Title: World%20Shopping%20Spree
1World Shopping Spree
By Student 1 Student 2
2Meet the Fockers
USA- 16.95 Australia- 19.98 converted
15.51 United Kingdom- 13.99 converted
26.33 Canada- 19.49 converted 15.75
3Legally Blonde
USA-17.99 Australia-24.95
converted19.37 United Kingdom-6.99
converted13.15 Canada-There was none that we
could find.
4Napolean Dynamite
USA- 25.19 Australia- 32.83 converted
25.35 United Kingdom- 14.69 converted
27.66 Canada- 20.98 converted 16.93
5The Lord Of
The Rings
USA- 29.15 Australia- 44.95 converted
34.89 United Kingdom- 34.99 converted
65.86 Canada- 29.99 converted 24.29
6Pirates of the Carribean
USA- 25.48 Australia- 15.40 converted
19.95 United Kingdom- 31.99 converted
16.99 Canada- 15.73 converted 19.49
7THE End