Title: Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion School Effectiveness Framework
1Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd YsgolionSchool
Effectiveness Framework
Creu cymunedau dysgu effeithiol gydan
gilyddBuilding effective learning communities
2Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolioncyd-destun
- Cefndir o well gyrhaeddiad ond
- cymaryddion rhyngwladol cyfredol anffafriol
- amrywiaeth rhwng ALlau, o fewn a rhwng ysgolion
- cysylltiad rhwng anfantais a chyrhaeddiad
3School Effectiveness Framework national context
- Background of improved attainment, but
- current international comparators not favourable
- variation between LAs, within and between schools
- link between disadvantage and attainment
4Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolioncyd-destun
- Gwneud y gorau yn safonol trwy rhaglen
datblygiadol - tair-lefel
- cysoni â pholisiau eraill
- mynd ir afael ag ymroddiad a chymhelliad
arweinwyr - system-eang
- ffocysi ar yr hanfodion dysgu, addysgu, safonau
- trafodaeth broffesiynol, wedii harwain gan
ymchwil, ar yr hyn syn gweithio - bod yn sensitif ir cyd-destun (yr unigolyn, yr
ysgol, y gymuned ar ardal)
5School Effectiveness Framework national context
- Making the best the standard through a
developmental programme - tri-level
- aligning other policies
- engaging the commitment and motivation of leaders
- system wide
- focusing on the essentials teaching, learning,
standards - professional, enquiry led, discourse about what
works - being sensitive to context (individual, school,
- community, area)
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8Os ywr Ffocws ar y Gymuned yn gryf, maen
cyfrannun helaeth at elfen Gweithio gydag Eraill
Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion
- Canolbwyntio ar y dinesydd ymroddi i les a
dyheadau dinesig dysgwyr unigol - Canolbwyntio ar y gymuned darparu gwerth
ychwanegol mewn cymunedau difreintiedig - Cydgysylltiedig hybu dysgu a lles
- Cynhwysol ar gael i bawb
9A strong Community Focus is a major contributor
to the Working with Others element of School
- Citizen centred address wellbeing and citizen
aspirations of individual learners - Community focused provide added value in
disadvantaged communities - Joined-up promotes learning and well-being
- Inclusive available to all
10Diweddaru ar Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion
- Dulliau Tair-Lefel o weithredu wediu sefydlu
- 30 of Swyddogion Cyswllt wediu recriwtio au
hyfforddi yn y FfEY a sgiliau hyfforddi a mentora - 96 o ysgolion peilot wediu recriwtio
- Peilot a gwerthusiad y FfEY wrth fynd
- Cysoni meysydd polisi a rhaglenni grant APADGOS
wrth fynd - Cynlluniau ar gyfer Effeithiolrwydd Awdurdodau
Lleol yn datblygu
11School Effectiveness Update
- Tri-level working methods established
- 30 Associates recruited and trained in SEF and
Coaching and Mentoring Skills - 96 pilot Schools recruited
- SEF pilot and evaluation underway
- Alignment of DCELLS policy areas, grant
programmes underway - Plans for Local Authority Effectiveness in
12Am ragor o fanylion
- Dr Cheryl Morgan Pennaeth Effeithiolrwydd
Ysgolion ac Awdurdodau Lleol - Steve Vincent Uwch Reolwr Prosiect, Fframwaith
Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion - Richard Matthews Uwch Reolwr Tîm, Fframwaith
Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion - Ebost SEF_at_Wales.gsi.gov.uk
Is-adran Rheolaeth ac Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion
Gwasanaethau Plant a Phobl Ifanc Adran Plant,
Addysg, Dysgu Gydol Oes a Sgiliau
13For more information
- Dr Cheryl Morgan Head of School and Local
Authority Effectiveness -
- Steve Vincent Senior Project Manager, School
Effectiveness Framework - Richard Matthews Senior Team Manager, School
Effectiveness Framework - Email SEF_at_Wales.gsi.gov.uk
School Management and Effectiveness Division,
Children and Young Persons Services, Department
for Children, Education Lifelong Learning and