Title: Differentiated Accountability
1Differentiated Accountability
- A New Model for Title I School Improvement in
- Spring 2008 U.S. Department of Education
invited eligible states to apply for
Differentiated Accountability Pilot - Allows states to use data to vary the intensity
and type of interventions to schools in
improvement - Seventeen states submitted proposals
- Proposals were peer reviewed by individuals from
universities, civil rights organizations, and
state departments of education - Only 6 states were approved, including Indiana
3Highlights of Proposal
- Within schools identified for improvement
changes required interventions based on formula
to calculate schools most in need - Schools categorized as Comprehensive and Focused
- Comprehensive furthest from AYP targets,
failing to miss AYP in more cells - Focused closer to meeting AYP targets, fewer
cells missing AYP - Provides Title I school improvement dollars and
more concentrated support to Comprehensive
schools - Switches the order of Choice and SES and reduces
barriers to SES access - Changes to student eligibility for Choice and SES
- Eliminates Other option for Restructuring of
Comprehensive Schools
4Title I School Improvement Old Model (January
2002 June 2008)
5Title I School Improvement New Model
Effective July 2008
6(No Transcript)
7Comparing the Models
- Old/Traditional Model
- School improvement requirements the same for all
schools at the same year of improvement,
regardless of how close to making AYP
- New/Differentiated Model
- School improvement requirements are
differentiated by school need as determined by
distance from AYP targets and percentage of cells
not making AYP
8Calculating the Index Rating
- Calculate the percentage of cells not making AYP
- Overall
- Available Subgroups
- English/Language Arts and Mathematics
- Convert percentage to number 90 90, etc.
- Calculate the distance from AYP targets
- English Overall and Mathematics Overall
- Used fall 2008 AYP targets
- Targets added together and divided by two to
create one value - Index Rating Absolute value of cells not making
AYP distance from AYP targets - The higher the Index Rating, the more in need the
school is determined to be under this model
9Calculating an Index Rating Example XYZ
Elementary, Year 2 of Improvement
- Missed AYP in 2 out of 6 cells
- 2 6 33.33
- 33.33
- 72.05 (combined fall 08 target) 69.3 (XYZs
English Overall score) 2.75 - 72.05 (combined fall 08 target) 62.7 (XYZs
Math Overall score) 9.35 - 2.75 9.35 12.1
- 12.1 2 6.05
- 33.33 6.05 39.38
- This school would be a Focused school according
to the Index Rating.
10No ChangeEntering School Improvement
- Two years of not making AYP
- First year flagged/alert
- Second year Year 1 of improvement (Focused or
Comprehensive) - Must be in same content area
- Concept of content exclusion
11No Change Exiting School Improvement
- Two consecutive years of making AYP
- 1 year of making AYP stay at same year of
12Moving Between Categories
- Index Rating will be calculated on an annual
basis - Focused schools may be moved to Comprehensive
after one testing administration based on Index
Rating - Comprehensive schools will have to show growth on
Index Rating for two years before being able to
move to Focused group
13Requirements for Focused Schools
14Requirements for Year 1 Focused
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Supplemental Educational Services for
non-proficient poverty students
15Requirements for Year 2 Focused
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for Professional Development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
16Requirements for Year 3 Focused
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
- 2008-2009 IDOE training for teacher leaders at
each grade level - 2009-2010 IDOE-sponsored on-line courses for
grade level teachers
17Requirements for Year 4 Year 7 Focused
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students with open
enrollment and services offered on-site - 2008-2009 IDOE training for teacher leaders at
each grade level - 2009-2010 IDOE-sponsored on-line courses for
grade level teachers - Year 4 - Plan Corrective Action
- Year 5 -7 Implement Corrective Action (see next
slide for options)
18Corrective Action Options for Focused Schools
(Choose One Option)
- Replace staff responsible for continued failure
to make AYP - Hire full-time Literacy or Math Coach
- Hire English Language Learner Specialist (minimum
of ½ time/0.5 FTE) - Sufficiently extend school day or year
19Requirements for Year 8 and Beyond Focused
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students with open
enrollment and services offered on-site - 2008-2009 IDOE training for teacher leaders at
each grade level - 2009-2010 IDOE-sponsored on-line courses for
grade level teachers - Submit Corrective Action Plan for IDOE review and
approval - State Support Teams
- Required participation in whole-school use of
state Reading and Mathematics diagnostic tools
(Wireless Generation and Acuity)
20Requirements for Comprehensive Schools
- Note All Comprehensive Schools Will Receive
Title I School Improvement Grants from
IDOE/Office of Title I Academic Support
21Requirements for Year 1 Comprehensive
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
