Title: On the Hardness of Being Truthful
1On the Hardness of Being Truthful
- Michael Schapira
- Joint work with Christos Papadimitriou and Yaron
Singer (UC Berkeley)
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The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2Overview of the Talk
- The Combinatorial Public Project Problem.
- The Communication Hardness of Truthfulness.
- The Computational Hardness of Truthfulness.
- Conclusion and Open Questions.
3Combinatorial Public Project
- Set of n users Set of m resources
- Each user i has a valuation function vi 2m
? R0 - Objective Given a parameter k, choose a set of
resources S of size k which maximizes the social
4Assumptions Regarding Each Valuation Function
- Normalized
- v(Ø ) 0
- Non-decreasing
- v(S) v(T) S T
- Submodular
- v( S ? j )- v(S) v( T ? j )- v(T) S
5Motivating Examples
- Elections for a committee The agents are voters,
resources are potential candidates. - Overlay networks We wish to select a subset of
nodes in a graph that will function as an overlay
network. http//nms.csail.mit.edu/ron/
6What Do We Want?
- Quality of the solution As close to the optimum
as possible. - Computationally tractable Polynomial running
time (in n and m). - Truthful Motivate (via payments) agents to
report their true values regardless of other
agents reports. - The utility of each user is ui vi(S) - pi
7Are Combinatorial Public Projects Easy?
- Computational PerspectiveA 1-1/e approximation
ratio is achievable due to the submodularity of
the valuations (but not truthful) - A tight lower bound exists Feige.
- Strategic PerspectiveA truthful solution is
achievable via VCG payments (but NP-hard to
obtain) - What about achieving both simultaneously?
8Central Open Question in Algorithmic Mechanism
Design Nisan-Ronen
easy easy easy? canonically hard problems
- Feigenbaum-Shenker
Conjecture NO!
9Overview of the Talk
- The Combinatorial Public Project Problem.
- The Communication Hardness of Truthfulness.
- The Computational Hardness of Truthfulness.
- Conclusion and Open Questions.
10Truth and Computation Dont Mix
- Theorem Any truthful algorithm for the
combinatorial public project problem which
approximates better than vm requires exponential
communication in m. - Even for n2.
- Implications for AMD A huge gap between
truthfulpolynomial algorithms, and
truthful/polynomial algorithms. - Remark This lower bound is tight.
11Proving the Lower Bound
- Lemma 1 Any affine maximizer for the
combinatorial public project problem which
approximates better than vm requires exponential
communication in m. - Lemma 2 (!) An algorithm for the combinatorial
public project problem is truthful iff its an
affine maximizer
12Affine Maximizers
- Def (informal) A is an affine maximizer if
there is some RA S k S m
we shall refer to RA as As range.
s.t. A(v1,vn) argmaxS in RASi vi(S)(for
all v1,,vn)
13Lower Bound For Affine Maximizers
- Lemma 1 Any affine maximizer for the
combinatorial public project problem which
approximates better than vm requires exponential
communication in m. - Proof in two steps Dobzinski-Nisan
- Proposition 1 In order to get an approximation
better than vm, the range must be exponentially
large (in m) - Even for n1.
- Proposition 2 Maximizing over a range RA
requires communicating RA bits. - Even for n2.
14Lower Bound For Affine Maximizers
- Proposition 1 In order to get an approximation
better than vm, the range must be exponentially
large (in m) - Probablistic construction.
- Let kvm. Choose uniformly at random a set of
resources T s.t. Tvm. - v1(Q)QnT for every Q.
- For every set S in RA (Svm) Pr SnT cme
is exp. small. - Proposition 2 Maximizing over a range RA
requires communicating RA bits. - Reduction from the SET-DISJOINTNESS problem.
- Two parties, Alice and Bob, each holding a subset
of 1,,t. - It requires O(t) bits to find out if Alice and
Bob share a common element. - Identify RA with 1,,t.
15Characterization Lemma
- Characterization Lemma An algorithm for the
combinatorial public project problem is truthful
iff its an affine maximizer! - Theorem (Roberts 79) For unrestricted valuation
functions any truthful mechanism is an affine
maximizer - We use machinery from simplified proofs of
Roberts Theorem Lavi-Mualem-Nisan. - But our domain is severely restricted!
- But our domain isnt open!
