Title: Searches for New Phenomena at CDF
1Searches for New Phenomena at CDF
- Beate Heinemann, University of Liverpool
- Introduction
- Supersymmetry
- Higgs
- Squarks and Gluinos
- Charginos and Neutralinos
- Indirect search Bs?mm
- Non-SUSY
- Dilepton Mass Spectrum
- Signatrure DiphotonX
- Summary and Outlook
UCLA, March 15th 2006
2The Standard Model
- Matter is made out of fermions
- quarks and leptons
- 3 generations
- Forces are carried by Bosons
- Electroweak ?,W,Z
- Strong gluons
- Higgs boson
- Gives mass to particles
- Not found yet
3What is Beyond the SM?
- Many good reasons to believe there is as yet
unknown physics beyond the SM - Many possible new particles/theories
- Supersymmetry
- Many flavours
- Extra dimensions (G)
- New gauge groups (Z, W,)
- New fermions (e, t, b, )
- Leptoquarks
- Can show up!
- As subtle deviations in precision measurements
- In direct searches for new particles
4There is a Lot Unknown
- The Standard Model
- only accounts for 4 of matter in Universe
- No candidate for Cold Dark Matter (25)
- cannot explain large mass hierarchy in fermion
sector - gt10 orders of magnitude
- does not allow grand unification
- electroweak and strong interactions do not unify
- has large radiative corrections in Higgs sector
- require fine-tuning of parameters
- Cannot explain matter-antimatter asymmetry?
- Supersymmetry can solve three
- of these problems
Hubble Constant
Matter Density
5Whats Nice about Susy?
- Unifications of forces possible
- Dark matter candidate exists
- The lightest neutral gaugino
- Radiative corrections to Higgs acquire SUSY
corrections - No fine-tuning required
- Changes relationship between mW, mtop and mH
- Also consistent with precision measurements of MW
and mtop
6CDF and the Tevatron
7Tevatron Run II
- Worlds highest energy collider
- Tevatron Accelerator
- Integrated luminosity gt1.5 fb-1 by now
- CDF data taking efficiency about 83
- Integrate ?Ldt4-8 fb-1 by 2009
vs(TeV) Dt(ns) L(cm-2 s-1)
Run II 1.96 396 1.7x1032
Key parameter N? ?Ldt
Delivered 1.6 fb-1 Recorded 1.3 fb-1
8Tevatron Luminosity
9Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
10Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
- Electron ID
- Coverage hlt3.6
- hlt2 (w/ trk)
- ID eff. 80-90
- Photon ID
- Coverage hlt2.8
- ID eff. 80
11Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
- Muon ID
- Coverage hlt1
- ID eff. 90-100
12Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
- Tau ID
- Narrow iso. cluster
- Low tracks
- p0 identification
- Coverage hlt1
- ID eff. 46
13Measurement of Final State Objects with CDF
- Jet ID
- Cluster of CAL towers
- Coverage hlt3.6
- Heavy Flavor Jet Tagging
- Id HF jets via semi-leptonic decay
- Find soft lepton in jets
- Coverage hlt1
- Id HF jets via finding displaced vertex
- Coverage hlt1.5
- SM particles have supersymmetric partners
- Differ by 1/2 unit in spin
- Sfermions (squarks, selectron, smuon, ...) spin
0 - gauginos (chargino, neutralino, gluino,) spin
1/2 - No SUSY particles found as yet
- SUSY must be broken breaking mechanism
determines phenomenology - More than 100 parameters even in minimal models!
16Sparticle Cross Sections Tevatron
Cross Section (pb)
150 events produced so far (1.5 fb-1)
17Sparticle Cross SectionsLHC
Cross Section (pb)
100 events with 1 fb-1
18Sparticle Cross SectionsLHC
100 events with 1 pb-1
Cross Section (pb)
100 events with 1 fb-1
19Higgs in the MSSM
- Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
- 2 Higgs-Fields Parameter tanbltHugt/ltHdgt
- 5 Higgs bosons h, H, A, H
- Neutral Higgs Boson
- Pseudoscalar A
- Scalar H, h
- Lightest Higgs (h) very similar to SM
- At high tanß
- A is degenerate in mass with either h or H
- Decay into either tt or bb for mAlt300 GeV
- BR(A ?tt) 10, BR(A? bb) 90
- Cross section enhanced with tan2?
