Title: CarbonCarbon Radiator CCR
1Carbon-Carbon Radiator (CCR)
2Carbon-Carbon Radiator (CCR)
- Equipment panel composed of carbon-carbon
facesheets and an aluminum honeycomb core - Flight unit and spare
- No changes since CDR
3Qualification Testing (Completed)
- Thermal Vacuum/Balance
- Vibration
- Mass Properties (Flight unit only)
- Non-destructive examination (radiography)
conducted before start of qualification testing
and after completion of thermal testing and of
vibration testing
4Thermal Vacuum / Balance Testing(TV / TB)
- Test Frame simulated S/C
- Mockups of LEISA and PSE baseplates
- Two strain gauges on the test frame
- Four thermal cycles with four-hour soaks at 50C
and -10C - Thermal balance testing for (8) various
conditions - Survival heaters tested with four different
voltages - Thermal cycling loads were half those predicted,
indicating that finite element model (FEM)
results are conservative - Non destructive examination (NDE) indicated no
structural damage
5Vibration Testing
- Test frame simulated S/C
- Mass mockups of LEISA and PSE
- Two tri-axial accelerometers
- Sine burst to 1.25 x limit load (15g) in each
axis - Low-level sine sweep before and after each sine
burst test - Sine sweep tests and NDE indicated no structural
damage - First frequency 89 Hz, less than 5 below the 93
Hz predicted (indicating that the FEM is reliable)
6Mass Properties Testing
- Conducted with TRIDYNE model 200
- Measured weight and cg in x- and y-axes
- Calculated cg in z-axis and moi about x-, y-, and
z-axes - Weight 6.87 lb. (3.12 kg)
- Report completed June 2, 1998
- All margins of safety positive (inertial and
thermal loading) - First frequency predicted to be 112 Hz, above the
100 Hz requirement
- Flight unit damaged during integration with S/C
- Flight unit will be replaced with spare before
Observatory-level environmental testing - Spare unit meets all subsystem-level
environmental requirements - Ready for Observatory-level integration and
9GPS Subsystem
- Off the shelf GPS receiver, pre-amp and antennas
from Loral Tensor - In-house power conditioning unit built in-house
- Provides orbital navigation and time information
for CDH and ACS/EFF applications.
10GPS -- Scope of Box-Level Testing
- Contract Acceptance Testing
- Random vibration, thermal vacuum, EMI/EMC and
acceptance tests on receiver, preamp and antennas
performed by Loral Tensor - PCU Environmental testing
- Random vibration and temperature cycling on
in-house built power conditioning unit. EMI/EMC
waived.. - Detailed Characterization at GSFC
- Performed three month characterization of entire
GPS subsystem using GPS constellation simulator
to understand operation and optimize operational
configuration. - Provided results of all above in detailed
acceptance package to Swales before handover of
11Lightweight Flexible Solar Array (LFSA)
12Lightweight Flexible Solar Array (LFSA)
Functional Testing
- Launch Restraint Release and Deployment
- Verifies working of shape memory release
mechanism and panel hinges - CIS Solar Panel I-V Curve Sweep
- Verifies working of photovoltaic arry
13LFSA Test Flow
14X-Band Phased Array Antenna (XPAA)
15X-Band Phased Array Antenna (XPAA)
- Designed and built by Boeing for NMP
Communications IPDT under fixed price contract
with GSFC. - Validates electronically scanned antenna
technology for future missions. - Provides 105 Mbps QPSK primary science downlink.
16XPAA Hardware Changes Since Delivery
- Change
- Replaced 1773 interface connector (1 of 4).
- Reason
- During pre-integration inspection and test this
connector was found to have an internal ceramic
sleeve which was broken. - Action
- Antenna was partially disassembled and connector
was replaced at GSFC FOIL. - Result of the Modification
- After repair and workmanship vibration,
end-to-end 1773 and RF performance was verified
with GSE and Near-Field Scanner at Swales.
17XPAA -- Scope of Box-Level Testing
- Contract Acceptance Testing
- Random vibration, thermal vacuum, EMI/EMC, 1773,
and RF functional tests using hat coupler,
near-field scanner and anechoic chamber. Levels
determined by Swales. Provided results of all
above in detailed acceptance package to Swales
before hand over of unit. No technical issues. - Bench Testing
- RF and 1773 functional tests using a hat coupler
to absorb and sample the RF output. Results
compared with contractor supplied acceptance
data. - Near-Field Scanning
- Verifies antenna beam characteristics and
pointing performance, does not require an
anechoic chamber. Results compared with
contractor supplied acceptance data.
