Model Checking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Model Checking


Model Checking. By: Eddie Nevoani. Introduction. What is Model Checking? ... The need for reliable hardware and software systems is critical. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Model Checking

Model Checking
  • By Eddie Nevoani

  • What is Model Checking?
  • The Need for Formal Methods
  • Hardware and Software Verification
  • The Process of Model Checking
  • Symbolic Algorithms
  • Partial Order Reduction
  • Kripke structures
  • The Model Checking Problem
  • CTL Language
  • CTL Model Checking
  • A CTL Example - Microwave

What is Model Checking?
  • Model Checking is an automatic technique for
    verifying finite state concurrent systems. It has
    a number of advantages over traditional
    approaches to this problem that are based on
    simulation, testing, and deductive reasoning.

The Need for Formal Methods
  • The need for reliable hardware and software
    systems is critical. As the involvement of such
    systems in our lives increases, so too does the
    burden for ensuring their correctness.
    Unfortunately, it is no longer feasible to shut
    down a malfunctioning system in order to restore
    safety. We are very much dependent on such
    systems for continuous operation.

Hardware and Software Verification
  • The principal validation methods for complex
    systems are simulation, testing, deductive
    verification, and model checking. Simulation and
    testing both involve making experiments before
    deploying the system in the field. While
    simulation is performed on an abstraction or a
    model of the system, testing is performed on the
    actual product.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • In the case of circuits, simulation is performed
    on the design of the circuit, whereas testing is
    performed on the circuit itself. In both cases,
    these methods typically inject signals at certain
    points in the system and observe the resulting
    signals at other points. For software, simulation
    and testing usually involve providing certain
    inputs and observing the corresponding outputs.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • These methods can be a cost-efficient way to find
    many errors. However, checking all of the
    possible interactions and potential pitfalls
    using simulation and testing techniques is rarely

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • The term deductive verification normally refers
    to the use of axioms and proof rules to prove the
    correctness of systems. However, deductive
    verification is a time-consuming process that can
    be performed only by experts who are educated in
    logical reasoning and have considerable

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • The proof of a single protocol or circuit can
    last days or months. Consequently, use of
    deductive verification is rare. It is applied
    primarily to highly sensitive systems such as
    security protocols, where enough resources need
    to be invested to guarantee their safe usage.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • It is important to realize that some mathematical
    tasks cannot be performed by an algorithm. The
    theory of computability provides limitation on
    what can be decided by an algorithm. In
    particular, it shows that there cannot be an
    algorithm that decides whether an arbitrary
    computer program (written in some programming
    language like C or Pascal) terminates.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • This immediately limits what can be verified
    automatically. In particular, correct termination
    of programs cannot be verified automatically in
    general. Thus, most proof systems cannot be
    completely automated.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • An advantage of deductive verification is that it
    can be used for reasoning about infinite state
    systems. This task can be automated to a limited
    extent. However, even if the property to be
    verified is true, no limit can be placed on the
    amount of time or memory that may be needed in
    order to find a proof.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • Model checking is a technique for verifying
    finite state concurrent systems. One benefit of
    this restriction is that verification can be
    performed automatically. The procedure normally
    uses an exhaustive search of the state space of
    the system to determine if some specification is
    true or not.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • Given sufficient resources, the procedure will
    always terminate with a yes/no answer. Moreover,
    it can be run on moderate-sized machines (but
    usually not on an average desktop computer).

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • Although the restriction to finite state may seem
    to be a major disadvantage, model checking is
    applicable to several very important classes of
    systems. Hardware controllers are finite state
    systems, and so are many communication protocols.
    In some cases, systems that are not finite state
    may be verified using model checking in
    combination with various abstraction and
    induction principles.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • Finally, in many cases errors can be found by
    restricting unbounded data structures to specific
    instances that are finite state. For example,
    programs with unbounded message queues can be
    debugged by restricting the size of the queue to
    a small number like two or three.

Hardware and Software Verification Cont
  • Because model-checking can be done automatically,
    it is preferable to deductive verification,
    whenever it can be applied. However, there will
    be always some critical applications in which
    theorem proving is necessary for complete

The Process of Model Checking
  • Applying model checking to a design consists of
    several tasks
  • Modeling The first task is to convert a design
    into a formalism accepted by a model checking
    tool. In many cases, this is simply a compilation
    task. In other cases, owing to limitations on
    time and memory, the modeling of a design may
    require the use of abstraction to eliminate
    irrelevant or unimportant details.