- C. Balazs, J.L.Diaz-Cruz, H.J.He, T.Tait and C.P.
Yuan, PRD 59, 055016 (1999) - M.Carena, S.Mrenna and C.Wagner, PRD 60, 075010
(1999) - M.Carena, S.Mrenna and C.Wagner, PRD 62, 055008
20Neutral MSSM Higgs
- Production mechanisms
- bb ? A/h/H
- gg ? A/h/H
- Experimentally
- pp ? ?bX ? bbbX
- pp ? ?X ? tt X
21MSSM Higgs Tau-Selection
- Select t t Events
- One t decays to e or m
- One t decays to hadrons
- Require
- e or m with pTgt10 GeV
- Hadronic t
- Narrow Jet with low multiplicity
- 1 or 3 tracks in 10o cone
- No tracks between 10o and 30o
- Cone size descreasing with increasing energy
- Low p0 multiplicity
- Masslt1.8 GeV
- Kinematic cuts against background
- Wjets
- Photonjets
- Dijets
22Acceptance and Background
- Main background
- Drell-Yan tt
- Indistinguishable signature gt Separate
kinematically - No full mass reconstruction possible for low
Higgs pT - Form mass like quantity mvism(t,e/m,ET)
- Good separation between signal and background
- Data mass distribution agrees with SM
expectation - mvisgt120 GeV
- 8.40.9 expected, 11 observed
23MSSM Higgs Results
- CDF pp ? AX? ttX
- Sensitivity at high tanb
- Exploting regime beyond LEP
- Brandnew result from DØ
- Combined with other mode
- pp ? bAX?bbbX
- Future (L8 fb-1)
- Probe values down to 25-30!
243rd generation Squarks
- 3rd generation is special
- Masses of one can be very low due to large SM
mass - Particularly at high tan?
- Direct production or from gluino decays
- pp ?bb or tt
- pp ?gg ?bbbb or tttt
- Decay of sbottom and stop
- b ?b?0
- Stop depends on mass
- Heavy t ?t?0
- Medium t ?b? ?bW?0
- Light t ?c?0
25Bottom Squarks
- This analysis
- Gluino rather light 200-300 GeV
- BR(g-gtbb)100 assumed
- Spectacular signature
- 4 b-quarks ET
- Require b-jets and ETgt80 GeV
Expect2.60.7 Observe 4
Exclude new parameter space in gluino vs. sbottom
mass plane
26Light Stop-Quark Motivation
- If stop quark is light
- decay only via t-gtcc10
- E.g. consistent with relic density from WMAP data
- Balazs, Carena, Wagner hep-ph/0403224
- WCDM0.11-0.02
- m(t)-m(c10)15-30 GeV/c2
- m(t)lt165 GeV/c2
- Search for 2 charm-jets and large Et
- ET(jet)gt35, 25 GeV
- ETgt55 GeV
27Light Stop-Quark Result
- Charm jets
- Use jet probability to tag charm
- Probability of tracks originating from primary
vertex - Improves signal to background ratio
- Signal Efficiency 30
- Background rejection 92
- Data consistent with background estimate
- Observed 11
- Expected 8.32.3-1.7
- Main background
- Z jj -gt vvjj
- Wjj -gt tvjj
28Stop Quark Result and Future
- Due to slight excess in data
- No limit set on stop quark mass yet
- Future light stop reach
- L1 fb-1 m(t)lt160 GeV/c2
- L4 fb-1 m(t)lt180 GeV/c2
- Direct production will be tough to trigger
- But gluino decay to stop and top yields striking
signature! - Two Ws, two b-quarks, two c-quarks and missing
ET - If m(g)gtm(t)m(t)
29Charginos and Neutralinos
- Charginos and Neutralionos
- SUSY partners of W, Z, photon, Higgs
- Mixed states of those
- Signature
- 3 leptons
- Recent analyses of EWK precision data
- J. Ellis, S. Heinemeyer, K. Olive, G. Weiglein
- hep-ph/0411216
- Light SUSY preferred
303 leptons
- Many analyses to cover full phase space
- Low tan?