18XPAA Test Flow
19Pulse Plasma Thruster (PPT)
20PPT Testing
- Qualification/Acceptance Tests
- Benchtop Functional
- Verified internal charging functionality
- Verified command and telemetry
- Vacuum Functional
- Verified discharge of PPT in vacuum
- Both sides operated at levels encompassing
on-orbit commanding - Charge/Discharge characteristics verified
- Vibration
- Random vibration of PPT to proto-qualification
levels in three axis - Performance
- Measurement of Impulse bit as a function of
commanded charge time - Measurement of Off-Axis thrust to determine
thrust vector - Thermal Vacuum
- Four thermal cycles
- Verified functionality at high and low
temperature plateaus - EMI
- Verified conducted and radiated susceptibility
requirements - Measure conducted and radiated emissions per S/C
21PPT Testing (Continued)
- Spacecraft Level Tests
- Functional Testing (Firing through Load Box)
- Verified PPT charging characteristics and
sparkplug discharge - Verify PPT command polarity and telemetry
- Close loop ACS control of PPT can be verified
during CPTs - Firing in Bell Jar Vacuum Integration Test
- Verified PPT discharge functionality with s/c
commands - Verified benign effect of PPT discharge on s/c
bus (without instruments) - Proposed Additional S/C Level Tests
- PPT Thermal Vacuum Firing
- To verify begin PPT discharge interaction with
entire integrated s/c - Plume covers over PPT horns to be used to prevent
plume contamination of s/c
22PPT Test Flow
23PPT Test Flow
Atmospheric Corrector (AC)
Mark Matsumura LEISA AC Lead Engineer, NASA/GSFC
Code 553
25Pre-Environmental Functional Testing
- Performance tests/Operations at ambient
conditions - Housekeeping mode
- Science Modes (30 Hz/60 Hz)
- ThermoElectric Coolers were disabled.
- GSE limited the amount of science data collected.
26Vibration Test Status
- Modal Frequency Verification (Low Level Sine
Sweep) - Strength Tests (Sine Burst, Protoflight levels)
- Random Vibration (Protoflight levels)
- Performed on 3 orthogonal axes, one normal to
mounting surface - Tests were performed on each box separately.
- Harness was connected to the optics module.
- Due to NCRs LAC 002, and 003, the Optics Module
was fully vibration tested a second time to
protoflight levels. - Due to NCR LAC 001, the Electronics Box was
random vibration tested a second time to
acceptance levels.
27Mass Properties Test Status
- Measured weight of instrument.
- Measured center of gravity of Optics Module and
Electronics box (No moment of inertia
measurement). - Mass properties were measured in the Code 549
Mass Properties Test Facility
28Thermal Vacuum Test Plan
- Overall Plan
- -10C to 50C survival range
- 0C to 30C operating range
- 4 cycles/ 25 Degrees per hour maximum
- Minimum 2-hour soak times
- Demonstrate turn on at both operational
temperature extremes - Demonstrate operation through temperature
transitions - Demonstration of ThermoElectric Coolers
- Thermal testing was performed in the B7 Code 549
Thermal Vacuum Facility, Chamber 281 as per EO-1
Spacecraft to LEISA AC ICD, SAI-ICD-021, and
EO-1 Verification Plan and Environmental
Specification, SAI-SPEC-158. - Window in chamber provided for detector
testing/calibration tests
29Thermal Vacuum Testing - Profile
1st Cycle
2nd Cycle
3rd Cycle
4th Cycle
30Thermal Vacuum Testing(Individual Test
- Cold Start Test
- Warm Start Test
- Housekeeping
- Science Operations/Calibration tests
- Detector Temperature set points
- Frame Rate Operations
- Calibration at varying temperatures and set
points - 1773 Fiber Optics Trending Test
- NCRs LAC 004 and 005 were from Thermal Vac
31EMI / EMC Test Status
- Conducted Emissions
- Steady-State (CE01, CE03)
- Radiated Emissions (RE01, RE02)
- Radiated Susceptibility (RS03)
- All EMI/EMC tests were performed in the B7 Code
549 facility as per System Level Electrical
Requirements, EO-1 AM-149-0002(155),
SAI-SPEC-159. - Tests were run during housekeeping and science
modes. - Thermoelectric Coolers were disabled during the
tests. - NCRs LAC 006 and 007 were from EMI Testing.
32Interface Summary
- WARP interface tests
- Spacecraft interface (with Optics Module
Simulator) - Mechanical
- Power
- Fiber Optics/Commanding
33Non-Conformance Records
- LAC 001 - Fiber optic ceramic connector feed
through sleeve cracked during electronics
vibration. - Resolution Disassembled e-box and replaced
connector which is on the digital board fiber
optic bracket. Revibrated e-box to acceptance
levels (Random). Status Closed - LAC 002 - Detector 1 was saturated at post
vibration functional test on the optics module
(OM). Partially disassembled OM to investigate
failure. Visual investigation showed that bond
wires had sheared from the chip carrier of the
detector. - Resolution Fully disassembled OM and rebond the
bond wires. Examined detector. Thoroughly
checked the bond wires of the other detectors.
Rebonded the detector bond wires and retested.
Check all three detector assemblies for proper
spacing. Fully Re-vib to Protoflight levels.
Status Closed
34Non-Conformance Records
- LAC 003 - Lens of the optics module rotated from
its fixed position during vib. testing. - Resolution Fully disassemble OM and uralane all
three lens assemblies. Fully re-vib OM to
Protoflight levels. Status Closed. - LAC 004 - Instrument was not powering up properly
during set-up for T/V testing. - Resolution Replace GSE power supply with a power
supply with greater capacity. Status Closed. - LAC 005 - Detector 3 was not cooling down at the
same rate as the other two detectors during T/V
testing. - Resolution Use as is. Does not pose a danger to
mission success. Status Closed.