- Open Enrollment
- Opportunity for on-site services
- Transportation
- Whole-school use of State Reading and Mathematics
diagnostic assessments - Wireless Generation
- Acuity
- Full-time Literacy or Math Coach in school and
receiving required training from IDOE
22Requirements for Year 2 Comprehensive
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
- Open Enrollment
- Opportunity for on-site services
- Transportation
- Whole-school use of State Reading and Mathematics
diagnostic assessments - Wireless Generation
- Acuity
- Full-time Literacy or Math Coach in school and
receiving required training from IDOE
23Requirements for Year 3 Comprehensive
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
- Open Enrollment
- Opportunity for on-site services
- Transportation
- Whole-school use of State Reading and Mathematics
diagnostic assessments - Wireless Generation
- Acuity
- Full-time Literacy or Math Coach in school and
receiving required training from IDOE
24Year 3 Comprehensive - Continued
- Indiana Reading Academy Training All K-3
teachers and principals - Implement Corrective Action (one action required)
- Replace staff responsible for continued failure
to make AYP - Replace principal or appoint outside mentor (0.5
FTE minimum) - Hire ELL Specialist (0.5 FTE minimum)
- Sufficiently extend school day or year
- The corrective action plan must be submitted to
IDOE and reviewed by a multidisciplinary panel - Indiana Algebra Initiative Math teachers and
administrators in middle schools not making AYP
in mathematics
25Requirements for Year 4 7 Comprehensive
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
- Open Enrollment
- Opportunity for on-site services
- Transportation
- Whole-school use of State Reading and Mathematics
diagnostic assessments - Wireless Generation
- Acuity
- Full-time Literacy or Math Coach in school and
receiving required training from IDOE
26Requirements for Year 4 7 continued
- Indiana Reading Academy Training All K-3
teachers and principals - As appropriate, sustain Corrective Action
- Indiana Algebra Initiative Math teachers and
administrators in middle schools not making AYP
in mathematics - Year 4 Plan for Restructuring (see next slide
for options) - Year 5 - 7 Implement Restructuring
27Comprehensive Schools Restructuring Options
- Replace principal if leader has remained the same
during sustained failure to make AYP and replace
all staff responsible for failure to make AYP - Close the school
- Reopen school as a charter school
- Contract with a private management company with
demonstrated effectiveness to run the school - Note The other category of restructuring is
28Requirements for Year 8 Comprehensive
- School Improvement Plan
- 10 for professional development
- Choice for non-proficient students
- SES for non-proficient poverty students
- Open Enrollment
- Opportunity for on-site services
- Transportation
- Whole-school use of State Reading and Mathematics
diagnostic assessments - Wireless Generation
- Acuity
- Full-time Literacy or Math Coach in school and
receiving required training from IDOE
29Year 8 Comprehensive - Continued
- Indiana Reading Academy Training All K-3
teachers and principals - Indiana Algebra Initiative Math teachers and
administrators in middle schools not making AYP
in mathematics - The superintendent of a school currently
identified as Year 8 or higher must resubmit and
publicly defend their restructuring plan before
an IDOE panel.
30Intensive Support
- A subset of schools will be identified for
receiving Intensive support in addition to
previously described requirements - Comprehensive-Intensive 10 highest Index Rating
(most in need) Comprehensive schools - Focused-Intensive Focused schools in Year 8 and
beyond - State Support Teams Required
- Comprehensive-Intensive Spring 2009
participation in the Institute for School
Leadership Teams - Focused-Intensive Required whole-school use of
state reading and mathematics diagnostic tools
(Wireless Generation and Acuity)
31Transitioning from the Old Model to the New
Differentiated Model
- Most actions will have to be implemented
immediately - Exceptions
- Choice/SES
- Restructuring
32Choice and SES
- 2008-2009 Choice and SES must be implemented as
required under previous model - Choice All students eligible in schools Year 1
and beyond - SES All poverty students eligible in schools
Year 2 and beyond - 2009-2010 Implement Choice and SES as outlined
in Differentiated Model
- Districts with schools in Year 5 -7 Comprehensive
in 2008-2009 allowed to implement previously
approved restructuring plans - Districts with schools in Year 8 Comprehensive
must resubmit and defend restructuring plan for
IDOE approval - Districts with schools in Year 4 Comprehensive in
2008-2009 must plan for restructuring using the
options approved under Differentiated
34In Summary
- Differentiated accountability recognizes that not
all schools identified for improvement have the
same degree of need. - IDOE is committed to ensuring meaningful reform,
options for parents, and resources for all
schools to make academic progress with all
- 317-232-0540 or Toll Free 877-418-7240
- lkwiat_at_doe.in.gov
- jmiller_at_doe.in.gov
- http//www.doe.state.in.us/TitleI/differentiated_a