The Process of Model Checking Cont
  • Specifications Before verification , it is
    necessary to state the properties that the design
    must satisfy. The specification is usually given
    in some logical formalism. For hardware and
    software systems, it is common to use temporal
    logic, which can assert how the behavior of the
    system evolves over time.

The Process of Model Checking Cont
  • Verification Ideally the verification is
    completely automatic. However, in practice it
    often involves human assistance. One such manual
    activity is the analysis of the verification
    results. In case of a negative result, the user
    is often provided with an error trace. In this
    case, analyzing the error trace may require a
    modification to the system and reapplication of
    the model checking algorithm.

The Process of Model Checking Cont
  • Verification Cont An error trace can also result
    from incorrect modeling of the system or from an
    incorrect specification. The error trace can also
    be useful in identifying and fixing these two
    problems. A final possibility is that the
    verification task will fail to terminate
    normally, due to the size of the model, which is
    too large to fit in the computer memory. In this
    case, it may be necessary to redo the
    verification after changing some of the
    parameters of the model checker or by adjusting
    the model (e.g., by using additional

Symbolic Algorithms
  • In the original implementation of the model
    checking algorithm, transition relations were
    represented explicitly by adjacency lists. For
    concurrent systems with small numbers of
    processes, the number of states was usually
    fairly small, and the approach was often quite

Symbolic Algorithms Cont
  • In systems with many concurrent parts however,
    the number of states in the global state
    transition graph was too large to 1987
    McMillan realized that by using a symbolic
    representation for the transition graphs, much
    larger systems could be verified. The new
    symbolic representation was based on Bryants
    ordered binary decision diagrams(OBDD).

Symbolic Algorithms Cont
  • OBDDs provide a canonical form for Boolean
    formulas that is often substantially more compact
    than conjunctive or disjunctive normal form.
    Because the symbolic representation captures some
    of the regularity in the state space determined
    by circuits and protocols, it is possible to
    verify systems with extremely large numbers of
    states (more than )

Partial Order Reduction
  • Verifying software causes some problems for model
    checking. Software tends to be less structured
    than hardware. In addition, concurrent software
    is usually asynchronous, that is, most of the
    activities taken by different processes are
    performed independently, without a global
    synchronizing clock.

Partial Order Reduction Cont
  • For these reasons, the state explosion phenomenon
    is a particularly serious problem for software.
    Consequently, model checking has been used less
    frequently for software verification than for
    hardware verification. The most successful
    techniques for dealing with this problem are
    based on the partial order reduction

Partial Order Reduction Cont
  • These techniques exploit the independence of
    concurrently executed events. Two events are
    independent of each other when executing them in
    either order results in the same global state.
    The partial order reduction techniques make it
    possible to decrease the number of interleaving
    sequences that must be considered.

Partial Order Reduction Cont
  • When a specification cannot distinguish between
    two interleaving sequences that differ only by
    the order in which concurrently executed events
    are taken, it is sufficient to analyze only one
    of them. These methods are related to the partial
    order model of program execution.

Kripke Structures
  • Let AP be a set of atomic propositions. A Kripke
    structure M over AP is a four tuple M ( ,
    , R, L ) where
  • S is a finite set of states
  • S is the set of initial states
  • R S x S is a transition relation that must be
    total, that is, for every state s S there is
    a state S such that R(s, ).
  • LS is a function that labels each
    state with the set of atomic proposition true in
    that state.

The Model Checking Problem
  • The model checking problem is easy to describe.
    Given a Kripke structure M (S, R, L) that
    represents a finite state concurrent system and a
    temporal logic formula f expressing some desired
    specifications. Find the set of all sets in S
    that satisfy f
  • s S M, s f .

The Model Checking Problem Cont
  • Normally, some states of the concurrent system
    are designed as initial states. The system
    satisfies the specification provided that all of
    the initial states are in the set.

The Model Checking Problem Cont
  • The first algorithms for solving the model
    checking problem used an explicit representation
    of the Kripke structure as a labeled, directed
    graph with arcs given by pointers, nodes
    represented the state in S. The arcs in the graph
    give the transition relation R, and the labels
    associated with the nodes described the function
  • LS .

