Title: World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Region
1World Health OrganizationEastern Mediterranean
Implementation status of 6th Inter-country Polio
Lab Directors Meeting Syria, September 2002 Aug
2Issues addressed
- Timeliness of virological results
- Quality Assurance programme implementation
- ITD testing
- Continued training
- Budget allocation by MoH
- Supplementary Non-AFP surveillance
- Modification in LABIFA
- Lab supplies, repair and maintenance of equipment
- Recommendation Time between onset paralysis to
ITD result should be decreased to lt 60
days - Status Good progress made
- Average time 45 days
QA programme
Recommendation Full implementation of QA,
especially in cell culture labs Status
Implemented further improvements needed in
4Cell culture
Recommendation Strictly follow WHO recommended
cell culture methods Status
Implemented but in some of the lab cell
counting is not a regular feature
Lab supplies
Recommendation Annual supplies based on estimated
workload Status Some of the labs are
sending inappropriate lists
5ITD testing
Recommendation ITD by one antigenic and one
molecular method Status Achieved Recommend
ation Use of PCR as WHO recommended ITD
molecular methods Status Implemented in Pak
Tun Labs Workshop planned in Oman in
December 2003, Participants, Oman, Pak,
Egy, Iran and Tun
Recommendation Continued training of Lab
staff Status On-going GSL Pak (1), Iran
(1) RRL Mor (2), Jor (2)
Budget allocation by MoH
Recommendation In-country specific budget for
Polio labs Status Needs more follow-up
7Flagging of HOT CASES
Recommendation HOT CASES must be
flagged Status Improved
Supplementary non-AFP surveillance
Recommendation Supplemental non-AFP surv.
Approaches should be considered after careful
evaluation and in consultation with
WHO/EMRO Status Only introduced by Iran at
their own
Recommendation Modify LABIFA to include variable
to track all poliovirus results Status
Achieved Installed in all labs, except Jor
and Iraq POLIO FAX Lab Table revised
Repair and maintenance of lab equipment
Recommendation Local private companies should be
contacted for repair maintenance Status
Major problem in many countries of the