Title: Inventory Control: Part 1- Fundamentals
1Inventory ControlPart 1- Fundamentals
- Materials and Supplies Needed to Operate Business
- Substantial Part of Total Assets 20 to
60 In Manufacturing Company - It is Desirable to Reduce Inventory (Lean) but We
Cannot Eliminate It.
3Types of Inventories
- By Location
- - Raw Materials
- - Work-in-Process (WIP)
- - Finished Goods (Including Distribution)
- - Supplies (Maintenance, Repair, Operational)
- By Demand
- - Independent Demand
- - Dependent Demand
4Types of Inventories
- By Function
- - Lot-Size (Cycle or Replenishment)
- - Instantaneous (Purchase)
- - Non-Instantaneous (Produce)
- - Safety (Fluctuation or Buffer)
- - Anticipation (Seasonal)
- - Transportation (Pipeline)
- - Hedge (Beyond Scope of Class)
5Lot Size StocksInstantaneous Receipts
6Lot-Size StocksNon-Instantaneous Receipts
7Safety Stocks
- Used for Emergencies
- Finished Goods Unexpected Demand (Level Related
to Customer Service) - Raw Materials Orders Not Received
- Work-in-Process (WIP) Worker Unavailable or
Machine Breakdown - Decoupling Inventory - Also Known as Buffer or Fluctuation Inventory
8Inventory Costs
- Item Costs
- Carrying or Holding Costs (Capital, Storage,
Risk) - Ordering Costs (Purchase, Production Control, Set
Up, Lost Capacity) - Stockout Costs
- Capacity Associated Costs (Overtime, Hiring,
Training, Extra Shifts, Layoff)
9Inventory Ratios
- Inventory Turns Annual Cost of Goods Sold /
- Average Inventory in Dollars
- E.g. 1,000,000 / 500,000 2
- Days of Supply On Hand / Daily Usage
- E.g. 9000 / 200 45 Days
10Evaluating Inventory
- First In First Out (FIFO)
- Last In First Out (LIFO)
- Average Cost
- Standard Cost
11ABC Inventory Classification
- Amount of Control Over an Item (Stock-Keeping
Unit or SKU) Depends on Value - Paretos Law A Small Percentage of Items Account
for Large Percentage of Value - Typically
- - A Items 20 of Items Account for 80 Value
- - B Items 30 of Items Account for 15 Value
- - C Items 50 of Items Account for 5 Value
12Steps in ABC Analysis
- 1 Determine Annual Usage for Each Item
- 2 Multiple Annual Usage of Each Item by Cost
- 3 Sort Items According to Annual Dollar Usage
- 4 Cumulate Annual Dollar Usage and Cumulate
Percentage of Items - 5 Examine Annual Usage Distribution and
Classify Items A, B, or C Based on Percentage of
Annual Usage
13 ABC Example
Part Number Unit Usage Unit Cost Annual Usage
1 1100 2 2200
2 600 40 24000
3 100 4 400
4 1300 1 1300
5 100 60 6000
6 10 25 250
7 100 2 200
8 1500 2 3000
9 200 2 400
10 500 1 500
Totals 5510 Â 38250
14ABC Answer By Item Type
Part Number Unit Usage Unit Cost Annual Usage Cumulative Usage Cumulative Cumulate Items Class
2 600 40 24000 24000 62.75 10 A
5 100 60 6000 30000 78.43 20 A
8 1500 2 3000 33000 86.27 30 B
1 1100 2 2200 35200 92.03 40 B
4 1300 1 1300 36500 95.42 50 B
10 500 1 500 37000 96.73 60 C
3 100 4 400 37400 97.78 70 C
9 200 2 400 37800 98.82 80 C
6 10 25 250 38050 99.48 90 C
7 100 2 200 38250 100.00 100 C
15ABC Answer By Item Usage
Part Number Unit Usage Unit Cost Annual Usage Cumulative Usage Cumulative Cumulate Items Class
2 600 40 24000 24000 62.75 10.89 A
5 100 60 6000 30000 78.43 12.70 A
8 1500 2 3000 33000 86.27 39.93 B
1 1100 2 2200 35200 92.03 59.89 B
4 1300 1 1300 36500 95.42 83.48 B
10 500 1 500 37000 96.73 92.56 C
3 100 4 400 37400 97.78 94.37 C
9 200 2 400 37800 98.82 98.00 C
6 10 25 250 38050 99.48 98.19 C
7 100 2 200 38250 100.00 100.00 C
16 Control Using ABC
- A Items Need High Degree of Control and Frequent
Review. - B Items Need Normal Control.
- C Items Need Simple Control MRP May Not be
Needed Use Safety Stocks or Two-Bin System.
17(No Transcript)