Title: Spin Labeling and Computer Modeling of DNA
1Spin Labeling and Computer Modeling of DNA
- Anne Szklarski Xi Jun Chen
- Dr. Donald Hirsh
- The College of New Jersey
- Summer Research Program
- Many enzymes have reaction centers that consist
of an organic radical, or spin, and a
paramagnetic metal center, or enhancer. - DNA works as a scaffolding to hold the spin
and the enhancer at a fixed distance apart. Our
strand is 19 base pairs in length. - Studying the strength and nature of the
interactions can be useful for determining
reaction pathways.
3Labeling Reaction
Amino-modified Guanine
NHS Ester of a Nitroxide Radical
Spin Labeled DNA
4Size Exclusion Chromatography
- Larger molecules travel more quickly than smaller
ones - A larger DNA strand gives better separation from
the excess spin label
5 Basic Theory of HPLC
- HPLC separates the components of a sample based
on their hydrophobicities. When a sample is
injected into the column, its components bind to
the column. Solvent being pump into the column
helps the components move through the column. The
gradient of the solvent changes from mostly
aqueous to organic, hence components with
different polarities in the sample will elute at
different times through out the gradient. The
data are saved as a chromatogram, with the UV
absorbance plotted against time.
6 HPLC Conditions
- Buffers
- A 5 acetonitrile 95 0.1M Triethyl amine
acetate (TEAA), pH 7 - B 50 acetonitrile 50 0.1M TEAA, pH 7
- Temperature 30?C
- Gradient
7 HPLC Analysis of DNA
Nitroxide Radical
Labeled DNA
Unlabeled DNA
- Figure 1 A chromatogram of the unpurified
nitroxide-labeling reaction. The nitroxide label
has an absorption maximum at 244nm. The DNA has
an absorption maximum at 258nm. The
N-hydroxysuccinimide had an absorption maximum at
8 HPLC Analysis of Spin-Labeled DNA
Fraction 6
Labeled DNA
Unlabeled DNA
Fraction 7
Fraction 8
Fraction 9
- Figure 2 Fractions 6 to 9 of the first nitroxide
labeling reaction. The earlier peak is the
unlabeled DNA and the later one is the labeled
DNA. 50 of A-19mers are labeled.
9 HPLC Analysis of Spin-Labeled DNA
Fraction 6
Labeled DNA
Fraction 7
Unlabeled DNA
Fraction 8
Fraction 9
- Figure 4 Fraction 6 to 9 of the second nitroxide
labeling reaction. 80 A-19mers are labeled.
10HPLC Analysis of DNA Duplex
- Purpose To determine the stability of the
modified DNA duplex Do the EDTA-labeled T-19mer
and the nitroxide-labeled A-19mer still possess
the labels after certain periods. - Goal Want four resolved peaks
- EDTA-labeled T-19mer
- Unlabeled T-19mer
- Nitroxide-labeled A-19mer
- Unlabeled A-19mer
11HPLC Analysis of DNA Duplex
Original Buffers
Buffers w/ EDTA
- Figure 5. DNA Duplex under original buffer (top)
Showed one broad peak, provides no useful
information. Add EDTA to buffers (bottom) Peaks
got resolved a bit however, they are still too
close to provide any useful information.
12HPLC Analysis of DNA Duplex Under Increased
50C with Vydac E970520-9-7
70C with ThermaSep
Labeled A-19mer
- Figure 6 . 50?C UV-melting temperature is
around 52?C. The one big peak resolved into two
peaks, however, the peaks are still close. 70?C
With new column made specifically to withstand
high temperature Excellent resolution.
Determined the peak at 19min is the T-19mer and
the one at 26min is the spin-labeled A-19mer.
13 Problems With The Analysis of DNA Duplex
Unlabeled T-19mer
Unlabeled A-19mer
Unlabeled T-19mer A-19mer
- Figure 8 Retention times for the T-19mer and the
unlabeled A-19mer are too close. Can not
accurately determine the ratio between these two
14 Trying To Solve The Problem
Unlabeled T-19mer A-19mer
- Figure 9 T-19mer and A-19mer peaks under
different gradients.
15 Problem with The Analysis of DNA Duplex
EDTA T-19mer w/ Unlabeled T-19mer
Buffer w/o EDTA
Buffer w/o EDTA
Unlabeled T-19mer
Buffer w/ EDTA
EDTA T-19mer
- Figure 10 EDTA- Labeled and Unlabeled T-19mer
peaks under different gradients.
16 DNA Duplex Under Adjusted Condition
- Condition
- Temperature 80C
- Gradient
Spin-labeled A-19mer
EDTA-labeled T-19mer
Unlabeled T-19mer A-19mer
- Figure 11 DNA Duplex tested under modified
gradient based on previous experiments.
17Molecular Modeling
- Possible hydrogen bonding of iron to N6 or N7 of
adenine through water molecule - Bond was created in HyperChem and the geometry
was optimized using the Amber force field - Distance from N to O of water was restricted to
2.88 ?1.
Average Range 2.7? to 3.1?
18Molecular Modeling
- EDTA and Tether Energy 233 300 kcal/mol
- For N6 bonding
- System Energy 428 kcal/mol
- H-N Bond Energy 172 kcal/mol
- Difference 256 kcal/mol
- For N7 bonding
- System Energy 482 kcal/mol
- H-N Bond Energy 141 kcal/mol
- Difference 341 kcal/mol
19Molecular Modeling
N6 Hydrogen Bonded
N7 Hydrogen Bonded
No Hydrogen Bonding
- Distance also depends on the motion of the
nitroxide radical, which is being studied through
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometry
20Duplex Rendering
21Future Projects
- Continue to study the motion of the nitroxide
radical attached to the duplex DNA through EPR
experiments - Cool the samples to 0?C to compare the motion of
single strand and duplex spin-labeled DNA - Create procedure to examine if hydrogen bonding
actually occurs between EDTA and adenine base
22Acknowledgements and References
- Dr. Donald Hirsh
- TCNJ Chemistry Department
- Chimera Technical Support
- Chris Tuohy
- Joseph Schramm
- Heather Skiff
- Nick Vacirca
- Joyce Gaiser
- Alyza Szajna
- Stryer, Lubert. Biochemistry. 3rd ed. New York
W.H. Freeman and Company, 1975. - Tissue, Brian. Size Exclusion Chromatography. 18
Jun. 1996. SCIMEDIA. 30 Jun. 2005
exc.htmgt. - Basic Theory of HPLC, lthttp//www.med4you.at/la