- 2ee/m
- 2me/m
- mee/m
- High tan?
- 2eisolated track
- Sensitive to one-prong tau-decay
- Other requirements
- Dilepton mass gt15 GeV and not within Z mass range
- Less than 2 jets
- Significant ET
31Trileptons Result
Analysis Expected background Example SUSY Data
Trilepton (??l) 0.64?0.18 1.6?0.2 1
Trilepton (?el) 0.78?0.13 1.0?0.2 0
Trilepton (eel) 0.17?0.05 0.5?0.1 0
Dielectrontrack 0.49?0.14 1.2?0.1 1
Trilepton(??l) 0.13?0.03 0.12-0.02 0
Still no SUSY! Will need to set limit
323-muon Event
33Rare Decay Bs?mm-
- SM rate heavily suppressed
- SUSY rate may be enhanced
- Related to Dark Matter cross section (in one of 3
cosmologically interesting regions) - Recently gained a lot of attention in WMAP data
SUSY analyses, see e.g. - B. Allanach, C. Lester hep/ph-0507383
- J. Ellis et al., hep-ph/0504196
- S. Baek, Y.G.Kim, P. Ko, hep-ph/0406033
- R. Dermisek et al., hep-ph/0507233
(Buchalla Buras, Misiak Urban)
(Babu, Kolda hep-ph/9909476 many more)
S. Baek, Y.G.Kim, P. Ko, hep-ph/0406033
34Bs?mm- vs. Trileptons
A.Dedes, S. Mrenna, U. Nierste, P. Richardson
35Indirect Search Bs-gtmm
- Preselection
- Two muons with pTgt1.5 GeV/c
- Dimuon vertex displaced from primary
- Identify variables that separate signal from
background - Decay length ?
- Points towards primary vertex
- Isolated from other tracks
- Construct likelihood of variables
- Excellent separation
- Cut at likelihood ratio gt0.99
36Bs-gtmm Result and Future
- Result
- 0 events observed
- Backgrounds
- 0.81 0.12 for (CMU-CMU)
- 0.66 0.13 for (CMU-CMX)
- Branching Ratio
- BR(Bs-gtmm)lt1.5 x 10-7 at 90C.L.
- Combined with D0
- BR(Bs-gtmm)lt1.2 x 10-7 at 90C.L.
- Future
- Probe values of 2x10-8
37Impact of Bs?mm- limits Now
S. Baek, Y.G.Kim, P. Ko, hep-ph/0406033
A.Dedes, S. Mrenna, U. Nierste, P. Richardson
- Starting to constrain MSSM parameter space
38Impact of Bs?mm- limits L8 fb-1
S. Baek, Y.G.Kim, P. Ko, hep-ph/0406033
A.Dedes, S. Mrenna, U. Nierste, P. Richardson
- Tevatron will severely constrain parameter space
39Impact of Bs?mm- limits LHC
S. Baek, Y.G.Kim, P. Ko, hep-ph/0406033
A.Dedes, S. Mrenna, U. Nierste, P. Richardson
- LHC will probe SM value with about 100 fb-1
40Non-Susy Searches
41High Mass Dileptons
Standard Model high mass dilepton production
New physics at high mass
- Resonance signature
- Spin-1 Z, W
- Spin-2 Randall-Sundrum (RS) Graviton
- Spin-0 Higgs, Sneutrino
- Tail Enhancement
- Contact Interactions
- Large Extra Dimension (Arkhani-Hamed, Dimopoulos,
42Z?ee Search
- Dielectron mass spectrum and angular
distribution - 2D analysis improves sensitivity
- Data agree well with Standard Model spectrum
- No evidence for mass peak
43Z?ee Signal Examples
- Angular distribution has different sensitivity
for different Z models
44Limits on New Physics
- Mass peak search
- Tail enhancement contact interaction
Model ZSM Z? Z? Z? ZI ZN Zsec
Mass limit (GeV/c2) 860 735 725 745 650 710 675
45Signature Based Searches
- All searches cover unique signatures, e.g.
