Counseling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tom, a 16 years old student, visited his GP one afternoon, fearing of ... response C: you sound dejected at feeling worse today. Basic empathy: words reflected: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Counseling

  • Presented by LEIGH Nga Yan
  • 6/11/02

What is counseling?
  • Different people have different interpretation.
  • No single definition.
  • In broad sense
  • Is a helping relationship
  • the helper helps another through communication

Case Scenario
  • Tom, a 16 years old student, visited his GP one
    afternoon, fearing of a genital ulcer. The GP
    found nothing abnormal on physical examination.
  • If you were the GP, how would you approach this

  • On further questioning, Tom was actually afraid
    of suffering from STD. He admitted unprotected
    sex with his girlfriend a week ago.
  • What Toms GP did was assessing Toms knowledge
    about safe sex.
  • He educated Tom about safe sex, advice his
    girlfriend to attend doctor if she has any fear
    or has delayed menstruation.

  • Is the GP doing counseling?
  • Why yes/ why not?

  • Toms GP is
  • Trying to help
  • interview/ information gathering
  • lecturing
  • All these activities may lead to counseling, but
    was not counseling by themselves

To be counseling what is lacking?
  • unilateral, rather than interactive working
  • Toms emotion not addressed ?feeling guilty, ?
  • Toms GP was making the decision, rather than
    guiding Tom to find out what fitted him.
  • Counseling should be person-oriented rather than

Definition of Counseling
  • The European Association of Counseling
  • Counseling is an interactive learning process
    contracted between counselor(s) and client(s), be
    they individuals, families or institutions, which
    approaches in a holistic way, social, cultural,
    economic and/or emotional issues.
  • Counseling may be concerned with addressing and
    resolving specific problems, making decisions,
    coping with crisis, improving relationships,
    developmental issues, promoting and developing
    personal awareness, working with feelings,
    thoughts, perceptions and internal or external
  • The overall aim is to provide clients with
    opportunities to work in self defined ways,
    towards living in more satisfying and resourceful
    ways as individuals and as members of the broader

Definition of Counseling
  • The Code of Ethics and Practice for Counselors
    (1993) describes the nature of counseling in
    the following way
  • The overall aim of counseling is to provide an
    opportunity for the client to work towards living
    in a more satisfying and resourceful way.
  • Counseling may be concerned with developmental
    issues, addressing and resolving specific
    problems, making decisions, coping with crisis,
    developing insight and knowledge, working through
    feelings of inner conflicts or improving
    relationships with others.
  • The counselors role is to facilitate the
    clients work in ways which respect the clients
    values, personal resources and capacity for
  • Only when both the user and the recipient
    explicitly agree to enter into a counseling
    relationship does it become counseling rather
    than the use of counseling skills.

Aims of all counseling
  • promote self-help
  • Move towards self-development
  • provide an opportunity for the client to work
    towards living in a more satisfying and more
    resourceful way as individual/ as a member of a

Counseling and general practice
  • Opportunities for using counseling skills
  • Formed working relation between GP and their
    patient, expose GP to counseling situation.
  • Neglect patients need (? Holistic care)
  • attempt counseling the patient after mutual
    agreement (contract).
  • refer for specialist help ( assess self-resource)

Reasons for GPs of not doing counseling
  • Time consuming
  • not the type of person
  • dont know the skills
  • not feeling competent

  • How to do it?

Models of Helping
Components of helping The helper the skills
  • the helper the most important tool
  • attitude, counseling skill
  • the core elements genuineness, warmth and

Genuineness/ congruence
  • What you think and what you say is the same
  • not particularly obvious when present, but when
    it is not there the clients are aware of the
  • Skills to decide how much to share in the
    moment, and how much should be considered later
    and elsewhere.
  • 3 aspects of genuineness
  • do not overemphasize the helping role
  • avoid defensiveness
  • be open
  • on achieving build up trust

  • Non-possessive warmth
  • respect the other person and what that person is
    and stands for
  • counselors consistent acceptance of and enduring
    warmth towards the client
  • unconditioned positive regard
  • when people are ill vulnerable, easily and
    quickly to feeling of being useless, sad and
    fearful (self-defeated cycle)
  • positive reinforcement
  • comfortable silence
  • verbal support
  • Drive to change

  • 2 way nature of empathy
  • ability to perceive accurately the feelings of
    another person
  • to communicate this understanding to him/ her.
  • (c.f. sympathy suppress emotion, superimpose
  • encourage facing emotion, enhance trust building,
    sense of sincerity

Empathy 2 levels of empathy
  • Case scenario
  • patient I feel really terrible today, worse than
  • Response A you feel worse today?
  • Response B dont worry, these things take time
  • response C you sound dejected at feeling worse

  • Basic empathy words reflected
  • the helper responds and shows that the client is
  • advanced empathy more reflection of feeling than
  • the caring can be communicate through action, or
    words, more both.

