Title: Data Representation, Data Structures, and Multifile compilation
1Data Representation, Data Structures, and
Multi-file compilation
2Data Representation Binary representation Oct
al, Hexadecimal Data types
3Memory concepts
- Every piece of information stored on computer is
encoded as combination of ones and zeros. - These ones and zeros are called bits.
- One byte is a sequence of eight consecutive bits.
- A word is some number (typically 4) of
consecutive bytes.
4Binary representation
A single (unsigned) byte of memory
In decimal representation, this number is 120
021 022 123 024 125 126 127
5Binary representation
One bit must be used to store sign of number
A single (signed) byte of memory
In decimal representation, this number is 120
021 022 123 024 125 126
/- 105
6Binary representation, cont.
- What is the range of numbers that can be stored
in a single signed/unsigned byte? - How would you write a program to convert an
arbitrary base 10 number to binary? - How would you write a program to convert an
arbitrary binary number to base 10? - What is the effect of right/left shifting bits
(assuming the lost bit is set to zero)?
7Octal representation
- Octal representation base 8
- Just a simple extension of binary and decimal but
using only the digits 0-7. - Best seen with an example
- What is the value of the octal number 711?
- 180 181 782 457
- What is the octal representation of the number
64? - 100 (since 080 081 182 64)
- Try this in C using the "o" format expression
with printf printf("o\n", 457)
8Hexadecimal representation
- Hexadecimal representation base 16
- Just a simple extension of binary, octal, and
decimal but using 16 "digits" 0-9,a,b,c,d,e,f - Example What is the value of the hexadecimal
number 10ef? - 15160 14161 0162 1163 4351
- Try this in C using the "x" format expression
with printf printf("x\n", 4351)
9Understanding datatypes at a more fundamental
10char revisited
- Before doing some example bitwise operations, we
first revisit our simple C datatypes to
understand them at a deeper level. - Recall that we have just a few basic types
- Char, int, float, double
- Recall also that char represents a single byte of
storage, while int is typically 4 bytes - Important Do not be misled by the name "char"
the char datatype is really no different from int
(other than its storage capacity) - What do I mean by "no different from int"? We
explore this with some examples on the next slide
11Char vs. int
Consider the following declarations int j
4 char k 4 In memory, these appear as
They are both perfectly valid ways to represent
the number 4. In one case (int), there is much
more "wasted" memory. In the other case (char),
there is a much stricter limit on how large the
number can be if you choose to change it.
12Char, cont.
- Why would you not always use char to represent a
small number, such as 4? - Consider what happens in this case
- char j 4
- j j 300 / bad! Can't store 304 in a char!
- So, it is safer to use a larger type, such as
int, unless you are 100 sure that the char limit
will never be exceeded in the program!
13Char as "character" storage
- So, if char is just an abbreviated int, what does
it have to do with characters? - The answer is twofold
- First, char can do nothing special with
characters that int can't do. - Both store equivalent ASCII integer code when
single quotes are placed around a single
character in an assignment - Example
- char c 'e' / store the integer (ASCII) code
for the character e in the byte c / - Int c 'e' / same as above, but store integer
in 4-byte (ie int) sequence.
14Char example
The best way to understand this is with a simple
example. / char_int1.c / include
ltstdio.hgt main() char c int j j
100 c 100 / random choice lt 255 /
printf("d d\n", j, c) / print j and c as
decimal ints / printf("c c\n", j, c) /
print j and c as characters / j 'h' c
'h' / change assignment / printf("c c\n",
j, c) / what is printed here? / printf("d
d\n", j,c) / print asci code for 'h' /
15include ltstdio.hgt int main(int argc, char
argv) int input if (argc !2)
printf("s\n", "Must enter a single argument")
exit(1) input atoi(argv1) /
grab input as integer / if (input gt 255
input lt 0) printf("s\n", "Must enter a
number gt 0 lt 256") exit(1)
printf("s c\n", "The corresponding character
is", input)
16 includeltstdio.hgt int main(int argc, char
argv) char input if (argc !2)
printf("s\n", "Must enter a single argument")
exit(1) input argv1 / grab
single character from keyboard / printf("s
c d\n", "The ascii code for", input ,
Note We will not understand why the needs to
be here until we study pointers. However, you
should be able go write an equivalent code using
17Very low-level stuff
18Bitwise operations
- C contains six operators for performing bitwise
operations on integers - Logical AND if both bits are 1 the result is
1 - Logical OR if either bit is 1, the result
is 1 - Logical XOR (exlusive OR) if one and only
one bit equals 1, the result is 1 - Logical invert if the bit is 1, the result
is 0 if the bit is 0, the result is 1 - ltlt n Left shift n places
- gtgt n Right shift n places
19Bitwise operations
- Bitwise operations are considered "low-level"
programming by today's standards. For many
programs, manipulating individual bits is never
necessary. - Sometimes, this level of control is needed for
memory or performance optimization - In any case, it is very important for a
conceptual understanding of programming
20Bitwise examples AND
- Bitwise AND
- Char j 11 char k 14
- j 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
- k 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
- ---------------------
- 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 10
- Bitwise OR
- Char j 11 char k 14
- j 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
- k 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
- ---------------------
- 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 15
- Bitwise XOR
- Char j 11 char k 14
- j 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
- k 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
- ---------------------
- 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5
- Logical invert
- Char j 11
- j 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
- j 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 244
- Shifting
- char j 11
- j ltlt 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 22
- j gtgt 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5
24Data Structures and Algorithms
- Comes up all the time
- Demonstrates important techniques
- Can be done many ways
- Different algorithms.
