Title: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Update
1Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionUpdate
- James Guest
- Chief Accountant
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- The views and comments presented are mine alone
and do not represent, nor are they to be
interpreted to represent the views, comments, or
positions of the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, individual Commissioners or other
members of the Commissions staff.
3Table of Contents
- Organizational Changes
- FERC Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Pipeline Integrity Management Programs
- ISO/RTO Accounting
- Income Tax Matters
- Other Initiatives
4Organizational Update
- Chairmans term June 30, 2005
- Regulatory Accounting Policy resides in OMTR
(Office of Markets, Tariffs and Rates) - James Guest, Chief Accountant
- (202) 502-6614
- Financial Audit Division resides in OMOI (Office
of Market Oversight and Investigations) - Janice Garrison Nicholas, Director of Financial
Audits - (202) 502-6602
5Order 646 Quarterly Financial Reporting
6Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Result of Order No. 646
- Issued February 11, 2004
- Established quarterly financial reports for
jurisdictional utilities beginning with first
quarter 2004
7Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Compliance 207 of the 213 Major Utilities (Form
1) filed quarterly reports - Others have pending waiver requests
8Quarterly Financial Reporting
- First year implementation
- Positive responses
- Extensive outreach with industry
- Numerous software questions
- Able to work out many glitches
9Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Extended filing dates
- Generous with individual requests for extensions
- Current filing dates
- 60 days for Form 1 companies
- 70 days for Form 1-F companies
10Quarterly Financial Reporting
- 21 requests for waiver
- 20 cooperatives
- 1 major traditional utility
- 5 Form 1 companies
- 16 Form 1-F companies
11Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Corporate Officer Certification Statement
- Internal accounting controls
- Significant weaknesses
- Significant changes to internal accounting
12Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Certification Statement
- Requests from EEI, INGAA, and AOPL to delay
implementation and modify statement
13Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Delayed implementing the Corporate Officers
Certification for the FERC Annual Report Forms - RM03-8-002 issued March 23, 2005
14Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
15Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
- Office of Pipeline Safety - Pipeline Safety
Pipeline Integrity Management in High Consequence
Areas - Effective January 4, 2004 for Natural Gas Cos.
- Effective February 15, 2002 for Oil Pipeline Cos.
- Requires pipeline operators to develop,
implement, and follow an integrity management
program (IMP) for areas of pipe located in a HCA - Includes minimum requirements for conducting
ongoing assessments of the integrity of pipe in a
HCA - Hydrostatic testing
- Smart pigging
- Direct assessment
16Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
- Dkt AI05-1-000 (November 5, 2004) Notice of
Proposed Accounting Release No. 18, Accounting
for Pipeline Assessment Costs - Need for AR
- Diversity in accounting for pipeline assessment
activities - Prior authorizations allowing capitalization of
assessments in a one-time major pipeline
rehabilitation program
17Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
- Diversity in accounting for pipeline assessment
activities - Operating Expense Instructions No. 2 - costs
incurred to inspect, test and report on the
condition of plant to determine the need for
repairs or replacements are to be charged to
maintenance expense in the period the costs are
18Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
- Conclusion
- Pipeline assessments in an IMP are a part of an
ongoing inspection program - Not a one-time rehabilitation program
- Pipeline assessment should be accounted for as
maintenance expense as incurred - Proposed effective date 1/1/2005
19Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
- Comments Received on Accounting for Assessments
- Agreed with our conclusion
- Agreed with our conclusion except for certain
situations - Capitalize assessments that leads to a repair of
defects that existed from the time of
construction or acquisition - Capitalize assessments that leads to any capital
expenditure - Disagreed with our conclusion
- GAAP permits capitalization if it extends the
life, increase capacity, or improve safety or
efficiency - Creates a quantifiable knowledge base which has
value - Prior precedent
- Baseline tests are one time rather than on-going
expenses - Integrity management program requires front end
costs in addition to the ongoing assessment
20Pipeline Integrity Management Costs
- Comments Received on the Effective Date
- More time is needed to develop controls and
procedures implement new rule - More time is needed to allow for more discussion
and consideration of the complexities of all the
issues and allow for petitions for rehearing - Other accounting authorities usually apply
accounting changes prospectively - Retroactive accounting treatment would have
unfair rate consequences
21RTO Accounting and Reporting
22ISO/RTO Accounting and Reporting
- Notice of Inquiry Issued September 16, 2004
- RM04-12-000, Financial Reporting and Cost
Accounting, Oversight and Recovery Practices for
Regional Transmission Organizations and
Independent System Operators - Received over 50 comments
23RTO Accounting Reporting
- RM04-12-000, Accounting and Reporting for Public
Utilities Including RTOs - NOPR issued May 25, 2005
- Comments due (60 days after published in Federal
24RTO Accounting and Reporting
- Uniform System of Accounts
- Developed for vertically integrated business
model - Used by all forms of business organizations
- Revising to better identify assets, costs
incurred, and revenues earned for RTOs and other
public utilities
25RTO Accounting Reporting
- RTOs
- Expanded reporting
- New functional classification
- Compare costs between RTOs
- Traditional Public Utilities
- Transparency in costs billed from RTOs
26RTO Accounting Reporting
- RTOs
- New Asset Function
- Computer hardware
- Computer software
- Structure and improvements
27RTO Accounting Reporting
- RTOs
- New Expense Function
- Dispatching, System Control, Scheduling
- Long Term Reliability Planning, Standards
Development - Market Accounts
- Day-Ahead and Real Time
- Transmission Rights
- Capacity
- Monitoring and Facilitation
- Maintenance Expense Accounts
28RTO Accounting Reporting
- RTOs
- Existing USofA can accommodate
- Customer service costs
- Officer salaries and expenses
- Administrative and general salaries
- Pension and benefits
- Interest expense, property insurance, taxes
29RTO Accounting Reporting
- Traditional Public Utilities
- New Expense Accounts for RTO Billings
- Dispatching, System Control, and Scheduling
- Long Term Reliability Planning, and Standards
Development - Market Monitoring and Compliance
- Settlement Amounts
30ISO/RTO Accounting and Reporting
- RTOs
- Expanded reporting
- New functional classification
- Compare costs between RTOs
- Traditional Public Utilities
- Transparency in costs billed from RTOs
31Income Taxes
32Policy statement Income Tax Allowances for
Regulated Entities
- Entities owning public utility assets would get
tax allowance on the income from the assets - provided actual or potential income tax liability
on that public utility income - Taxpaying entities are permitted an income tax
allowance on the income imputed - provided actual or potential income tax liability
on that income
33Policy statement Income Tax Allowances for
Regulated Entities
- What happens if the partners or members do not
have such an actual or potential income tax
obligation? - the amount of any income tax allowance will be
reduced accordingly to reflect the weighted
income tax liability of the entitys partners or
34American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
- Tax deduction for manufacturing activities (TDMA)
- Reduces the effective federal income tax rate on
profit from the sale of electricity and natural
gas from 35 to 32 - Accounting implications
- Ratemaking implications
35American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
- Accounting Treat as special Deduction not
reduction in effective tax rate - Ratemaking - Commission Guidance Order
36Other Actions or Initiatives
37Other Initiatives
- Business Combinations, Goodwill and Other
Intangibles NOPR - Omnibus NOPR
- Oil Pipeline Accounting NOPR
- FASB Statement 154 under analysis