Other attitudes
  • attentiveness
  • to be with the person at the time (both body and
  • the quality of the presence is what matters most
  • a kind of willingness to share yourself and
  • skill active listening

  • Non-judgmental suspend premature solutions,
    personal attitude, and personal value
  • a notion of respect
  • being hopeful believe in the intrinsic worth and
  • convey to the client that they are worth your
    effort, time and skilled care
  • a drive for hopeless and helpless client to move
  • being supportive willingness to give involved in
    the therapeutic relation

The art of relating
  • The helper can give clients the safety to explore
    their real feelings, and permission to talk about
    things that are of the utmost important to them,
    particularly the knowledge that they have been
  • Rapport Building

Rating our counseling skills
  • Scoring lt35, most likely benefit from learning
    and applying counseling skills

Assess our resources
  • Everyone has the potential to help others
  • Counselor Vs helper
  • counselors are trained persons to do counseling.
  • It is guided by theories about the causes of
    problems, and methods needed to help.
  • Counseling / counseling skill
  • being untrained, we can polish counseling skills
    to facilitate our helping work

Level of goals
  • Immediate goal finding solution to simple
  • intermediate goal self-understanding,
    satisfaction in relation, accomplish education,
    cope with work, handle emotion
  • ultimate goal self-actualization
  • harmony with environment
  • self-acceptance
  • self-motivation..
  • Consider refer counselor/ psychotherapist to
    achieve this.

Personal counseling
  • The framework and approach

(No Transcript)
Setting the stage5Rs of counseling
  • Right purpose
  • be pure to assist the client to solve his/her
    problem. Nothing more.
  • Right time
  • most relaxed, least pressure
  • enough time
  • Right place
  • Right approach
  • Right techniques

5Rs of Counseling Right place
  • Comfortable, less threatening.
  • Peace quiet, allowing private and confidential
  • isolated location with few, if any, observer
  • no disturbance by phone calls
  • setting as natural as possible, at least without
    a desk.
  • informal atmosphere enable counseling to be
    carried out on an equal basis

5Rs of Counseling Right approach
  • Voluntary meetings
  • people come to you for his/her problem
  • less barrier
  • Intervention counseling
  • you sense a problem, and you step in to assist
  • situation may be more volatile and emotionally
  • more difficult to set up
  • 1. Oblique approach indirect/ soft a polite
    way too set up a counseling session you believe
    is needed.
  • approach problem obviously surfaced.

The 5Rs of Counseling the Right Technique
  • Tools to facilitate communication
  • develop your own counseling style.

The rule of game the 4 base diamond
  • Giving advance notice about how the counseling
    game is played can relax the player and improve
    the process.
  • By reaching base 4 you are winning the game!

Base 1 listening
  • By getting to base 1 getting acquainted,
    relaxing, and accepting each other and preparing
    to tackle a problem
  • counseling relation begins
  • rapport building

The skills of relating
  • Attending SOLER acronym body language
  • face the client Squarely
  • Open posture
  • Lean forward
  • Eye contact
  • Relaxed
  • Being Non-judgmental, staying open
  • paying attention to body language
  • giving space, time (permission to talk and
    explore inner world)
  • active listening the less talking you, the more
  • effective you will be
  • encouraging building on the clients own
    strengths and calling forth the clients own

Base 2 identify the problem
  • Task to accomplish
  • isolate and agree on the problem
  • skills of assessing challenging
  • Talking is therapeutic

The skills of assessing allowing
  • permission to tell the story, encouraging the
    continuation of the story-telling
  • what is happening?
  • problems are seen more clearly through
  • verbalization
  • talking sometimes provides insight not possible
    through self-analysis
  • in being allow to tell the story of the events,
    shapes may begin to emerge, patterns can be
    recognized, and links made between happenings
    that never seemed to be related.

The skills of assessing exploring
  • Concern with both factual and inner feeling and
  • seeking information, questioning
  • clarifying
  • reflecting to reflect significant word/ concept,
    so the patient can move forward / deeper
  • paraphrasing
  • help client to personalize the experience
  • experiencing feelings I statement
  • what is the meaning of it

The skills of assessing
  • Guiding to new perspectives
  • knowledge about defense mechanism, stages of
  • Enable patient to treat his/her reaction as
  • summarizing
  • Focusing
  • what do you what?
  • By this juncture, you usually will know whether
    you can proceed, or need referral for expert help

Counseling skill challenging
  • To recognize the blockage to change
  • outmoded values, irrational belief
  • blind spot, self-defeating pattern of thinking
    and behaving
  • inconsistencies between what are said and done
  • the defense mechanism
  • avoidance
  • helper to be alert and spot them out quickly
  • done with empathy
  • the sandwich technique give praise first, then
    the challenge.