35Non-Conformance Records
- LAC 006 - Current draw of the instrument did not
ramp up as designed. Test set up for Conducted
Susceptibility CS01 has a risk of damaging
instruments. The audio power amp must be powered
before any other equipment is powered up, or the
power amp acts as an isolation transformer. - Resolution Make strong recommendation to add a
warning to the test procedure. Status Open - LAC 007 - Instrument is not meeting conducted
emissions or radiated emissions test
requirements. - Resolution Investigate options such as applying
for a waiver. Status Open.
37WARP Design Changes Since Delta-CDR
38Pre-Environmental Functional Testing
- Fiber-Optics Baseline Test
- Establishes Pre-Environmental Baseline for
Transmitter Output Power and Receiver Sensitivity - Power Variation Test
- Verifies WARP Operation (Record/Playback) at Bus
Voltage Limits (35V, 24V) - Limited Performance Test
- Briefly Verifies End-to-End WARP Data Flow
- Performs Record/Playback via X-Band and S-Band
- Memory Test
- Performs Memory Card Built-In Test to Verify All
Memory Locations - Record/Playback Test Pattern to Assess Memory
EDAC Characteristics
39Pre-Environmental Functional Testing
- Comprehensive Performance Test
- Provides Comprehensive Verification of All WARP
Functions and Data Paths - Record Large Data Set (Fill Memory) and Playback
via X-Band - Record Smaller Data Set and Playback via S-Band
- Verify WARP Processor Memory Scrubbing
- Verify WARP Processor and RSN Watchdog Operation
- Verify WARP Special Command Operation
- Normal Operations Test
- Emulates Typical On-Orbit WARP Operations
(Multiple Record/Playback Iterations) Over an
Extended Period
40EMI / EMC Tests
- Performed Conducted Susceptibility Tests
- CS01/02 Steady-State Susceptibility
- CS06 Transient Susceptibility
- Will Perform Conducted Emissions Tests
- CE01/03 Steady-State Emissions
- Will Perform Radiated Emissions Tests
- RE01/03 Steady-State Emissions
- Radiated Susceptibility Tests are TBD
- Test Limits Defined As Per System Level
Electrical Requirements, EO-1 AM 149-0020 (155)
41Vibration Test
- Performed Sine-Sweep and Random Vibration in Each
Axis - Tested to Protoflight Levels As Per EO-1
Verification Plan and Environmental
Specification SAI-SPEC-158 Sections 3.7, 3.9 - WARP Was Not Powered During Vibration Testing
42Mass Properties Test
- Mass Properties Test Shall Measure WARP Weight
and Center of Gravity - To Be Performed Immediately Prior to Delivery to
43Thermal Cycling Test
- Survival Soaks (Powered Off) Performed at 60OC
and -15OC - Six Cycles from at 55OC and -15OC Performed at
Ambient Pressure, As Per SAI-SPEC-158 Section
3.11 - Functional Tests Performed During Cycling
- Power Variation Test
- Fiber-Optics Trending Test
- Limited Performance Test
- Comprehensive Performance Test
- Memory Test
- Long Duration Storage Test
- Normal Operations Test
44Post-Environmental Functional Testing
- Final Fiber-Optics Test
- Verifies that 1773 Transceivers Were Not Damaged
During Environmental Testing - Will Perform Comprehensive Performance Test
- Verifies that WARP Record/Playback Was Not
Degraded During Environmental Testing - Will Perform Memory Test
- Verifies that Bulk Memory Was Not Damaged During
Environmental Testing
45WARP Test/Anomaly Status
46WARP Test/Anomaly Status
47Open Items
- WARP Thermistor Errors Due to RF Exciter
Thermistors - Characterize Thermistor Errors at Cold
Temperatures (Where Errors are Worst) - Possibly Install New WARP Harness Eliminating
Connection to RF Exciter Thermistors - WARP Std Ops Mode Transition Anomaly at Cold
Temperatures - Determine Via Testing the Coldest Temperature at
Which Std Ops Mode Transition Reliably Occurs at
a 24V Bus Voltage - Determine Work-Around Approach, Possibilities
Include - Bias WARP Warm
- Remain in Std Ops Mode as the Default WARP Mode
- Perform Retries When Std Ops Mode Transition
Fails - Fully Document Anomaly and Submit a Request for
48Open Items
- Conducted Susceptibility EMI/EMC Anomalies
- Compile List of Anomalies and Submit a Request
for Waiver - Conducted/Radiated Emissions Testing
- Perform Emissions Tests Prior to Delivery to
Spacecraft - Mass Properties Testing
- Perform Mass Properties Tests Prior to Delivery
to Spacecraft - Radiated Susceptibility Testing
- Perform Abbreviated Radiated Susceptibility Test
If Spacecraft IT Schedule Permits - Re-Integrate Onto Spacecraft