Title: Artificial Intelligence
1Artificial Intelligence
- By
- David Hunt
- Lee Evans
- Jonathan Moreton
- Rachel Moss
- What is AI?
- Theory behind AI
- The development of AI
- How AI is being used in the identification of
individuals - Current Issues
- Conclusion
3What is AI?
2 main branches of AI research Biological Pheno
menal Type of AI Logical Search Pattern
4What Makes AI Intelligent?
- Intelligence is the ability to achieve goals in
the world - Written in specialist programming languages
5AI In Life And Business
- Computer games, Expert systems, Speech
recognition - Deep Blue
- Widely used in businesses to organize operations
6Interoperation of data
- Intelligence is about the interpretation of data
- Turing test thought of in 1950
- Humans remember mental images, machines raw data
7AI vs Humans
- AI Very precise, can cope with high amounts of
data, needs vast amount of hardware power to
achieve worthwhile goals - Human Can react to a situation quickly and
(usually) efficiently, highly advanced hardware
capabilities, highly adaptable and self sufficient
8Theoretical concepts behind AI
Computers are unable to recognise shapes and
recall them like the human mind.
9The human mind uses neurons as the basic unit of
memory, and can explain the human minds ability
to recall and recognise people for example.
Neural networks have developed as a result of
research into the human neuron. A neural network
draws from and emulates the structure of the
brain in terms of neurons. These draw from and
emulate the structure of the brain in terms of
neurons. The networks are made to learn from
training sessions and repeat what has been learnt
when given new data.
10The Artificial Neuron
- The Artificial Neuron receives one or more inputs
and sum them to produce an output. - The original artificial neuron is the Threshold
Logic Unit, it is a step function taking on the
values 1 or 0 only, as required by microprocessor
11How AI has developed
12Key Developments in AI
- 1950 ? Alan Turing introduces the Turing test to
test of a machines capability to perform
human-like conversation. - 1958 ? John McCarthy invented the Lisp
programming language. - 1972 ? The Prolog programming langauge was
developed by Alan Golmeraver. - 1974 ? The first expert system was developed for
medical diagnosis and therapy. - 1997 ? The Deep Blue Chess program beats world
chess champion.
13Recent Developments
After the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
there has been much interest and funding for
threat-detection. AI systems have potential in
this area and why they are being used in the
identification of individuals.
14How AI is being used in the identification of
- Fingerprint recognition algorithms to identify
and match minutiae (ridge characteristics to
stored images. - Facial recognition algorithms to find and
measure the 14-22 nodal points needed for facial
recognition. - Speech recognition algorithms to match your
speech to recorded data allowing it to understand
and convert it to data. e.g. text
15How AI is being used in the identification of
Individuals Fingerprint Recognition
- The minutiae are extracted from the image and
post processed to be easier identify. The ridges
are then thinned and then the minutiae are
detected. These are then matched to a database.
16In Conclusion
- The field of AI has developed in a short period
of time. - These developments are being used in the War on
17Any Questions?