  • Pre-requisition good working relation
  • confronting with reality challenge the blind
    spot so that the reality can be seen as it really
    is at that point --gt develop new perspectives
  • expressing feeling help patient to face their
    realistic feeling to experience and express
  • immediacy mirroring the difficulty of the client
    in interpersonal relation/ comparing behavior
    with you as helper

  • self-sharing
  • intuition
  • empowering leave patient with power/ confidence
  • challenge the persons strength, rather than
    weakness, through the process of awareness,
    acknowledgement and change.

Counseling a therapeutic relationship
  • Sense of being understood, accepted.
  • Relief of emotional pain
  • improve self-understanding
  • gaining drive to self-help support and hope

  • By accomplishing base 2 1.viewing the
    problem from different perspectives, objectively
    understand the dimensions of what to accomplish
  • 2. Isolate and agree on the problem
  • a sign of progress the client become ready to
    move forward and outward.

Skills to drill
  • Effective listening
  • Being sensitive look beneath and beyond what
    people say
  • Use your senses link between outer and inner
  • Body language, non-verbal signal.
  • Awareness
  • the more you are aware of yourself, the more you
    are aware of other people.
  • When we increase our self-understanding, we
    increase our capacity to help
  • Helping is possible only from a basis of
    self-awareness and insight of how people live and
    work, think and feel
  • uncover important aspect by asking question

Base 3 look for clarify the alternatives
  • An elegant solution the ideal solution under the
  • Counseling is a sensitive process that requires
    you to understand the feeling of the other party
    -- it is not always easy for a person to accept
    an elegant solution
  • The counselor should emphasize the weighing part
    of the process, and let the other party do the
    deciding on which road to ride.

Base 3 suggested steps
  • Get several alternatives
  • in most situations, possibilities are greater
    than 1st perceived.
  • Frequently, an advisor can suggest an alternative
    not previously considered by the other party
  • the weighing process
  • mentally try on the alternatives and visualize
    the outcomes
  • discarding alternatives
  • prevent prematurely discard possibility, while
    get rid quickly not elegant ones
  • the rule of 3

Counseling skill goal setting
  • New perspectives choosing from alternatives
  • imagination
  • what do you want? How are you going to do this
  • Visualization
  • managing feeling awareness, experiencing,
    expressing, controlling
  • thinking skills, action skills anger, anxiety,
  • managing resistance
  • self-responsibility, commitment
  • planning for change
  • a moral contract

  • Making the decision
  • signals of attaining a solution
  • 1. The person see the light at the end of the
  • 2. The individual has developed the necessary
    confidence to select the best available
    alternative and make a decision
  • 3. The persons burden has been lifted.
    Self-esteem has been restored.

  • As a counselor, you can direct the person to the
    ideal solution, base on your own understanding of
    the problem.

Base 4 solution accepted
  • The process starts on 3rd base where (hopefully)
    alternatives have been isolated
  • Steps to close the session
  • 1. Ask the individual to restate review (the
    implications of) the decision (skills ask/
    listen/ accept)
  • 2. Help to reinforce the individuals self-esteem
  • (skills compliment/ be optimistic/
  • 3. Discuss how the solution is to be implemented
  • (skill promote confidence in decisions)
  • 4. Leave the door open for a return visit.
    (skill accept/ support)
  • a return visit, to a counselor, is a compliment

The psychology of Counseling
  • Be a guide, not a leader
  • you dont make decision, your client do.
  • be someone who helps another sort out, solve a
    problem, and take action
  • be a person who take the initiative
  • be comfortable to know
  • a problem burdens the other party, not you.
  • When you can help a person to solve a problem,
    you lighten the burden they carrier

The psychology of counseling
  • Promote self-esteem
  • listen respectfully, and say the right thing at
    the right time
  • foster independence, not dependence
  • principle of empowerment leave people confidence
    that they can solve their own problems and
    improves their lives.
  • be honest about your role
  • tell what you can do, and what you can

Unforgivable Mistakes
  • 1. Overtalking underlistening
  • 2. Acting like a psychologist or clinical
    counselor when you are not
  • 3. Using a counseling relationship to your own
  • 4. Failure to keep information obtained from a
    counseling relationship
  • 5. Making decisions for the person being
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