Title: Films made by the Inbounds for what?
1Films made by the Inboundsfor what?
- Our objective students all over the world
- shall see authentic films
- become enthusiastic
- Apply for exchange
- Elect Germany as their favorite
- destination
- where? At www.rotary1900.de!
2International presentation D1900
- Dear Inbounds, please produce a little film
- to be placed at
- www.rotary1900.de/schueleraustausch
- You can show
- Your life in Germany in your language
3Dear Inbounds,Your Film shall be seen by
- Your family at home
- Your Friends
- Other Inbound Students
- Students in your country considering to apply
for Exchange with Germany - Foreign districts who want to start
- Exchange with Germany
4Your filmHow does it work?
- Please create your film with your eyes
- Realistic
- Inspiring
- With a good sense of humor
Please send your digital film to Frank
Bisterfeld - YEX Inbound - Chairman
D1900 Fam.bisterfeld_at_t-online.de
5Your profit
For every origin of our Inbounds The best 3
films from every participant Nation will be
honoured and will be presented at
www.rotary1900.de/schueleraustausch - Info für -
6District 1900
Dear Inbounds, give 100! Be a part of us
and have a good time!
7Unser FilmprojektD1900 International
- Unser Ziel Schüler und Studenten
- in aller Welt sollen bei www.rotary1900.de
- authentische Filme sehen,
- sich begeistern und
- sich für Deutschland als 1. Ziel bewerben
- Liebe Eltern, bitte helfen Sie mit!
8FilmprojektUnsere Inbounds sollen bitte
- Ihre eigene Sicht auf Deutschland präsentieren
- in authentischen, laienhaft gedrehten Kurzfilmen
über - Familie
- Schule
- Freundeskreis
- Hobbies und Freizeit
Bitte sendet euren digitalen Film an Frank
Bisterfeld YEX Inbound-Chairman
D1900 Fam.bisterfeld_at_t-online.de
10Euer Lohn
Für jedes Gastland Die besten 3 Filme werden
prämiert und kommen auf die Homepage www.rotary1
900.de/schueleraustausch - Info für - Inbound