16Characterizating Truthfulness (cntd)
unrestricted valuations
Only affine maximizers!(Roberts 1979)
Not always affine-maximizersauction settings
Lavi-Mualem-Nisan, Bartal-Gonen-Nisan
Always affine-maximizersfor the case of
combinatorial public projects!
17Overview of the Talk
- The Combinatorial Public Project Problem.
- The Communication Hardness of Truthfulness.
- The Computational Hardness of Truthfulness.
- Conclusion and Open Questions.
18Computational Hardness of Truthfulness
- To prove our results we had to assume that the
input can be exponential in m. - Realistic?
- If users have succinctly described valuations
then computational-complexity techniques are
required. - No such impossibility results are known.
19Computational Hardness of Truthfulness
- Theorem There is a class of succinctly-described
valuations C s.t. - There exists a polynomial-time algorithm for
combinatorial public project with valuations in C
that obtains an approximation ratio of 1-1/e. - Any truthful polynomial-time approximation
algorithm cannot obtain an approximation ratio
better than vm unless NP BPP.
20Our Proof Revisited
- Characterization Lemma an algorithm is truthful
iff it is an affine-maximizer. - Observation The proof only requires
succinctly-described valuations. - Inapproximability Lemma Any affine maximizer
which approximates better than vm requires
exponential communication. - Proposition 1 In order to get an approximation
better than vm, the range must be exponential. - Proposition 2 Maximizing over a range RA
requires communicating RA bits.
21New Proof
- Characterization Lemma an algorithm is truthful
iff it is an affine-maximizer. -
- Inapproximability Lemma No affine maximizer can
approximate better than vm unless computational
assumption is false. - Proposition 1 In order to get an approximation
better than vm, the range must be exponential. - New Challenge Maximizing over an
exponential-size range in polynomial time implies
that computational assumption is false. - New Technique.
22Computational-Complexity Hardness
- For many families of succinctly described
valuations combinatorial public projects are
NP-hard. - Special case MAX-K-COVER Feige
- So, optimizing over the set of all possible
solutions is hard. - What about optimizing over a set of solutions of
exponential size? - Intuition - also hard!
- You are given a language L 0,1n s.t. L is
exponentially dense, i.e., L 2na (for some
constant 0lta1) - SATL Given a CNF determine whether there is a
satisfying assignment in L. - Conjecture SATL is NP-hard for every
exponentially dense L.
- Let L s s is of the form 000xxx
- For this L, SATL is obviously NP-hard.
- General approach Find a smaller SAT hiding in
SATL. - Not too small!
25Sauer-Shelah Lemma (for SATL)
- Let L be some exponentially dense language.
- Then, there exists a set N of nb variables (for
some constant 0ltb1) s.t. all assignments for
these variables are in L. - N is shattered by L.
- Are we done? Did we prove that SATL is NP-hard?
- We do not know how to find (approximate) N in
polynomial time. - Hard! Papadimitriou-Yannakakis, Schaefer,
Mossel-Umans - Theorem If SATL is in P then SAT has polynomial
circuits. - What about a probabilistic reduction from SAT?
- A naïve approach fails.
- Ajtais probabilistic version of the Sauer-Shelah
Lemma helps in our case! - What about SATL?
- You are given a language L 0,1n s.t. L is
exponentially dense, i.e., L 2na (for some
constant 0lta1) - CIRCUIT SATL Given a boolean circuit determine
whether it has a satisfying input-assignment in
L. - Theorem If CIRCUIT SATL is in P then SAT is in
BPP. - Hashing
28Overview of the Talk
- The Combinatorial Public Project Problem.
- The Communication Hardness of Truthfulness.
- The Computational Hardness of Truthfulness.
- Conclusion and Open Questions.
- There is a huge gap between unrestricted and
truthful (polynomial-time) algorithms. - This is true in both the communication model and
the computational model. - Surprising connections between mechanism design
and complexity theory.
30Open Questions What are the Limitations of Our
- Characterizing truthfulness (combinatorial
auctions?). - Proving computational-complexity lower bounds for
- Other problems (combinatorial auctions?)
Mossel-Papadimitriou-S-Singer, work in progress)
31Open Questions
- Other notions of the hardness of truthfulness
Babaioff-Blumrosen-Naor-S - The approximability of combinatorial public
projects S-Singer, work in progress.