Title: Channel Roles in a Virtual Marketplace
1Channel Roles in a Virtual Marketplace
2Channel Behaviors in Competitive Environments
- Competing in a virtual marketplace
- Changing environments
- Diversity in complex environments
- Disintermediation.
31. Competing in a Virtual Marketplace
- Competing businesses need to find niches
- The Halo effect
- Virtual grocery stores compete with bricks and
mortar stores
42. Changing Environments A Shared Concern
- Businesses pursue a differential advantage
strategy - Differential advantage strategies are pursued
up and down the channel
53. Diversity in Complex Environments
- Changing environments requires channel members to
adapt by modifying products, entering new
channels, or using old channels for new products.
64. Disintermediation Transforming Channel Roles
- Process of eliminating the middleman from a
transaction. - But
- Human interaction
- Human experience
- Human relationships
- Hypermediation
Snap-On Tools
7Wholesaler Role Classifications
Take Physical Possession
Take Title to Goods
Negotiation Function Performed
Promotional Function Performed
Wholesaler Classification
Merchant Wholesaler Yes Yes Yes Yes Manufacturer
s Sales No Yes Yes Yes Organization Agents/Broke
rs No No Yes Yes Commission Merchants Yes No Yes
8Customer Relationships
- Retailers
- Manage supplier relationships
- Act as channel intermediary
- Final link in distribution channel
- Dual function in marketing channel
- Selling agent for supplier
- Closest link to consumer
9Traditional Retailing Formats
Convenience Store
Specialty Store
Discount Store
Department Store
10The New Retailing Paradigm
11Lateral Relationships
- Partnerships between firms operating at the same
channel level - Co-opetition
12Establishing Channel Role Identities
- SIFTing
- Services
- Innovation
- Flexibility
- Timing