Title: Asset Management Taking the Next Step
1Asset Management-Taking the Next Step -
presented at 4th National Transportation Asset
Management Workshop MRUTC Madison,
Wisconsin presented by Tony Kane,
Director Engineering and Technical
Services AASHTO September 24, 2001
2What is Transportation Asset Management?
- A strategic approach to managing transportation
3What is Transportation Asset Management?
- A philosophy
- Long-term view
- Comprehensive
- Proactive
- A process
- Investment choices, tradeoffs, decisions
- Organizational roles and responsibilities
- Improved horizontal and vertical communication
- A set of technical tools
- Management systems
- Integrated Data
- Specialized methods
4Driving Interest in Asset Management
- Aging infrastructure
- Resource limitations
- Financial
- Human
- Changing agency roles from production to
operations, policy and management - Increasing public expectations and use of system
- Information technology and advanced management
systems - Regulatory and political demands
- Performance measures
- Asset valuation
5Why is Asset Management Important?
- Enables an agency to support and justify
legislative budget requests. - Maximizes the benefits from available funding.
- Shows the trade-offs of alternative investment
strategies. - Supports decision making and enhances
productivity. - Facilitates decision making using readily
available quantitative and qualitative
information. - Enables appropriate resource allocation and asset
6Why is Transportation Asset Management so
Important Now?
- 1 Trillion Investment in Highways
- Shift from Construction to Preservation
- Aging Infrastructure
- Increasing Traffic Growth
- in Movement of Goods
- Reinventing Government
- Performance Management
- Accountability
- Information Age
- 4 National Workshops since 1996.
- Numerous Organizations have held Meetings to
investigate Asset Management (CERF, APWA, ASCE). - FHWA has established an Office of Asset
Management. - AASHTO establishment of Task Force on
- Transportation Asset Management in 1998,
- and adoption of Strategic Plan in 2000.
- Establishment of a TRB Task Force in 2000.
- GASB 34 Workshops held.
- NCHRP Project to Develop First-Generation
Asset Management Guide begun in
1999. - NCHRP Project to research new tools in 2001.
- Joint web site is being established.
8AASHTO Strategic Plan
Goal 1 Develop Partnerships 4
strategies Goal 2 Develop An Understanding
7 strategies Goal 3 Promote Tools and
Research 8 strategies Goal 4 Inform Member
States on Use 2 strategies Goal 5 Assist
Member States 4 strategies
9 Keys to Success
- Promote sustained political commitment.
- Provide executive leadership.
- Commit resources at the State and National Level.
- Facilitate sharing between States.
- Pool organizational resources between AASHTO,
The Hallmark of Asset Management is our
commitment, as the nations transportation
leaders, to strive continuously and collectively
to improve the way we manage the transportation
systems in the United States.
11NCHRP 20-24(11) - Activities to Date
- Review of current asset management practices in
the public and private sectors - State DOTs
- Interviews with New York, Colorado, Arizona,
Washington State, California, and Michigan - Literature review of other work, conferences,
surveys - Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development - United Kingdom English Highways Agency
- Reports and handbooks by Australia and New
Zealand - Selected private-sector industries practices
12NCHRP 20-24(11) - Activities to Date
- Development of an asset management framework
- Definition of asset management
- Review of methods to describe and rate management
processes - Development of rating matrices
- Recommendations for asset management research
13Principles of Asset Management
- Comprehensive view of assets (highways, bridges,
ITS, etc.) - Long-term (life-cycle) view of asset performance
and costs - Decisions driven by policy goals / objectives and
system performance - Tradeoffs among programs, modes, actions
- Projects and services delivered in most effective
way available - Quality information at all stages of process
14Types of Assets Included
- State-owned transportation infrastructure
(typical) - Roadways
- Bridges, other structures
- Operations hardware
- Associated features and facilities
- Transportation infrastructure in which state has
an interest (on a case-by-case basis) - Off-system roadways and bridges
- Railways (freight, passenger, transit)
- Intermodal facilities - ports, airports,
terminals - Pedestrian and bike paths
15Current State Practices
- Responsibility for different modes is fragmented
- Funding often constrained by mode and function
- Within highway organization - pavement, bridge,
maintenance, and other organizational units are
not integrated - Management systems are stand-alone and of
different vintages - Senior management does not have access to
sufficient quality information to make tradeoffs
16Current State Practices
- System preservation versus new capacity, service,
or system expansion - Operations (ITS) versus capital improvements
- Investments across modes
- Passenger versus freight mobility
- Rural economic development versus urban
congestion mitigation
17Key Challenges - Institutional
- Integrating decision-making and resource
allocation across all asset classes - Combining financial, management, engineering, and
operational perspectives - Defining system performance measures that reflect
customer perspective and user costs - Senior management support and leadership
- Developing new public and private sector roles
- Increased scope and complexity of
responsibilities must be balanced against
resource limits and imposed constraints
18Key Challenges - Technical
- Integrating legacy systems for different asset
classes - Developing comprehensive, GIS-compatible,
enterprise-wide databases - Creating next generation management systems that
support wide range of what-if analyses
reflecting different budget and performance
assumptions - Improving life-cycle analysis methods
- Strengthening transportation system monitoring