Title: WhoDP
1WhoDP Activerse Ding!
Gordon MohrActiverse, Inc. gojomo_at_activerse.com h
2Activerse Ding!
- Java buddy list for business
- Key Components
- Ding! - client
- Switchboard - server
- Other Enablers
- DingBot SDK
- Ding Proxy
3Presence Protocols
- Awareness
- passive
- constant
- peripheral vision
- enables freer collaboration
- state-sharing
- WhoDP
- Communication
- intentional
- episodic
- many types
- eased by awareness
- PeerCP
4WhoDP Design Goals
- Usable across whole internet
- Scale to everyone
- Offer decentralized namespace
- Allow uncoordinated growth
- Anticipate a standard
- Open, publishable
- General, flexible
- Mimic whats familiar and works
5WhoDP in Abstract
The Widely Hosted Object Data Protocol (WhoDP)
exists to communicate the current location and
state of large numbers of dynamic, relocatable
objects. Initially and most commonly, these
objects are people, and the groupings or spaces
that people use to enable communication. Loosely
patterned after HTTP, WhoDP implements a
publish-and subscribe model, with objects'
location and identity specified via URLs. A WhoDP
program "subscribes" to locate and receive
information about an object a WhoDP program
"publishes" to control the location and visible
state of an object.
6The WhoDP Draft
- http//search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-mohr-
whodp-00.txt - Ding! Protocols cast as a proposal
- Simplified fewer methods
- Clarified renamed headers
- Expanded more server options
- Generalized buddy-list specifics omitted
7WhoDP Overview
- HTTP-like message format, request-response
pattern - URL-based naming location
- UDP, bidirectional
- 3 new methods
- SUB create, manage subscriptions
- UPD deliver info on subscriptions
- PUB control publishing
8Why is WhoDP Unique?
- Simplicity
- Dynamic distribution through redirection
- Published nodes may relocate
- Clients may self-publish
- Central server bottlenecks can be preemptively or
adaptively avoided
9Usual Publish-Subscribe
- 3 roles Producer, Distributor, Subscriber
- Servers/middleware fulfill Distributor role
subscription request ongoing subscription
10WhoDP Authorities
- Authority -- a new role
- Resides at canonical location
- Can publish/distribute
- May dynamically delegate duties elsewhere
publishing assuming
subscription request ongoing subscription
11Client Self-Publishing
- Avoids server bottleneck
- Each new client contributes memory, CPU,
bandwidth - Server unburdened by broadcast fan-outs
- Paradoxical scalability every home client online
is nearly ideal worst case involves no local
users online! - Other benefits
- Simple reverse/watcher lists
- Eases differential publishing (white lies)
12Other Redirection Applications
- Redirect to proxy
- Redirect to repeater
- Highly popular event sources
- Dynamic distribution -- only when needed
- Blue-sky Redirect to downstream subscribers?
- Dynamic redistribution networks?
- Authenticated heartbeat?
13WhoDP Futures
- Support standard convergence
- Cross-fertilization with RVP, SGAP, GENA, and
others - Testbed for PIP
- Technical frontiers
- TCP Transport Option
- Integrated Messaging
- Lightweight Decentralized Authentication
14WhoDP Activerse Ding!
- Gordon MohrActiverse, Inc.
- gojomo_at_activerse.com
- http//www.activerse.com