The Gospel in the Stars 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Gospel in the Stars 3


The Gospel in the Stars 3 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Gospel in the Stars 3

The Gospel in the Stars (3)
  • Derek Walker

  • Psalm 191-4 The HEAVENS declare the glory of
    God and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day
    unto day utters speech, and night unto night
    reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor
    language where their voice is not heard. Their
    sound has gone out through all the earth, and
    their words to the end of the world.

The Heavenly Message.
  • The heavens are declaring a message about the
    glory of God to the whole earth.
  • Jesus Christ is the glory of the invisible God!
    (2Corinthians 46, Hebrews 13, Colossians 115)!
  • Romans 1018 says that this Message is the Gospel
    of Christ.

  • Psalm 195,6 describes the central character
    In the heavens He has set a tabernacle (a
    dwelling place, the zodiac) for the SUN which is
    like a BRIDEGROOM coming out of his chamber and
    rejoices like a STRONG MAN to run its race. Its
    rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit
    to the other end and there is nothing
    hidden from its heat.
  • The Sun represents the Messiah (Malachi 42)
    running His race, fulfilling His mission. He will
    accomplish step by step everything described in
    Gods stellar PICTURE BOOK.

  • The sun also travels on a path called the
    ecliptic. Once a year the sun completes the
    circuit having gone through the 12 signs of the
  • Zodiac means a way by steps.
  • Each month the sun enters a different sign,
    signifying the next aspect of Christs work. So
    every 12 months it prophesies the whole work of
  • The sun shows us the way of the Son - The Way of

  • Starting with Virgo the 12 SIGNS and their DECANS
    tell in order the story of the Son. As the Sun
    goes through these 12 Signs in turn from Virgo to
    Leo, so the Son of God will fulfill His mission
    step by step!

The Proto-Evangelium.
  • Genesis 315 I will put enmity between YOU (the
    Serpent) and the WOMAN, and between your seed
    and her SEED (the Messiah, the Seed of the
    Woman). HE (Christ) shall bruise (crush) your
    head, and you shall bruise His heel.

  • There are 12 chapters based on the
  • 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
  • Each sign has 3 associated signs (Decans) which
    develop the revelation of the main Sign This
    makes 48 constellations in all.
  • The other constellations added in modern times
    are not part of the original revelation.
  • The key truths are in the PICTURES and NAMES of
    the stars and constellations preserved from Gods
    original naming.

  • The story is in 3 ACTS of 4 Chapters each
  • ACT 1 The Redeemers First Coming
  • - His Sufferings. Salvation obtained.
  • ACT 2 The Redeemed - The result of the
    Redeemers sufferings. Salvation bestowed.
  • ACT 3 The Redeemers Second Coming His Glory
    (His dominion and final judgement).

Today we continue with ACT 1.
  • ACT 1 The First Coming of the Redeemer
  • Chapter 1 The Seed of the Woman
  • VIRGO, the Virgin brings forth
  • the promised seed
  • COMA, the Desired One of the Nations.
  • CENTAURUS, the Dual-Natured Centaur
  • in Death
  • BOOTES, the Coming Good Shepherd

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The Story starts with the Saviours Birth
  • The Lord Himself will give you a sign Behold,
    the virgin shall conceive,
  • and bear a Son, and shall call His name
    Immanuel (God with us) (Isaiah 714).
  • When the fullness of the time was come, God sent
    forth his Son, born of a woman (Galatians 44).

Act 1 - Chapter 1
  • VIRGO The Virgin

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  • SUMMARY The Virgin is laying down on the
    ecliptic, having given birth to the promised
    Seed, which she holds in her hands. She is the
    holder and bringer forth of the Seed, who is the
  • From now on this SEED will be the hero of the

Revelation 121 fulfilled!
The First Decan Coma, desired son.
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    word used of Messiah in Haggai 27 The DESIRE
    of all nations shall come.
  • The great Arabian astronomer, Albumazer (805-885
    AD) said There arises in the first Decan as the
    Persians, Chaldeans and Egyptians and the two
    Hermes and Ascalius teach, a young woman whose
    Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a
    throne, nourishing an infant boy having a Hebrew
    name , by some nations called Ihesu, signifying
    Ieza - the Christ.

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The Second Decan CENTAURUS
  • CENTAURUS, the Dual-Natured Centaur in death.
  • The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear
    piercing a victim.
  • Centaurs have the torso and head of a man and
    underneath the body and legs of a horse. The
    Centaur has a dual nature. This represents
    Christ who has two natures in one being. He is
    both God and man. Under Christs human nature
    is His Divine nature.

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  • Hebrew name is BEZEH THE DESPISED
  • Isaiah 533 He is despised and rejected of
  • Arabic and Chaldaic name also the despised
  • Another Hebrew name Asmeath
  • The despised Sin-Offering.
  • The Greeks Cheiron the pierced.

