
- Less DBM1 time from
- Long term page fix
- 180 CI limit removal
- z/OS 1.4 CF batching
- Larger CI size
- Less MSTR time from
- Default immediate write change from NO(Phase2)
- to Phase1(MSTR srb shifted to acctg TCB time)
- Less IRLM time from
- Reduced global and false contention for
- pageset/partition locks when resource release
- commit (Protocol level 2)
18- I/O time
- No change in I/O times for 4 KB pages.
- Significant sequential I/O time improvement for
table spaces with gt 4 KB page sizes in NFM new
CI sizes - Limit of 180 CIs per I/O for list prefetch and
castout I/O requests removed. - Compression, with the dictionaries now above the
bar, is even more widely applicable, and can help
in reducing I/O.
only good news !
19I/O time larger CI
45 throughput non-EF 70 throughput EF
20- Virtual Storage
- 64 bit virtual storage
- Several critical storage pools above 2GB bar
- Larger pools may result in better performance
- Thread related storage stays below the bar
- Thread footprint increase 30 - 70
- Only IRLM and DBM1 address spaces exploit 64-bit
Eliminate virtual storage constraint problems !
21DBM1 virtual storage No data spaces No hiperpools
22- Virtual Storage
- DB2 V8 requires more virtual storage to
accommodate - Bigger modules, control blocks, and working
storage - Higher default and maximum buffer pool size, RID
pool size, sort pool size, EDM pool size - More and larger user threads
- More deferred write engines and castout engines
(300 -gt 600 maximum) - More parallelism enabled
- Locks moved above the 2 GB bar
23- Real storage
- Increased demand for virtual storage increases
the demand for real storage - 1-20 more real storage needed
- Ensure the buffer pools are backed up by
sufficient real storage - Monitor paging and UIC
24- Compatibility mode
- No new function available that prevents fallback
to V7 - 4 CPU increase seen for IRWW workload
- REBIND re-enable fast path for column
Customers typically stay in CM mode for a period
of several weeks to a few months !
25- Compatibility mode
- 64-bit addressing for DBM1 and IRLM address
spaces - Increased number of deferred write, castout and
global buffer pool write engines - EDM pool changes
- Fast log apply default
- Multi-row operations with DRDA
- IRLM locks in private storage
- Unicode parser
- Most of the optimizer enhancements
26- Compatibility mode
- Lock avoidance in singleton SELECT with CURRENT
DATA YES - 180 CI limit removal for list prefetch and
castout - Ability to page fix buffer pools for long term
- SMF 89 improvement
- Data sharing IMMEDIATE WRITE default change
- All the enhancements provided by utilities,
except for BACKUP and RECOVER SYSTEM -
27- New Function mode
- Enable new function mode
- Catalog conversion
- Long name support
- Unicode
- Not padded indexes
- Larger page size
- No new functions available
- No fallback to V7 or V8 CM
- ENFM is a group wide event
- No rebind necessary if done in CM
- Bind for new V8 functions
28 29- Migration V8 CM to V8 NFM
30- IRLM
- V2.2 required for DB2 V8
- Also shipped with IMS V9
- 64 bit, locks above the bar
- Average locksize up to 540 bytes
- More locks - max 100.000.000 locks
- PCYES is default
- Locks in private storage
- ECSA freed up in V8
- IRLM request CPU increase up to 10
- Locking takes 2of DB2 cpu time
- 0.2 overall increase is probably not noticeable.
31- Data Sharing
- Protocol level 2
- Prereq z/OS 1.4 and CFCC Level 12
- Protocol Level 2 remaps parent IX L-locks from
XES-X to XES-S locks - Avoid the cost of global contention processing
whenever possible - CF batching
- z/OS 1.4 and CFCC Level 12
- Allow multiple pages to be registered/written to
the CF with a single operation - Read multiple pages from the GBP for castout
32- Major availability enhancements
- System level point in time recovery
- Automated space management
- Online schema
- Index changes
33- System level point in time recovery
- Prior to DB2 V8 you could make an external copy
of your production system by delimiting the back
up activity with the -SET LOG SUSPEND and -SET
LOG RESUME commands. - DB2s update activity and logging, while you were
making the external copy of your DB2 system, was
34- System level point in time recovery
- DB2 V8 introduces the new BACKUP SYSTEM and
RESTORE SYSTEM utilities. - This provides an easier and less disruptive way
to make fast volume-level backups of an entire
DB2 subsystem or data sharing group with minimal
disruption - Recover a subsystem or data sharing group to any
point-in-time, regardless of whether or not you
have uncommitted units of work. - At DB2 restart, the uncommitted URs are resolved
during the forward and backward recovery phase.
