Title: Post Tsunami Sri Lanka
1Post Tsunami Sri Lanka
2Chaminda, one of our YFC staffers in front of
what is left of his house that was washed off by
the tidal waves. (Colombo)
4Displaced people awaiting relief (Batticaloa)
5House devastated by waves (Batticaloa)
7A little boy in front of his shattered
home. (Dehiwela)
8Devastated home (Dehiwela)
9People trying to gather whatever thats left of
their possessions (Colombo)
11Busily cutting cloth to be sent for the refugees
12Our volunteers folding linen to be sent for
13YFC Staff and volunteers packing
14A YFC team working in Galle
15YFC Staff and volunteers loading goods to be sent
16YFC workers packing dry-rations to be taken to
the affected areas
17The YFC van with relief goods had to go through a
stream as one of the bridges was washed away
18The goods that were taken to Batticaloa were sent
to the affected areas by boat, as one of the
bridges was washed away by the waves
19Boat to Batticaloa
20Delivery in Galle
21If you want to help, contact
Youth for Christ 608 West 38th Street Marion IN
46953 (765) 674-7735