Title: Potlatch
2Festive event within regional exchange system
Foraging SocietiesSedentaryChiefsAccess to
Natural Resources
3Is Profit Motive a Universal?
How do we explain potlatch?Previous view of
anthropologistsWasteful Irrational
4Cultural Ecology
Attempts tom interpret cultural practices in
terms of their long-term role in helping humans
adapt to their environments.Cultural adaptive
mechanismGreat comparative opportunity
5Potlach Explained
Cultural adaptation to alternating periods of
local abundance and shortageOverall environment
favorable but resources fluctuate year to year
and place to placeCompetitive feasting not a
display wastefulness but a means of
survivalEnhances individual community
6Does not exist apart from the rest of the World
European contact with the KwakiutlPotlatch for
entire populationDestroying new goods being
7Impact of Potlatch
Prevented the development of socioeconomic
stratificationWealth relinquished or destroyed
was converted into non-material a
itemPRESTIGEDifferent from capitalist