Title: Lessons from Tobacco Control
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Diving into Policy Environmental Change
Lessons from Tobacco Control
1. BASELINE ASSESSMENT Tobacco kills 480,000
persons per year, and is the 1 most PREVENTABLE
cause of death. Thats the BASELINE!
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2. Building partnerships - Getting others to the
table, finding how to work together.
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3. Strategic planning ? Preparing a plan of
attack, dividing up responsibilities.
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4. Funding ? How and where to get resources.
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5. Interventions to increase CV health -
Environmental stuff (from psycho-social to built).
5. Interventions to increase CV health
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6. Interventions to increase CV health Policy.
77. Impact Evaluation
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- Whats Measured?
- Prevalence of smoking across ages, populations,
target communities - Quit Attempts
- Morbidity and Mortality
- Teen Access
What works?
Policy, Pharmaceuticals, Behavior Modification,
Social Support, Self Help, Health Care Provider
Scott McIntosh, PhD 585.273.3876 University of
Rochester scott_mcintosh_at_urmc.rochester.edu
81. Baseline assessment ? Measuring the current
state of your state.2. Building partnerships -
Getting others to the table, finding how to work
together.3. Strategic planning ? Preparing a
plan of attack, dividing up responsibilities.4.
Funding ? How and where to get resources.5.
Interventions to increase CV health -
Environmental stuff (from psycho-social to
built).6. Interventions to increase CV health ?
Policy stuff (changing the way things
happen).7. Impact evaluation ? Measuring
whether anything is actually working.