35- System level point in time recovery
- Prerequisites
- z/OS V1R5 or above
- Disk control units that support ESS FlashCopy
(FlashCopy V2 is recommended) - SMS copy pools that are defined by using the DB2
naming convention - Defined SMS copy pool backup storage groups
- Concurrency and compatibility
- BACKUP SYSTEM can run concurrently with any other
utility - Must wait for the following DB2 events to
complete before the copy can begin - Extending data sets
- Writing 32 KB pages if CISZE different from page
size - Writing close page set control log records
- Creating/deleting/renaming data sets
36BACKUP SYSTEM Util. Measurements
- System level point in time recovery
37BACKUP SYSTEM Util. Measurements
- System level point in time recovery
38- Automated space management
- DB2 will adjust the size of the secondary extent,
when extending the data set in such a way that
the maximum allowable data set size is reached,
before the maximum number of extents for that
data set is reached, therefore avoiding out of
space conditions. - Today space allocation supports a maximum number
of 255 extents per component of a VSAM data set
for multivolume data sets and a maximum of 123
extents for a single volume allocation.
39- Automated space management
- New DSNZPARM MGEXTSZ enables automated space
management - Default PRQTY is 720KB even if TSQTY and IXQTY
are not specified (0). 10 x more for LOB
tablespaces - Increasing SECQTY up to 127 extentsand a constant
number of 559 cylinders for 32 GB and 64 GB data
sets thereafter. - Increasing SECQTY to 127 extents constant number
of 127 cylinders for data sets less than 1 GB or
1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 GB thereafter - SECQTY, if specified, used if gt calculated
40- Automated space management
- I/Os never span extents prefetch, deferred
write, mass insert, utility processing will
benefit from larger extents - Do extents still matter ?
- Any penalty with having multiple extents goes
down as the extent size increases. The size of
the extents is actually more important than the
actual number of extents. Above an extent size of
10 cylinders independent of the number of extents
there is no noticeable difference in performance. -
41- Automated space management
42- Online Schema evolution
- Unload the data, extract the DDL and
authorizations - Drop the object.
- Create the object with the new definition and
reestablish authorizations for the object. - Recreate all dependent objects, such as views and
indexes, and so forth - Reload the data.
- Rebind plans and packages.
DB2 V8 allows many more schema changes without
having to drop and recreate the objects.
43- Online Schema evolution
- Alter column data type
- Increase column size within a data type
- Change the data type
- Alter index
- Add a column to the end of an index
- Alter an index VARCHAR columns to be non padded
- Dynamic partition management
- Add, rotate, and rebalance partitions
44- Online Schema evolution Alter table
- Information about new table layout is stored in
- Catalog and directory
- New system pages inside the page set
- Table space is placed in AREO (advisory
REORG-pending) - Accessible but some performance degradation until
REORG - Plans, packages and cached dynamic statements
referring to the changed column are invalidated - Runstats values for columns are invalidated
45- Online Schema evolution Alter table
- Existing data remains unchanged
- On SELECT, data will be materialized to the
latest format - On INSERT / UPDATE, the entire row will be
changed to latest format - Reorg changes all rows to the latest format
46- Online Schema evolution Alter table
Fetch performance Degradation of 21 to 23 is
measured after ALTER and before REORG After
reorganization the performance overhead remains
below 5.
47- XML Publishing functions
- Up to DB2 V7, you could use the XML extender
feature for manipulating XML data into and out of
DB2. - set of external programs which are defined to
execute as stored procedures and user-defined
functions - DB2 V8 now provides seven new built-in XML
publishing functions to help with XML document
composition from DB2 data.
48Composition - Extender and Publishing
1M doc
2M doc
3M doc
4M doc
COMP Elapsed
SQL/XML Elapsed
- The XML publishing functions outperform the XML
composition by a factor 20 and more due to the
fact that the XML publishing functions are built
into the DB2 engine.
49- References
- IBM Redbooks
- SG24-6079
- DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8Everything You Ever
Wanted thing to Know, ... and More - SG24-6465
- DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8 Performance Topics
50Thanks for your attention Questions ?
51- Migration process no skip release
migration - Version 8 compatibility mode (CM)
- This is only a transitional phase where no new
Version 8 external functions are enabled
Compatibility mode allows
you to test and ensure that the new Version 8
code is functioning correctly and your existing
applications are working correctly under the new
code. - Enabling-new-function mode (ENFM)
- This is the phase where the catalog and directory
are converted to a Version 8 new-function mode
catalog. Once again, most of the new V8 functions
are not available. - New-function mode (NFM)
- DB2 enters new-function mode after all the
migration tasks are complete. All the new
function in DB2 Version 8 is now available.
52 53- Index enhancements
- Indexes on table-controlled partitioned tables
can be classified as follows - Partitioning index The columns in the index are
the same as (and have the same collating
sequence), or start with the columns in the
statement. - Secondary index Any index in which the columns
do not coincide with the partitioning columns of
the table. - Data-partitioned secondary indexes Any index
defined with the PARTITIONED option.
54- Index enhancements not padded