Title: Incitement
- The Evolution of Political Speech in the U.S.
Supreme Court
The Bill of Rights Institute Cortopassi
Seminars Seattle Pacific University Seattle,
Washington March 4, 2008 Artemus Ward Department
of Political Science Northern Illinois
University aeward_at_niu.edu http//polisci.niu.edu/p
2Political Speech
- 1st Amendment Congress shall make no
lawabridging the freedom of speech, or of the
press - Speech in times of crisis the 1st Amendment is
not absolute. - In times of peace there is little reason to
restrict expression. - In times of crisis (war, economic collapse,
natural catastrophes, or internal rebellion) the
government places a priority on national unity
and takes firm action against subversive groups
and opposition criticismoften restricting the
right of the people to speak, publish, and
The Statue of Freedom above the Capitol dome
wears a laurel of five pointed stars and holds a
sword and shield.
3Speech in Times of Crisis
Justice and History is above the Senate doors on
the east front of the Capitol. An unusual
feature of this sculpture and the panel in the
old Supreme Court chamber is that Justice is not
- Had a crisis not existed, would the Court have
decided the case the same way? - Our answer to this question should serve as a
reminder that Supreme Court justices may be as
vulnerable to public pressures and to waves of
patriotism as the president, members of congress,
and the average citizen.
4The Revolution the Founders
- The Sedition Act of 1798 Any person who shall
write, print, utter or publish . . . any false,
scandalous and malicious writing against the
government of the United States, or either House
of Congress, or the President, with intent to
defame . . . or to bring them into contempt or
disrepute or to excite against them the hatred
of the good people of the United States . . .
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 2,000,
and by imprisonment not exceeding two years. - Why did the founders pass such a law?
- Politics. The Federalist party was losing ground
to the Anti-Federalist and passed the act to
suppress opposition. Jefferson vigorously
attacked the law and it expired in 1801 when
Jefferson took over the White House and his
allies gained control of Congress.
The U.S. Congress occupied Congress Hall
when Philadelphia was the capital from 1790-1800.
5Learned Hand
- Masses v. Patten (1917) U.S. District Judge
Learned Hand ruled that the standard for
adjudicating 1st Amendment claims is incitement
to imminent lawless action. Hand wrote To
assimilate agitation, legitimate as such, with
direct incitement to violent resistance, is to
disregard the tolerance of all methods of
political agitation which in normal times is a
safeguard of free government. The 1st Amendment
protects speech that stops short of urging upon
others that it is their duty or their interest to
resist the law.
6World War I Domestic Response
- Espionage Act of 1917 Prohibited any attempt to
interfere with the operation or success of the
military or naval forces of the U.S. . . to cause
insubordination . . . in the military or naval
forces . . . or willfully obstruct the
recruiting or enlistment service of the U.S. - Sedition Act of 1918 Prohibited the uttering
of, writing, or publishing of anything disloyal
to the government, flag, or military forces of
the U.S. - WWI Tremendous national fervor and support for
the war effort 4 million Americans in uniform, 1
million sent to fight in Europe, 300,000 killed
or seriously wounded.
Uncle Sam rounds up enemies of the state in this
1918 cartoon after Congress passed an act
imposing severe penalties on speech that
interfered with the prosecution of the war
7Schenck v. U.S. (1919)
- A socialist printed 15,000 pamphlets urging
resistance to the draft. He sent them through the
mail to names of draft-eligible men printed in
the newspaper. He was charged with violating the
Espionage Act. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said, "We admit that
in many places and in ordinary times the
defendants in saying all that was said in the
circular would have been within their
constitutional rights. But the character of every
act depends upon the circumstances in which it is
done. The most stringent protection of free
speech would not protect a man in falsely
shouting fire in a theatre and causing panic." - The question in every case is whether the words
used are used in such circumstances and are of
such a nature as to create a clear and present
danger that they will bring about the substantive
evils that Congress has a right to prevent.
8Abrams v. United States (1919)
- Abrams was a Russian immigrant who advocated
revolutionary, anarchist, and socialist views. He
and his friends published and distributed (by
throwing them out of windows of tall buildings)
leaflets criticizing President Wilson's decision
to send troops to Russia and called for a general
strike to protest the policy. The trial court
sentenced them for violating the Espionage Act
and sentenced them to 15-20 years in prison. - The Court upheld the conviction 7-2 and applied
the bad tendency test The language of these
circulars was obviously intended to provoke and
to encourage resistance to the United States in
the war. - In dissent, Holmes said, "Congress certainly
cannot forbid all effort to change the mind of
the country. Nobody can suppose that the
surreptitious publishing of a silly leaflet by an
unknown man, without more, would present any
immediate danger. . . . The ultimate good is
better reached by the free trade in ideasthat
the best test of truth is the power of thought to
get itself accepted in the competition of the
Russian emigres, charged with espionage, in
Abrams v. United States (1919).