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  • The brightest star Alpha Centauri. Its ancient
    name was Toliman the Heretofore and the
    Hereafter speaking of Christ Who is, Who was
    and Who is to come (Revelation 18).
  • It is in the horse part confirming its
    identification with the Deity of Christ.
  • PROXIMA the Pierced.

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  • Low down in the sky.
  • He is being offered up upon a Cross - the symbol
    of LIFE through DEATH. As He is being offered
    up for our sins on the cross, He is also in the
    act of piercing Lupus with a spear. This beast
    slain by Centaur is our sinful nature.
  • When Christ was pierced on the Cross, he bore our
    sin-nature so that we were crucified with
    Christ. Thus on the Cross, Christ pierced and
    condemned sin in the flesh (Romans 84).
  • See the next chapter for the Cross and Beast
    which focuses on His work (see how the chapters
    fit together).

  • Third Decan BOOTES

Bootes - the Coming One
  • The Good Shepherd raised from the dead, leading
    His sheep into good pasture.

  • BOOTES, the Coming Good Shepherd. Having shown
    his birth, growth, work on the Cross we now see
    him high and victorious, pictured as a strong
    man, an Oriental Shepherd walking rapidly,
    leading forth His sheep from the sheepfold. In
    his hands he holds a Shepherds Staff and a
  • Hebrew root Bo meaning The Coming
  • Aratus, Greek poet, 270 BC wrote a poem about the
    constellations, based on ancient sources. He
    called Bootes Arctophylax - the Guardian of
    Arctos which is the flock of the Greater Fold.
    Bootes is a Shepherd and Guardian of what is now
    known as the Great Bear, but originally The
    Greater Sheepfold.
  • The Egyptians called Bootes Smat Who rules,
    subdues and governs. They also called him Bau
    The Coming One.

  • Psalm 9613 For He is coming to judge the
    earth. He shall judge the world with
  • and the peoples with His truth.
  • The picture is the Good Shepherd, who having COME
    from heaven to die for his sheep, now has risen
    from the dead and leads them forth to safety
    under His protection. This is the triumphant
    result of His death on the Cross (Centaurus).
  • He is also COMING a Second time, with a sickle to
    harvest the earth. He will lead His sheep to
    safety with all evil and danger removed. This
    final Decan shows the purpose and final outcome
    of His Birth.

Job 3831-33 Can you bind the cluster of the
Pleiades? Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its
season? Or can you guide Arcturus with its sons?
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  • This concludes the first chapter, which gives an
    outline of the whole revelation.
  • The Sign of Virgo reveals the SEED of the WOMAN
    It shows us the seed of the woman, the God-man,
    Who is born to be bruised, who was despised and
    pierced, but Who ultimately triumphs and saves
    His people. He is the Shepherd risen from the
    dead who is coming again to separate the good
    from bad (harvest) and guard and rule over His
    own sheep.

Chapter 2 The Redeemers Atonement
  • LIBRA, the Scales of Justice,
  • the Payment of the supreme Price.
  • CRUX, the Cross
  • - the price is the Cross endured.
  • LUPUS, the Beast of Sin slain.
  • CORONA, the Crown of Glory regained.

Chapter Links
  • Notice how the Chapters are linked
  • Centaurus in chapter 1 is slaying the beast in
    Chapter 2 as He dies over the Cross in Chapter 2

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LIBRA the Scales or Weighing (Hebrew), Al
Zubena The Purchase Price or Redemption (Arabic)
  • Zuben al Genubi (in the lower right hand scale)
  • the price which is deficient.
  • 2. Al Zubena The Purchase Price.
  • Kaphar Atonement (Hebrew), al Gubi
    heaped up
  • 3. Zuben Akrabi the price of the conflict

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First Decan Crux the Cross.
  • What is the price paid?-the Cross endured
  • This is the sacrificial altar.

  • Centaurus on the Cross

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  • The Southern Cross

2nd Decan Lupus (Victima)
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  • DECAN 2 LUPUS, the Wolf - the Beast of Sin
  • It is under the bottom scale, which along with
  • is tipping the scales of Justice down against us.
  • Lupus is Latin for Wolf.
  • It has been SLAIN and is falling down dead.
  • Greek Thera a beast and Lycos a wolf.
  • Latin Victima Victim or Bestia
  • Hebrew Asedah to be slain
  • Arabic Asedaton to be slain
  • This animal is slain by the spear of Centaurus
  • (the God-Man) as He is over the Cross.

  • Sin judged by Centaurus on the Cross.

  • When Jesus died on the Cross, He judged
    and defeated sin, and paid the
    price to cover our sins, so the Scales
    of Justice would not be turned against us,
    and that we could be
    declared forgiven and righteous before
  • so we could be His sons
  • and be crowned with glory!

  • This jewelled Crown is up high, as the Cross is

Decan 3 CORONA the Crown.
  • Al Phecca - the Shining one.

