Title: Energy Risk Management and Credit Ratings
1Energy Risk Managementand Credit Ratings
- 26 April 2007
- New York
2Risk ManagementMain Analytical Objectives
- Identifying a companys risk appetite
- Understanding the risk management infrastructure
- Assessing the contribution of trading and
marketing risk to the overall credit risk. - Factoring the results into the companys credit
3Risk Management Three-Part Analysis
- Risk management practices PIM
- Evaluation of a companys ability to identify and
monitor significant risks, limit losses and
operate within well-communicated risk tolerances - Capital adequacy
- Measures discrete risks of market, credit and
operational risks - Liquidity
- Measures exposure to collateral calls under
stress scenarios
4Risk Management Part 1 PIM
- Policies
- Risk Culture and Structure
- Infrastructure
- Processes and Technology
- Methodology
- Measurement and Reporting
5Risk Management Part 1 PIM
Risk Technology
Valuation Methods
Risk Training
Risk Culture
Risk Appetite Strategy
Risk Control Monitoring
Disclosure and Awareness
Model Vetting Back-Testing
Capital Allocation
6Risk Management PIM - Policies
- Business Strategy
- What is the business model? What risks are
included in the business strategy? - Risk Tolerance
- Is the risk tolerance consistent with the
business strategy? - Policies
- Are authorities effectively defined?
- Disclosure
- Is the risk and its effect on cash flow disclosed
externally and internally?
7Risk Management PIM - Infrastructure
- Technology
- Is sophisticated software and effective
hardware in place? - Operation
- What is the quality of the operational
processes? - Data
- What is the level of data integrity?
- People
- Are the appropriate people employed and are the
proper - incentive programs in place?
8Risk Management PIM - Methodologies
- VaR, stress testing and other measures
- Are the models and stress tests appropriate for
the business? - Model vetting
- Are the models properly vetted?
- Valuation
- How are the positions valued?
- Performance
- Are the methodologies tied into performance?
- Management understanding
- Does senior management understand the model risks?
9Risk Management PIM - Efforts to Date
- Completed PIM reviews for 10 U.S. energy
companies - Utility and energy merchants
- Pure trading
- Oil and gas EP
- Big and small
- Report findings
- Large divergence in risk mitigation structures
- Asset-based trading tends to have less robust
- infrastructure than pure trading
- Much of the infrastructure is relatively new
only a - few years old
- Dominance of senior management a key concern
- External reporting is poor
10Risk Management Part 2 Capital Adequacy-
Imputed Debt
- Addresses the potential economic loss of a
trading operation due to - market risk
- credit risk
- operational risk
- Estimate amount of risk capital and add to debt
- Offset with true equity at risk
- Current model imputes debt
- 6x trading VaR 4x probability adjusted credit
- exposure
- Looking beyond VaR measures to improve model
11Risk Management Part 3 Liquidity
- Basic liquidity adequacy is quantified with two
primary measures for which SP requires periodic
reporting - Credit event liquidity adequacy (CELA)
- Is liquidity sufficient to withstand a credit
downgrade? - Market and credit event liquidity adequacy
(MCELA) - Is liquidity sufficient to withstand a change in
market commodity prices and a credit event?
12Risk Management CELA and MCELA
Primary liquidity unrestricted cash committed
credit lines
Investment grade companies should maintain an
MCELA of at least 1.0x
13Risk Management Looking Ahead Next Steps
- Further refine risk management assessment
framework - Formalize analytical treatment of results into
ratings - Complete PIM reviews on larger set of diverse
- companies
- Move towards full ERM analysis
14 Terry A. Pratt Director Utilities, Energy and
Project Finance Standard Poors 55 Water
Street New York, NY 10041 Phone
212-438-2080 terry_pratt_at_sandp.com www.standardand