26Bubble Sort
- Very simple
- Terrible
- Go through list, swapping out-of-order neighbors
- Continue until no more swaps
27Bubble Sort
- N number of items
- If first number is initially at bottom of list,
have to go through list N times - Each time, looking/maybe swapping N times
- Total of N2 operations
- S..L..O..W.. for long lists
- But if list is very nearly sorted, can be quick.
- No one would really use this algorithm.
28Insertion sort
- About as simple, but better
- Way most people sort cards
- Keep inserting in order
- Still N2, but faster on average
29Data Structures
- Both these methods very array-based
- Have to look through half/most/all of list each
iteration - Definitely need N iterations
- Doomed to be fairly slow
- For faster techniques, need different ways of
looking at data.
30Binary Trees
- A binary tree is either empty, or consists of a
node with a left and a right child. - Left and right children are binary trees
31Complete Binary Trees
- In a complete binary tree, every node has either
2 or 0 children, and all nodes w/ 0 nodes (leaf
nodes') are on the bottom level. - A complete binary tree with L levels has 2L-1
nodes - One with N nodes has log2(N1) levels
- A binary tree with values (keys') stored at each
node. - Almost complete binary tree
- Partial ordering root's key is less than either
of children, and both children are roots of heaps
33Storing a heap in an array
- Can easily store a heap in an array
- Parent node i has left child (2i1) and right
child (2i2).
34Why bother?
- Putting things in this partial order easier than
sorting - Very easy to find lowest value in data once data
is in heap - This is useful
- Priority queue
- Sorting!
35Heap Sort teaser
- Get data into heap
- Top value is lowest value.
- Delete top value re-heap
- Repeat until no more data
- Results are sorted list!
36Heap Operationsinsert
- Put into existing heap
- Put number in first available leaf node.
- If parent tree no longer a heap, swap.
- Then repeat this process until you hit the root.
37Heap Operations delete root
- Take bottom-most value from the tree, put it
where root used to be - Remove that node.
- Go down heap, swapping if node larger than
38Heap Ops build heap from data
- It's much easier to insert into an existing heap
than build one at once. - Single nodes are always heaps!
- Start from bottom, working up, inserting parents
into heaps. - Repeat until no more data
- Heap insert/delete operations take lg(N)
operations (one per level of the tree). - To build heap, each piece of data needs to be put
in N lg N operations - To pull out sorted list, need to do N operations
of a delete which takes lg N steps another N lg
N operations. - N lg N is much less than N2 for large N!!
40Heapsort Algorithm
- Build heap from scratch
- For each piece of data,
- Get root value
- Delete from heap
41Multiple-File compilation
42Why more than one file?
- As program gets bigger, having whole program in
one file gets quickly awkward. - File hard to read
- Takes forever to edit a 1M line file!
- Hard to re-use code
- Have to re-compile entire program even if just
small change in one routine
43Compilation vs. Linking
- Compilation compile source code into machine
language. - Generates object file (.o)
- Linking bring in code from other libriaries that
we might need - Link in code for printf() from std. C library
link in code for sin() from math library, etc. - Generates an executable
44Compilation vs. Linking
- If all of program is in one file, the distinction
isn't important, and gcc will do the compile/link
in one step. - Otherwise, do it seperately
- Running Average Example
- Sort Example