- Three lepton and missing ET
- B- or c-jets and missing ET
- 2 b--jets or c-jets and missing ET
- Dilepton invariant mass
- However, can also search really model independent
to make sure we dont miss anything! - DiphotonX
46Signature DiphotonX
- Search for any objects produced in association
with 2 photons - Electron, muon, tau
- Photon
- Jet
- Missing ET
- Data consistent with background prediction
SM Data
??e 4.5?0.8 2
???? 0.5?0.1 0
???? 1.9?0.6 4
???ET 0.3?0.1 0
47DiphotonX Invariant Mass
- Kinematic distributions also agree well with
background prediction - Triphoton analysis first physics result with gt1
fb-1 of data!
48Summary and Outlook
- CDF and Tevatron running great!
- Most analyses based on up to 350-750 pb-1
- Will analyze 1 fb-1 by summer 2006
- Anticipate 4.4-8.6 fb-1 by 2009
- Searches probe Nature in new, unique way
- Tevatron most powerful tool today
- provide worlds best constraints on nearly
anything that is being searched for - LHC will be very powerful in the future
- It is an exciting time
more than 1 fb-1!
49Backup Slides
50Dirac Magnetic Monopole
- Bends in the wrong plane (? high pt)
- Large ionization in scint (gt500 Mips!)
- Large dE/dx in drift chamber
TOF trigger designed specifically for monopole
mmonopole gt 350 GeV/c2
51GMSB ggEt
- Assume c01 is NLSP
- Decay to Gg
- G light m 1 keV
- Inspired by CDF eeggEt
- event in Run I
- SM exp. 10-6
- D0 (CDF) Inclusive search
- 2 photons Et gt 20 (13) GeV
- Et gt 40 (45) GeV
Exp. Obs. m(c1)
D0 2.50.5 1 gt192 GeV
CDF 0.30.1 0 gt168 GeV
D0CDF m(c1)gt 209 GeV/c2
52Tevatron Future
53SUSY Particles
54Neutral Spin-1 Bosons Z
- 2 high-PT electrons, muons, taus
- Data agree with BG (Drell-Yan)
- Interpret in Z models
- E6-models y, h, c, I
- SM-like couplings (toy model)
55Future High Energy Colliders
LHC (2007-?)
vs0.5-1 TeV
vs14 TeV
56Randall-Sundrum Graviton
- Analysis
- 2 photon mass spectrum
- Backgrounds
- direct diphoton production
- Jets ?0???
- Data consistent with background
- Relevant parameters
- Coupling k/MPl
- Mass of 1st KK-mode
57Randall-Sundrum Graviton
- Analysis
- 2 photon mass spectrum
- Backgrounds
- direct diphoton production
- Jets ?0???
- Data consistent with background
58Extra Dimensions
- Attempt to solve hierarchy problem by introducing
extra dimensions at TeV scale - ADD-model
- n EDs large 100mm-1fm
- M2PL Rn MSn2 (n2-7)
- Kaluza-Klein-tower of Gravitons ?continuum
- Interfere with SM diagrams l1 (Hewett)
- Randall Sundrum
- Gravity propagates in single curved ED
- ED small 1/MPl10-35 m
- Large spacing between KK-excitations
- ? resolve resonances
- Signatures at Tevatron
- Virtual exchange
- 2 leptons, photons, Ws, Zs, etc.
- BR(G-gtgg)2xBR(G-gtll)
ee, mm, gg