Title: Global Public Health Nursing Issues:Perspective from Nazareth College
1Global Public Health Nursing IssuesPerspective
from Nazareth College
- Dr. Marie O'TooleChair and ProfessorDepartment
of NursingNazareth College
2Challenges and Opportunities
- Influence Health Care
- Promote and encourage a wellness model- not
merely prepare nurses to work in acute care
settings. - Provide more, as well as more appropriate access
to care
- Protect the title nurse-
- Build capacity for nurses-
- Stop the brain drain by recognizing and
appreciating nursing expertise. - Provide appropriate education for nurses- in
institutions of Higher Education
4Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative
care of individuals of all ages, families, groups
and communities, sick or well and in all
settings. Nursing includes the promotion of
health, prevention of illness, and the care of
ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy,
promotion of a safe environment, research,
participation in shaping health policy and in
patient and health systems management, and
education are also key nursing roles.
5Economic Impact on Nurses
- More applications to nursing schools in the
United States then ever before . . . - In the first systematic study of the problems
faced by nurses globally, Penn State researchers
have found that the nursing shortage is a
worldwide phenomenon that is both jeopardizing
health care and creating stressful working
conditions for nurses.
6Global Aging
- The growing number of older adults increases
demands on the public health system and on
medical and social services. Chronic diseases,
which affect older adults disproportionately,
contribute to disability, diminish quality of
life, and increased health- and long-term--care
costs. Increased life expectancy reflects, in
part, the success of public health interventions,
but public health programs must now respond to
the challenges created by this achievement,
including the growing burden of chronic
illnesses, injuries, and disabilities and
increasing concerns about future caregiving and
health-care costs. (MMWR)
- Opportunity to have create partnerships between
countries- no one has the perfect answer to
nursing practice, together we have a can create
an evidence based system for education and
practice. - Mentorship and building capacity is key.
8Nurse Migration
- Think out of the box-
- Exchanges between developed and developing
countries could enrich all nursing practice - All nurses need to be paid a living wage and
respected for the role they play in health care
9Standardize International Nursing Education?
- Yes, so that all nurses have the qualifications
to implement the roles defined in the ICN
definition of nurse.
- Bologna Process
- Tuning Process-
- Important initiatives to insure that nursing
competencies are achieved. - Assures the public of good nursing care.