9Gitlow v. New York (1925)
- At issue was a state criminal syndicalism
(criminal anarchy) statute, which made it a crime
to advocate, teach, aid, or abet in any activity
designed to bring about the overthrow of the
government by force or violence. The effect of
these laws was to outlaw socialist and communist
beliefs. Gitlow was a socialist leader in New
York who published a pamphlet called "the Left
Wing Manifesto" calling for the overthrow of
capitalism. - The Court held 7-2 that the publication was
advocacy and not abstract discussion. It applied
the bad tendency test A single revolutionary
spark may kindle a fire that, smoldering for a
time, may burst into a sweeping and destructive
conflagration. - Again in dissent, Holmes said, every idea is an
incitement. The only difference between the
expression of an opinion and an incitement in the
narrower sense is the speaker's enthusiasm for
the result. Eloquence may set fire to reason. But
whatever may be thought of the redundant
discourse before us it had no chance of starting
a present conflagration. . . . If in the long run
the beliefs expressed in proletarian dictatorship
are destined to be accepted by the dominant
forces of the community, the only meaning of free
speech is that they should be given their chance
to have their way.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
10World War II/Cold War
- In the 1930 and 40s, the U.S. became
self-conscious about its stance on civil
liberties in relation to its totalitarian enemies
(Russia, Germany, etc.). Also, WWI became more
distant and pro civil-libertarian arguments began
to win out from time to time. Holmes clear and
present danger standard re-emerged as good law in
Supreme Court opinions. The tide turned however
with WWII and the Cold War as anti-communist
hysteria began gripping the U.S. - The Smith Act (1940) was passed to combat the
communist party of America. The Act makes it a
crime to knowingly and willfully advocate, abet,
advise, or teach the duty, necessity,
desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or
destroying any government in the United States by
force or violence, or by assassination of any
officer of such government or with the intent to
cause such overthrow, to publish or display
written material advocating the violent overthrow
of gvmt. or to organize or help organize a group
to carry out such aims.
11Dennis v. United States (1951)
- Dennis was one of 11 leaders of the Communist
Party of America convicted for violating the
Smith Act. - The Court upheld the convictions 6-2. A 4-justice
plurality applied a modified clear and present
danger test dubbed grave and probable danger. - The obvious purpose of the statute is to protect
existing government, not from change by
peaceable, lawful and constitutional means, but
from change by violence, revolution and
terrorism. - Obviously, the clear and present danger test
cannot mean that before the Government may act,
it must wait until the putsch is about to be
executed, the plans have been laid and the signal
is awaited. - In each case courts must ask whether the
gravity of the evil, discounted by its
improbability, justifies such invasion of free
speech as is necessary to avoid the danger.
Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson
12Dennis v. United States (1951)
- Justice Hugo Black dissented
- I believe that the clear and present danger
test does not mark the furthermost constitutional
boundaries of protected expression. - There is hope. . . that in calmer times, when
present pressures, passions and fears subside,
this or some later Court will restore the First
Amendment liberties to the high preferred place
where they belong in a free society.
13Dennis v. United States (1951)
- Justice William O. Douglas dissented
- The airing of ideas releases pressures which
otherwise might become destructive. When ideas
compete in the market for acceptance, full and
free discussion exposes the false and they gain
few adherents. - The 1st Amendment provides that Congress shall
make no law . . . abridging the freedom of
speech. The Constitution provides no exception.
This does not mean, however, that the Nation need
hold its hand until it is in such weakened
condition that there is no time to protect itself
from incitement to revolution. - When conditions are so critical that there
will be no time to avoid the evil that the speech
threatens, it is time to call a halt. . . . On
this record no one can say that petitioners and
their converts are in such a strategic position
as to have even the slightest chance of achieving
their aims.
14Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)
- Clarence Brandenburg was convicted for violating
an Ohio criminal syndicalism statute which made
it a crime to advocate. . . the duty, necessity,
or propriety of crime, sabotage, violence, or
unlawful methods of terrorism as a means of
accomplishing industrial or political reform or
to voluntarily assemble with any society, group,
or assemblage of persons to teach or advocate the
doctrines of political syndicalism. - Brandenburg, a leader of the Klan, was convicted
for organizing meetings to be televised and
broadcast and advocating racial strife during a
televised KKK rally. He made such remarks as
Personally, I believe the nigger should be
returned to Africa, the Jew to Israel, and
Were not a revengent organization, but if our
President, our Congress, our Supreme Court
continues to suppress the white, Caucasian race,
its possible that there might have to be some
revengence taken.
15Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)
- In a unanimous opinion, Justice William J.
Brennan wrote The constitutional guarantees of
free speech and free press do not permit a State
to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of
force or of law violation except where such
advocacy is directed to inciting or producing
imminent lawless action and is likely to incite
or produce such action.
16Political Speech Standards
17Texas v. Johnson (1989)
- During the 1984 Republican National Convention
re-nominating President Reagan, Johnson burned an
American flag in protest. As it was burning, he
and his fellow protesters chanted "America, the
red, white, and blue, we spit on you." He was
charged with violating the Texas flag desecration
law, convicted, and sentenced to one year in
prison and a 2,000 fine. 47 other states, and
the U.S. also had flag-desecration laws.
18Texas v. Johnson (1989)
- Justice Brennan delivered the 5-4 majority
opinion striking down all flag desecration laws. - Johnson burned an American flag in part of a
political demonstration that coincided with the
convening of the Republican Party and its
renomination of Ronald Reagan for President. . .
. Texas claims that its interest in preventing
breaches of the peace justifies Johnsons
conviction for flag desecration. However, no
disturbance of the peace actually occurred of
threatened to occur because of Johnsons burning
of the flag. . . . We do not consecrate the flag
by punishing its desecration, for in doing so we
dilute the freedom that this cherished emblem
represents. - Would the Court have ruled differently had this
case happened at a different time? Say, soon
after the attacks of September 11, 2001?
- The Supreme Court has generally been protective
of political speech with incitement to imminent
lawless action the present-day standard. - However, U.S. history demonstrates that context
matters. The Court is more speech restrictive in
times of crisis, including times of war.