Title: Ms' Herndons Science Classes
1Ms. Herndons Science Classes
- Madison Middle School Magnet
2I Believe
- that giving young people a solid education and
the skills to become life-long learners is one of
the greatest gifts we can give them.
3I believe
- That teaching students responsibility,
organizational skills, study skills, to respect
the learning environment, to set goals and
complete long-term assignments, and to go beyond
the average is just as important as teaching them
science content.
4I believe
- That the science skills of questioning,
investigating, critical and creative thinking,
and problem solving are useful in all areas of
study and throughout all our life.
5What is my child learning in science?
- Seventh graders learn about life science. It is
a single semester class. They will have health
during the second semester. - Eighth graders learn physical science - a
combination of physics, chemistry, and astronomy.
6What textbook will be used?
- Prentice Hall Science
- Every student has a book at home.
- Books cost 55 to replace when new.
7What materials are required for my child?
- A portfolio folder with metal prongs (can be
plastic or paper - plastic is more durable) - Pens, pencils, erasers
- Binder paper
- Colored pencils, ruler
8What is expected of my child?
- Positive Behaviors
- Start work quickly and quietly.
- Listen and follow directions.
- Work well (quietly and steadily) in class.
- Be helpful
- Participate in a positive way.
- Behaviors We Dont Expect
- Excessive or inappropriate talking
- Not listening or following directions.
- Playing, Teasing, or Distracting Behaviors
- Disrespect
- Interrupting
9What are my childs responsibilities in your
- Bring portfolio and supplies to class every day.
DONT LOSE PORTFOLIO! - Keep all assignments in portfolio organized.
(including assignments quizzes that are already
graded.) - Keep calendars in portfolio up-to-date. Get
signatures on calendars weekly. - Complete class work, do homework, and study at
home. - Listen in class, follow directions, ask
questions, be responsible for learning required
content, and complete all assignments on time. - Behave so all students can learn
10How can I know what how my child is doing in
your class?
- Check Grades Assignments on Web page
- Portfolio - all assignments except for tests and
projects are kept in portfolio. - Calendars in portfolio
- 6 12 Week Progress Reports
Check Grades on Web page http//madison-ms.lausd.
k12.ca.us/ (Faculty - Herndon -Grades)
11How often is homework given?
- About once a week, sometimes twice a week.
- Students also have to study for quizzes and unit
tests. They should study a little each day. - Sometimes, they need to finish class assignments.
12What happens if my child is absent?
- Students are responsible for make-up work.
- They can look on the agenda for work they have
missed and ask other students for help. They can
ask me for help before school or during some
lunch periods. (However, there is not time for
me to re-teach an entire lesson.) - Missed quizzes and tests can be taken before
school or during lunch.
13Do you do any work on minimum days or on days
before holidays?
- Yes! There is a great deal to learn. Regular
instruction is provided on minimum days and days
before holidays.
14How do you grade?
- Science Grades
- Points given to all assignments, tests, and
projects. Some points are given for positive
behaviors. - A 100 - 90 of total points
- B - 89-80
- C 79- 70
- D 69 - 55
- F Less than 55 of total points
15Do you give extra credit?
- Extra credit assignments are not given.
- Students can earn extra credit points by going
beyond expectations on certain assignments, by
answering extra credit questions on quizzes or
tests, and by doing optional requirements on some
projects and homework assignments. (Students are
notified at beginning of assignment if extra
points are available on assignments.)
16How do you grade cooperation?
- E consistently obeys rules, respects others and
assumes responsibility for self, works without
disturbing others - S usually obeys rules, respects others and
assumes responsibility for self, occasionally
needs to be reminded of rules - U frequently needs to be reminded about rules,
behavior disturbs others
17How do you grade work habits?
- E consistently does homework and class work,
brings supplies and keeps books covered, does
work carefully and follows directions - S usually does homework and class work, brings
supplies, completes assignments - U frequently misses homework, class work is not
completed, forgets supplies,does work carelessly
18How can I help my child?
- Make sure they have their supplies
- Check their portfolios and calendars - ask
questions about what they are learning - Make sure they review study information in
portfolios. Ask about quizzes tests. - Ask them about homework.
- Go to my web page and check agendas, grades
important information pages http//madison-ms.lau
sd.k12.ca.us/ (Faculty - Herndon)
19Questions and Final Thoughts
- Please be sure to sign your name and childs name
on sign-in sheet - Thank you for coming tonight.