Title: Secret Codes and The Enigma Machine!
1Secret Codes and The Enigma Machine!
2By Pleckgate High School and St Stephens Junior
3Here is part of our first message which was
called A stranger in her own country
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5- We recognised this as the Mary Queen of Scots
code that we saw at the first videoconference. - By looking for repeating letters we quickly found
where the word queen was and then we were off!
6The next week was called Guilty or not Guilty
and we cracked this when we realised that most
letters stayed the same except for these swaps
C and E, N and T, O and S and we also found J
7We spent ages and ages on our next one Prison
and Plots until we realised that all the letters
had moved on 3 places and then it was OK!
8Our last message was called Treason and this
time lots of letters had been swapped or changed
from our last message. We were lucky to solve
this one because we guessed the word Elizabeth
which worked and gave us lots of letters!
9On our next slide we have done a table showing
all the letters and how they were coded each week.
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11- We spent a whole maths lesson finding out who the
Enigmatic Character was by cracking all the
different codes. - We enjoyed this more than any other maths lesson
this year!! - Here is a picture of the gifted Muslim
mathematician Al-Kindi
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13- Here are some of our comments about doing this
project - I really enjoyed working out the codes, some were
easy, some were hard - I loved doing this because it was about history
and I like history - The whole class helped everyone to crack the
codes - I have enjoyed cracking codes very much and hope
that we will start a code club!