- Proving Programs Correct in
- Safety-Critical Situations
Lindsay Matteo Department of Computing Sciences
Villanova University Fall 2006
2Things to Forget
- I dont need to do math, I majored in computer
science - I dont care about formal methods, I just want to
write computer code - Unlike everyone else in the world, I write
flawless code all the time
3Hoare Logic The Basics
- P Q R - If assertion P is true before
initiation of a program Q, then the assertion R
will be true after its completion - x f - x is a identifier for an expression x
that has no side effects - Rules
- Assignment - P0 x f P
- Consequence - P Q R and - R gt S then - P
Q S - - P Q R and - S gt P then - S Q R
- Composition - P Q1 R1 and R1 Q2 R then P
Q1 Q2 R - Iteration - P /\ B S P then - P while B do
S B /\ P
4Math vs. Implementation
- Okay but math has a lot of stuff that computers
will never encompass. Math is infinite!
Computers have overflow! - Math there exists an x for every y (y lt x)
- Finite Arithmetic for ever x (x lt max)
- Implementations for max
- there exists an x (x max 1) (strict
interpretation) - max 1 max (firm boundary)
- max 1 0 (modulo arithmetic)
- Remember! Hoare Logic assumes the absence of
side effects AND it gives no basis for proving
the program actually terminates. - Youd also have to prove the correctness of the
program, compiler, AND hardware and THEN the
proof would be totally DEPENDENT
5What are they?
- Formal methods are mathematical techniques used
for specification, development, and verification
usually only used on high-integrity systems,
where security or safety errors are catastrophic - Because of the mismatch between the mathematical
system and reality, we can never guarantee
arbitrary correctness but only correctness with
respect to specification - There are three general levels to which formal
methods can be employed
6The Levels
7Specification Languages
- Model-based languages use an abstract model such
as a finite state automaton in addition to
logical predicates and invariants - Process algebras for concurrent systems where
timing is critical uses message passing
(synchronous or asynchronous) and algebraic laws
8Example Z Notation
- known P NAME
- birthday NAME -gt BIRTHDAY
- --------------------------------------------------
-- - known dom birthday
- A Valid State
- known George, Amy, Paolo
- birthday George -gt 26-MAR
- Amy -gt 20-DEC
- Paolo -gt 03-APR
- Based on axiomatic set theory, lambda calculus,
and first order predicate logic - ISO standardized it 2002 ISO/IEC 135682002
- Below the line is the checked invariant
9Formal Development
- Describes the entire process of transforming the
formal specification into executable code - Steps of refinement usually generate proofs from
an automated Proof Obligation Generator, most of
which may be fed into an automatic Theorem Prover
- Biggest challenge bridge the gap between
set-theoretic and non-deterministic constructs to
computerizable objects
10Example B Method
- Abstract Model
- Basically extracting elements from the natural
language specification into a formal
specification language (in this case B) - Transitions are non-deterministic
- B is lower level than Z because it is more
focused on actual refinement than just
specification - B notation has support tools
11Example B Method
- Proofs
- Proof Obligation Generator will generate proofs
in two categories - Invariant preservation proof
- Proof of correct refinement
- Proofs can be handled one of two ways
- Automatic prover
- Human intervention
12Example B Method
- Concrete Model
- Still contains set-theoretical objects
- But has data in 1-1 correspondence with
computerizable objects (arrays, pointers, etc.) - Transitions are deterministic loops, procedure
- Will have to go back to Proofs stage because of
refinements from Abstract Model
13Example B Method
- Executable Code
- Concrete Model is automatically translated into a
classical programming language (like C or Ada) - The programming language is compiled into an
executable - Two steps may be combined
14Machine-Checked Proofs
- Automated provers come in two varieties
automatic and interactive - In many interactive provers, a highly-skilled
user actually provides the proof, and the prover
validates it
- Underlying logic of different provers vary
- Theorem provers are not magic! They cannot prove
statements that we already know are arbitrarily
15HOL Theorem Prover
- Higher Order Logic systems implemented as a
library in the ML programming language - Library implements an abstract data type of
proven theorems - Functions in the library are inference rules
- You can only create an object of the abstract
data type using functions in the library
16Simple Promela INterpreter
- SPIN is an open-source model-checking tool
- It generates a finite state model of a system,
and, for a given logical property, systematically
checks that it holds - So M F holds where M is a finite state machine
and F is a statement expressed in Linear Temporal
(manual) abstractions
Abstract Verification Model
Model Checker
refinement techniques
17Using SPIN
- User interface Xspin
- Necessary tools
- Cygwin Linux-like environment for Windows
- Tcl/Tk XSpin is a Tcl application
- C compiler Spin supports embedded C code and is
also written in C
18SPIN in the real world
- Computer Management group of Netherlands to
verify algorithms to that manage Flood Control
barriers - Mission Critical Software used it on a number of
space missions Cassini (right), Mars Exploration
Rovers motor management algorithms
19The Best of Both Worlds
- SPIN generates message sequence charts on
simulation, checks LTL invariants on
verification, and provides finite state models of
individual processes - It copes with state space explosion by using a
Depth First Search Algorithm to generate the
model then SPIN checks it on the fly
- SPIN is meant to analyze the logical consistency
of concurrent programs (usually data comm.
protocols) - It allows for the dynamic creation of processes,
which communicate through message channels - It takes input in the form of Promela
(Protocol/Process Meta Language) code, a C-like
language that also contains elements of CSP
20PROcess MEta LAnguage
- Processes can communicate synchronously or
asynchronously - Kind of like C, but allows assert and never
statements - SPIN augments this with a Linear Temporal Logic
editor, which can also be used to form invariants
- 4 proctype Add (int x, y)
- 5
- 6 if
- 7 (x!y) -gt ch ! 1, xy
- 8 (xy) -gt ch ! 1, x-y
- 9 fi
- 10
Promela code snippet if x ! y, send the value
xy to the corresponding process else send x-y
Message sequence chart x and y have been set to
4 and 5. The Add (pid 2) sends the value 9 to
the init process (pid 1) that ran it. The
monitor process is constantly checking
invariants. All processes terminate at state 10.
22SPIN Automata
- Promela is nondeterministic
- If several guards are enabled, one statement will
be selected at random - SPIN will generate a finite state model for every
process declaration this one shows the
different paths available for the Add process
23Do people ACTUALLY do this?
- YES! But unless lives are at stake, software
engineers are extremely reluctant because formal
methods require lots of math, lots of formal
training, and a possibly large upfront cost - But it can pay off IBM subjected only 10 of
their CICS system to formal development and saved
9 over conventional methods - Cost should be amortized long term due to higher
quality, maintainability, and reusability
Requirements phase cost compared with project
overrun cost (source W. Gruhl, NASA
Comptrollers Office
24Future of Formal Methods
- Combining certain aspects of formal methods with
traditional development methods (usually the
Cleanroom process) - More support especially in the form of toolsets
(Java PerfectDeveloper claims to work for
object-oriented code) - Automated tool generator customized tools for
different types of systems
Want to learn more? For more information and
further reading, visit http//hawk.csc.villanova.