CTL Language (Computation Tree Logic)
  • CTL formulas describe properties of computation
    trees. It has five basic temporal operators which
    describe properties of a path through the tree
  • X (next time) requires that a a property holds
    in the second state of the path.
  • F (in the future) operator is used to assert
    that a property will hold at some state on the

CTL Language (Computation Tree Logic) Cont
  • G (Globally) specifies that a property holds at
    every state on the path.
  • U (Until) operator is used to combine two
    properties. It holds if there a state on the path
    where the second property holds, and at every
    preceding state on the path, the first property
  • R (Release) is the logical dual of U operator.
    It requires that the second property holds along
    the path up to and including the first state
    where the first property holds. However, the
    first property is not required to hold

CTL Language (Computation Tree Logic) Cont
  • g
  • g
    g g
  • . . . . .
    . . .
  • . . . . .
    . . .
  • . . . . .
    . . .
  • M, EF g M, AF g

CTL Language (Computation Tree Logic) Cont
g g
g g
g g g g g
. . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. M, EG g M,
AG g
CTL Model Checking
  • Let M (S, R, L) be a Kripke structure. Assume
    that we want to determine which states in S
    satisfy the CTL formula f. The algorithm will
    operate by labeling each state s with the set
    label(s) of sub formula f which are true in s.
    Initially label(s) is just L(s). The algorithm
    then goes through a series of stages.

CTL Model Checking Cont
  • During the ith stage, sub formulas with i-1
    nested CTL operators are processed. When a sub
    formula is processed, it is added to the labeling
    of each state in which it is true. Once the
    algorithm terminates, we will have that M, s f
    iff f label(s).

CTL Model Checking Cont
  • Any CTL formula can be expressed in terms of
    , , EX, EU and EG. Thus, for the intermediate
    stages of the algorithm it is sufficient to be
    able to handle six cases, depending on whether g
    is atomic or has one of the following forms f
    , f1 f2 , EX f1, Ef1 U f2, or EG f1.

CTL Model Checking Cont
  • For formulas of the form , we label those
    states that are not labeled by f1.
  • For f1 f2, we label any state that is labeled
    either by f1 or by f2.
  • For EX f1, we label every state that has some
    successor labeled by f1.
  • For gf1 U f2 we first find all states that are
    labeled by f2. We then work back words using the
    converse of the transition relation R and find
    all states that can be reached by a path in which
    each state is labeled with f1. All such states
    should be labeled with g.

CTL Model Checking Cont
  • For gEG f1 it is slightly more complicated. It
    is based on the decomposition of the graph into
    nontrivial strongly connected components (SCC).
    Let M be obtained from M by deleting from S all
    of those states which f1 does not hold and
    restricting R and L accordingly. Thus, M(S,
    R, L) where Ss SM, s f1, R
    and L .

A CTL Example - Microwave
  • This example describes the behavior of a
    microwave oven. In the next figure we see the
    Kripke structure for the oven. For clarity, each
    state is labeled with both the atomic
    propositions that are true in the state and the
    negations of the propositions that are false in
    the state. The labels on the arcs indicate the
    actions that cause transitions and are not part
    of the Kripke structure.

Figure 1
  • 1
  • start oven
    open oven cook
  • open door close door
  • 2 3 done
  • Open close reset
  • Door door
    start oven
    start cooking
  • 5 6
  • warm up

Start Close Heat Error
Start Close Heat Error
Start Close Heat Error
Start Close Heat Error
Start Close Heat Error
Start Close Heat Error
Start Close Heat Error
A CTL Example Microwave Cont
  • We check the CTL formula AG(Start AF Heat)
    which is equivalent to the formula EF(Start
  • We start by computing the set of states that
    satisfy the atomic formulas and proceed to more
    complicated sub formulas. Let S(g) denote the set
    of all states labeled by the sub formula g.

A CTL Example Microwave Cont
  • S(Start) 2, 5, 6, 7.
  • S( Heat) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.
  • In order to compute S(EG Heat) we first find
    the set of nontrivial strongly connected
    components in S S( Heat).
  • SCC 1, 2, 3 ,5. We proceed by setting T.
    the set of all states that should be EG Heat
    to be the union over the elements of SCC, that
    is, initially T1, 2, 3, 5. No other state in
    S can reach a state in T along a path in S.

A CTL Example Microwave Cont
  • Thus, the computation terminates with
  • S(EG Heat) (1, 2, 3, 5.
  • Next we compute
  • S(Start EG Heat) 2, 5.
  • When computing S(EF(Start EG Heat)), we
    start by setting T S(Start EG Heat), Next
    we use the converse of the transition relation to
    label all states in which the formula holds. We

A CTL Example Microwave Cont
  • S(EF(Start EG Heat)) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
  • Finally, we compute that
  • S( EF(Start EG Heat)) .
  • Since the initial state 1 is not contained in
    this set, we conclude that the system described
    by the Kripke structure does not satisfy the
    given specification.
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