Title: Linger
- A new tool for reading time experiments
2Linger is written by
- Douglas Rohde _at_ MIT
- http//tedlab.mit.edu/dr/
3What is good about Linger
- You can run various reading/listening experiments
with Linger. - Masked Self-Paced Reading
- Centered Self-Paced Reading
- Masked Auto-Paced (fixed rate) Reading
- Centered Auto-Paced Reading
- Block Reading
- Listen (to a reader) and Answer
- Auditory Prime Lexical Decision
4What is good about Linger
- If fonts are available, you can run experiments
in any language you want. - Today, I will show
- English masked self-paced reading
- Japanese masked self-paced reading
- Hindi Centered Auto-paced reading
5What is good about Linger
- Linger is compatible with
- Mac OS X!!
- Mac OS 9 and also earlier OSs
- Unix
- Windows
- At least, you have to install
- Tcl/Tk
- Linger Package
- Tcl/Tk
- A programming tool on Unix, Mac and Windows
- For Mac OSX
- http//www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/unix_open_so
urce/tcltkaqua.html - For Mac OS 9 or earlier
- http//prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tcl/MacTclTk_8.
3.5_RuntimeInstl.bin - For Windows
- http//aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActiveT
- Linger
- Linger is a program using Tcl/Tk.
- http//tedlab.mit.edu/dr/Linger/linger.tar
- A Linger package includes
- Linger tcl Linger
- Lingalyzer An analysis tool
- Lingrapher A tool for creating graphs
- Notifier A tool to notify who is an
experimenter - Subjecter A tool for managing subjects
- Utilities Utilities
- A Linger package includes
- Linger tcl Linger
- Lingalyzer An analysis tool
- Lingrapher A tool for creating graphs
- Notifier A tool to notify who is an
experimenter - Subjecter A tool for managing subjects
- Utilities Utilities
- What you should do first
- Install Tcl/Tk
- Download a compressed Linger package, and
expand it.
- If you are using Mac OS X
- Expand "Linger .sit"
- e.g., Using Stuffit Expander
- An Apple script file called "Linger" will be
- If you are using Mac OS 9 or earlier
- 1. Make sure that you have "Drug and Drop
- 2. Drug and Drop "Linger.tcl" on to "Drug and
Drop tclets" - 3. Tcl application called "Linger" will be
- If you are using Windows
- Download Linger.tar and expand/unpack it using
WinZip - Double click Linger and run experiment
16Preparation for Experiments
- Linger has 7 major components.
- "Experiments" folder
- Exp folders Exp1, Exp2, Exp3,
- Introduction
- Conclusion
- Items
- Preferences
- Break
Inside each "Exp" folder
17Preparation for Experiments
- Linger accesses to "Experiments"
- An "Exp" folder corresponds to one experiment
- If you have 3 experiments
- Exp1 English moving window
- Exp2 Japanese moving window
- Exp3 Hindi auto-paced reading
18Preparation for Experiments
- When you run your experiment, you can choose each
"Exp" from the console.
19Preparation for Experiments
- Inside each "Exp"
- Introduction
- Conclusion
- Items
- Preferences
- Break
- Results
Text Files
20Preparation for Experiments
- Introduction
- Introduction specifies
- All the instruction
- All the "command" lines within the instruction
and practice - The presentation modes
21Preparation for Experiments
- Introduction
- The format is really simple.
- Everything you wants to present on the computer
screen during the instruction and practice
sessions must be inside .
22Preparation for Experiments
- Introduction has 3 components
- Instruction Instruct Welcome
- Commands Command Press space key
- Presentation modes selfPacedItempractice1-
- By changing this line you can change how the
practice sentences are presented. Moving Window,
Auto-paced reading, Center presentation, etc.
23Preparation for Experiments
- Conclusion
- Conclusion specifies the command indicating the
end of the experiments. - Format is really simple.
- commandAll done
24Preparation for Experiments
- Items (You should use simple text or word for
creating items file.) - Items file must contain
- stimuli
- fillers
- practice
25Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli
- e1 1 a
- A police chief was investigating the bank
robbery. - On Friday,
- ?Did a detective see the suspect on Wednesday? Y
26Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- e1 1 a
- A police chief was investigating the bank
robbery. - On Friday,
- ?Did a detective see the suspect on Wednesday? Y
27Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- e1 1 a
- A police chief was investigating the bank
robbery. - On Friday,
- ?Did a detective see the suspect on Wednesday? Y
28Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- e1 1 a
- A police chief was investigating the bank
robbery. - On Friday,
- ?Did a detective see the suspect on Wednesday? Y
29Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- Header
- e1 1 a experiment 1, item 1, condition a
30Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- Sentences
- The boy splashed by the whale was soaking wet.
- Spaces region break
- The_boy splashed by the_whale was soaking wet.
- word_word in the same region
- Return line break
31Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- Sentences
- The boy splashed by the whale was soaking wet.
- Spaces region break
- Word by word presentation
32Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- Sentences
- The_boy splashed by the_whale was soaking wet..
- word_word in the same region
- Region by region presentation
33Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Stimuli Format
- Question
- ? The boy splashed something? N
- ? Question? Y/N
34Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Fillers
- filler 1 -
- Forty trees were going to be planted along the
new road. - ? They were planning to plant trees? Y
35Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Fillers Format
- Header
- filler 1 -
- Others are the same as stimuli
36Preparation for Experiments
- Items
- Practice
- practice 1 -
- This sentence is a_practice sentence to_help_you
get used to a moving window display. - Everything other than the header is the same as
37Preparation for Experiments
- Preferences
- Preferences contains
- Presentation specification
- Font and language specification
- Responses
38Preparation for Experiments
- Preferences
- Self-paced reading (Moving Window) experiment, in
English is the default - If you are running Moving Window experiment,
Preferences can be empty.
39Preparation for Experiments
- Preferences
- Change the presentation specification you need
just add one of the following lines in
Preferences. - set Experiment centerSelfPacedReading
- set Experiment autoPacedReading
- set Experiment centerAutoPacedReading
- You can see others in "Linger Documentation."