Title: National Incident Management System and National Response Plan
1National Incident Management System and
National Response Plan
Presenter Mr. Bruce Belt
- Discuss NIMS and the NRP
- Provide summary of key components of the NIMS and
NRP - Provide summary of NRP development process
3Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5
- Directed Secretary, DHS to develop and
administer - National Incident Management System (NIMS)
- Core set of concepts, principles and terminology
for incident command and multiagency
coordination. - National Response Plan (NRP)
- All-discipline, all-hazards plan.
4National Incident Management SystemNIMS
- a consistent nationwide approach for Federal,
State, tribal, and local governments to work
effectively and efficiently together to prepare
for, prevent, respond to, and recover from
domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or
5NIMS What It Is / What Its Not
- NIMS is
- Core set of
- Doctrine
- Concepts
- Principles
- Terminology
- Organizational processes
- Applicable to all hazards
- NIMS is not
- An operational incident management plan.
- A resource allocation plan.
- A terrorism / WMD-specific plan.
- Designed to address international events.
6Key Concepts / Ongoing Support
- Flexibility
- Applicable regardless of incident cause, size,
location, or complexity. - Standardization
- Key to interoperability.
- Working on Standards initiative with Office of
Science and Technology. - Ongoing support NIMS Integration Center
7NIMS Components
- Command and Management
- Preparedness
- Resource Management
- Communications and Information Management
- Supporting Technologies
- Ongoing Management and Maintenance
8NIMS Information
- NIMS Integration Center
- 500 C Street, SW
- Washington, DC 20472
- (202) 646-3850
- NIMS-Integration-Center_at_dhs.gov
- web page www.fema.gov/nims
- NIMS Awareness Training
- http//training.fema.gov/emiweb/IS/is700.asp
9Relationship NIMS and NRP
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
NIMS aligns command, control, organization
structure, terminology, communication protocols,
resources and resource-typing for synchronization
of response efforts at all echelons of government.
Used for all events
Federal Response or Support
DHS integrates and applies Federal resources
both pre and post incident.
Resources, knowledge, and abilities from
Federal departments agencies.
State Response or Support
Local Response
National Response Plan (NRP)
Activated forincidents of national significance.
10Construction of the NRP
- Incorporates Key INRP Concepts
- Homeland Security Ops Center (HSOC)
- Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG)
- Principal Federal Official (PFO)
- Joint Field Office (JFO)
- Fully Incorporates
- Federal Response Plan
- Domestic Terrorism Concept of Ops Plan
- Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan
- Initial NRP
- Other national-level contingency plans
Foundation National Incident Management System
11Organization of the NRP
Base Plan
Concept of Operations, Coordinating Structures,
Roles and Responsibilities, Definitions, etc.
Glossary, Acronyms, Authorities, and Compendium
of National Interagency Plans
Groups capabilities resources into functions
that are most likely needed during an incident
(e.g., Transportation, Firefighting, Mass Care,
Emergency Support Function Annexes
Describes common processes and specific
administrative requirements (e.g., Public
Affairs, Financial Management, Worker Safety
Health, etc.)
Support Annexes
Outlines core procedures, roles and
responsibilities for specific contingencies
(e.g., Bio, Radiological, Cyber, HAZMAT Spills)
Incident Annexes
- Incidents of National Significance (HSPD-5
Criteria) - When another Federal department or agency has
requested DHS assistance - When State/local capabilities are overwhelmed and
Federal assistance is requested - When an incident substantially involves more than
one Federal department/agency - When the Secretary has been directed by the
President to assume incident management
13Concept of Operations
- Incidents handled at lowest possible
jurisdictional level - Consultation/coordination with other
departments/agencies to - Assess national implications
- Determine need for full or partial NRP activation
- Multiagency coordinating structures activated to
provide standardized approach for implementing
Federal responsibilities - Direct implementation of Federal authorities
- Federal support to State, local and tribal
governments - Federal-to-Federal support
- Proactive response to catastrophic incidents
- Coordinating structures provide national
capability - Ability to address impacts to the rest of the
country, execute immediate nation-wide actions to
avert or prepare for subsequent events, and
manage multiple incidents
14Emergency Support Function (ESFs)
- ESF 1 Transportation
- ESF 2 Communications
- ESF 3 Public Works Engineering
- ESF 4 Firefighting
- ESF 5 Emergency Management
- ESF 6 Mass Care, Housing Human Services
- ESF 7 Resource Support
- ESF 8 Public Health and Medical Services
- ESF 9 Urban Search Rescue
- ESF 10 Oil Hazardous Materials
- ESF 11 Agriculture Natural Resources
- ESF 12 Energy
- ESF 13 Public Safety Security
- ESF 14 Long-term Community Recovery and
Mitigation - ESF 15 External Affairs
15Support Annexes
- Financial Management
- International Coordination
- Logistics Management
- Private Sector Coordination
- Public Affairs
- Science and Technology
- Tribal Relations
- Volunteer and Donations Management
- Worker Safety and Health
16Incident Annexes
- Biological Incident
- Catastrophic Incident
- Cyber Incident
- Food and Agriculture Incident
- Nuclear/Radiological Incident
- Oil and Hazardous Materials Incident
- Terrorism Incident Law Enforcement and
17Stakeholder Review
- Federal Input through HSC
- Approximately two dozen contributing agencies
- State Local Government/ First Responder
Associations - Approximately two dozen contributing
organizations (e.g. Fraternal Order of Police,
Intl Association of Emergency Managers, Intl
Association of Fire Chiefs, Natl league of
Cities, Natl Governors Association, etc.) - Private Sector/NGOs
- Approximately one dozen contributing
organizations (e.g. American Red Cross, Business
Execs for Natl Security, US Chamber of Commerce,
Natl Business Roundtable, Save a Life
Foundation, etc.)
18NRP Roll-Out Strategy
- National announcement (January 6, 2005)
- Federal partner/Congressional briefings
- Seminars and briefings
- Seven intergovernmental/interagency seminars in
key locations - Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York,
Washington, D.C., Houston - Briefings and workshops at other regularly
scheduled conferences and meetings - Training
- Web-based training through FEMA/EMI
- Distance learning through EENET Satellite
broadcast - Interagency coordination of ongoing training
19NRP Roll-Out Workshops
- Series of workshops aimed at providing
information on the NRP and NIMS. - Workshop agenda consisted of
- a sequence of panel discussions designed to
highlight the new organizational structure and
work relationships that are created by the NRP
and NIMS - information booths with representatives of ESFs
and Support Annexes
20Illustration of Incident Management Hierarchy
Sec, DHS
Interagency Incident Mgmt Group
Homeland Security Operations Center
National Incident Management
National Response Coordination Center
Federal Regional Center
Regional Incident Operations
Regional Resource Coordination Center
Emergency Support Function Liaisons
Local Incident Operations
Joint Field Office
Incident of National Significance
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