Title: CMUs Tekkotsu Framework
1CMUs Tekkotsu Framework
CSE398/498-011 28 Jan 05 John Spletzer Lehigh
2Supporting References
- The Tekkotsu Home Page
- http//www-2.cs.cmu.edu/tekkotsu/
3The Programming Hierarchy
- The Aibos run the Sony Aperios Operating System
- Sony provides an OPEN-R C SDK to interface with
the hardware - CMU Tekkotsu framework provides a wrapper around
OPEN-R to abstract away much of the low-level
programming requirements (controlling joint
angles and torque, low level vision, etc.) - Tekkotsu makes extensive use of inheritance and
templates for developing new behaviors - We will rely upon these when building our own code
4Some of the Major Tekkotsu Modules
- Vision Processing (including CMVision)
- Walking routine
- Head control
- Hierarchical State Machine
- Wireless networking
- PC Monitoring tools
5Intro to Tekkotsu Architecture
- Applications are organized as collection of
Behaviors and MotionCommands
6Intro to Tekkotsu Architecture
- Their member functions run in 2 cooperating
processes Main and Motion
- Main does the bulk of the processing
- Does the vision processing and the decision
making AI - Works on a 32 ms time slice (30 fps video stream)
- Behaviors are instantiated and run in Main
- This is where we will be writing most of our code
- Motion is a real-time process (gets priority)
- Responsible for motion/control of joint
effectors, updating values of LEDs - Must get priority to ensure smooth motion (why?)
9MotoObj (contd)
- MotionCommands are instantiated in shared memory
(blue), and most of the computation is done in
Motion - Certain member function can run in Main
- MMAccessor provides a mutual exclusion mechanism
to allow behaviors to update shared memory
structures while they are being used by
MotionManager in Main
- Behaviors are implemented in ______________
- Behaviors are classes that inherit from the base
class BehaviorBase - Each behavior has 3 essential member functions
- DoStart()
- DoStop()
- processEvent()
- processEvent is where the behavior processing is
done - Behaviors are event driven
11Simple Behavior Implementation
ifndef INCLUDED_JrsBehavior_h_ define
INCLUDED_JrsBehavior_h_ include
"Behaviors/BehaviorBase.h" class JrsBehavior
public BehaviorBase public JrsBehavior()
BehaviorBase("JrsBehavior") virtual void
DoStart() BehaviorBaseDoStart()
stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is starting up."
ltlt stdendl virtual void DoStop()
stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is shutting down."
ltlt stdendl BehaviorBaseDoStop()
12An Event-Driven Programming Model
- Main receives sensor readings and image frames
from the OS at regular intervals - Main processes the information and sends events
as required - No two parts of Main can be executing at the same
time - Only one event is processed at any given time
- At a lower level, the process is as follows
- At initialization, behaviors register as
listeners to a desired event stream (button
pushed, ball seen, etc.) - Where do we think this would happen?
- This list is maintained by the event router
erouter - Whenever the registered event occurs, the
registered behavior is activated. - How do we think this would happen?
13What are Events?
- Objects of course
- Consist of three parts
- Generator (e.g. button generator, vision system,
timer) - Source (e.g. which button?
- Type (EventBaseactivateETID, EventBasedeactiva
teETID, EventBasestatusETID) - These enable the listening behavior to shape its
14Simple Behavior with Events
ifndef INCLUDED_JrsBehavior_h_ define
INCLUDED_JrsBehavior_h_ include
"Behaviors/BehaviorBase.h" include
"Events/EventRouter.h" class JrsBehavior
public BehaviorBase public JrsBehavior()
BehaviorBase("JrsBehavior") virtual void
DoStart() BehaviorBaseDoStart()
stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is starting up."
ltlt stdendl erouter-gtaddListener(this,EventBas
ebuttonEGID) // subscribe to button events
virtual void DoStop() erouter-gtremoveListe
ner(this) // unsubscribe from all events
stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is shutting down."
ltlt stdendl BehaviorBaseDoStop()
virtual void processEvent(const EventBase
event) stdcout ltlt "Jrs got event " ltlt
event.getDescription() ltlt stdendl
15Behavior Implementationthrough a Finite State
Machine (FSM)
- Non-trivial behaviors are implemented through
FSMs - Tekkotsu supports this through StateNode and
EventTrans classes - Both are subclasses of BehaviorBase
16The Process for State Machines Behaviors
- The state is activated by calling its DoStart()
function - This will call StateNodeDoStart()
- This will call the corresponding
EventTransDoStart() functions for all
transitions leaving the state - Each transition sets up 1 or more event
listeners. - If an appropriate event is signalled, the
corresponding transition will deactivate its
state by calling the DoStop() function - The DoStop() will deactivate all other outgoing
transitions, and and activate the new state by
calling its DoStart() function - Back up to 2, and so on
17Sample Behavior Implementation
- The first step in implementing a behavior as an
FSM is to define a single StateNode
class JrsBehavior public StateNode
protected StateNode startnode public
JrsBehavior() StateNode("JrsBehavior"),
18Sample Behavior Implementation (contd)
- This parent node provides a setup function that
instantiates all nodes and transitions of the FSM
virtual void setup() StateNodesetup()
stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is setting up the
state machine." ltlt stdendl SoundNode
bark_node new SoundNode("bark","barkmed.wav")
SoundNode howl_node new SoundNode("howl","how
l.wav") StateNode wait_node new
StateNode("wait") addNode(bark_node)
addNode(howl_node) addNode(wait_node)
EventTrans btrans new EventTrans(wait_node,E
) btrans-gtsetSound("ping.wav")
bark_node-gtaddTransition(new TimeOutTrans(howl_n
ode,5000)) howl_node-gtaddTransition(new
CompletionTrans(wait_node)) wait_node-gtaddTrans
ition(new TimeOutTrans(bark_node,15000))
startnode bark_node
What happens to these when this function exits?
19Sample Behavior Implementation
- DoStart is what is called to activate the machine
- In turn, it calls the start nodes DoStart to
activate the machine
virtual void DoStart() StateNodeDoStart()
stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is starting up." ltlt
stdendl startnode-gtDoStart() virtual
void DoStop() stdcout ltlt getName() ltlt " is
shutting down." ltlt stdendl StateNodeDoStop()
20Robot Safety
- The Aibos are NOT toys. They are expensive
instructional and research tools. Please treat
them as such - If you have programmed a behavior that makes the
Aibo take destructive actions (e.g. striking its
head on the floor), stop it immediately no
matter how amusing it might seem at the time. - Know where your dog is at all times. If you
tread on its ankle while stepping backwards, it
will hurt. - Work with the robots at ground level. A sudden
motion can induce a fall from the workbench.