Title: Hitler seizes control January 1933
1Hitler seizes control January 1933 August
30th Jan 1933- Hitler appointed Chancellor of
14th July All political parties banned except
the Nazis
2nd May Trade Unions banned
10th May Burning of Jewish and anti Nazi books
5th March General Election gives Nazis a
22nd Sept Propaganda Ministry censors all media
23rd March Enabling Act
5th July Bavarian Peoples, National and Centre
Parties disbanded.
2nd August 1934 Death of Hindenberg. Hitler
becomes Fuhrer.
27th Feb Reichstag Fire
22nd June SPD banned.
30th June 1934 - SA removed in the Night of the
Long Knives
2nd Feb Auxiliary police force set up with
25,000 SA men and 15,000 SS men
26th May Communist Party broken up