  • After the Sufferings comes the Crown of glory.
  • The Cross then the Crown But we see Jesus who
    was made a little lower than the angels, for the
    suffering of death crowned with glory and honour,
    that He, by the grace of God, might taste death
    for everyone (Hebrews 29)
  • The end result of Jesus paying the price to
    redeem us and make us righteous, is that we would
    be crowned with glory and honour with Him. We
    will rule and reign with Christ.

  • Serpensthe Serpent, reaching for the Crown

  • Chapter 3 The Redeemers Conflict
  • SCORPIO, the Stinging Scorpion.
  • SERPENS, the Serpent striving for the Crown
  • OPHICIUCUS, the Serpent-Holder,
  • restraining the Serpent.
  • HERCULES, the Mighty Conqueror of Evil.

Scorpio and Libra
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Chapter Links
  • Notice how the Chapters are linked
  • Serpens in Chapter 3 is reaching for the Crown in
    Chapter 2.
  • Scorpio in Chapter 3 is pulling the Scales down
    in Chapter 2.

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  • Scorpio the Scorpion.

  • The picture is a gigantic Scorpion,
  • who has stung in the heel a Mighty Man who is
    struggling with a serpent, but is being crushed
    by the Man, who has his foot placed right on the
    scorpions heart. It is a titanic
    conflict to the death. Together the pictures
    form a dramatic view of the great spiritual
    conflict between Christ and the devil, revealed
    first in Genesis 315
  • I will put enmity between you (satan) and the
    woman, and between your seed and her Seed He
    shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His

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  • The Hebrew name is Akrab Scorpion, also
    conflict, war (as in Psalm 1441).
  • It means to cleave in conflict or battle.
  • In Arabic Al Akrab wounding him that comes!
  • In Coptic Isidis the attack of the enemy,
    oppression (as in Psalm 179).
  • Egyptian Zodiacs have it as a monster serpent
    called Typhon or Python.
  • Denderah The enemy ruled, bowed down
  • - Seen as a serpent under the feet of a king.
  • Tribe of Dan Eagle with snake in its mouth.

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  • The brightest star (in the heart) shines
    ominously with a deep red light.
  • In Arabic it is Antares the wounding.
  • In Latin Cor Scorpii heart of the Scorpion
  • A scorpions sting is in its curved, chainlike
    tail and is often fatal. The poison causes the
    most intense pain. The sting (the main star in
    the tail) is called in Hebrew Lesath
  • the perverse. In Chaldee it is Lesha.
    The stars in the tail are also called Leshat.

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  • The Scorpion is a deadly enemy of man
    representing demonic powers (Revelation 99-11)
    and these names describe the enmity between satan
    and the womans Seed.
  • Psalm 9113 You shall tread upon the lion and
    the cobra, the venomous thing (scorpion) and the
    serpent you shall trample underfoot.
  • Luke 1019 Behold, I give you the authority to
    trample on serpents and scorpions, and over
    all the power of the enemy, and nothing
    shall by any means hurt you.

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Genesis 315
  • I will put enmity between you (satan) and the
    woman, and between your seed and her Seed He
    shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His

  • Ophiuchus crushing Scorpio, but wounded.

  • Sagittarius aiming his arrow at Scorpio

Decan 1 Serpens (the Serpent)
  • Serpens - the Serpent.

  • Serpens (the Serpent) is seen struggling vainly
    in the powerful grasp of a mighty man called
    Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Holder.
    In Latin he is Serpentarius.
  • He is reaching for the Crown (dominion).
  • Revelation 127,8 (two sides of evil)
  • There was war in heaven Michael
    and his angels fought against the
    dragon and the dragon fought and his
  • And prevailed not neither was their place
    found any more in heaven. And the great
    dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
    devil, and satan, which deceives the whole world
    he was cast out into the earth, and his
    angels were cast out with him.

  • Serpensthe Serpent, reaching for the Crown

  • The brightest star in the Serpent is in the neck
  • It is named Unuk encompassing.
  • Another Hebrew name is Alyahthe accursed
  • In Arabic Al Hay the reptile.
  • The next brightest is in the jaw.
  • In Arabic Cheleb or Chelbalrai
  • the serpent enfolding.

Decan 2 Orphiuchus, the Serpent Handler
  • This picture reveals the purpose of the conflict.
    It is to seize the Crown (the link to
    chapter 2). The serpent is reaching for the
    Crown. It is the battle for
  • The Greek name Ophiuchus is derived from the
    Hebrew and Arabic Afeichus the serpent held.
  • The brightest star in Ophiuchus is in the head.
    Arabic Ras al Hagus the head of him who holds,
    or Ras-Al-Awa, the Head of the Desired One
    (as in the head of Hercules)
  • Other Hebrew star names are
  • Triophas treading under foot
  • Saiph (in the bruised foot) bruised
  • Carnebus the wounding
  • Megeros contending

  • Ophiuchus crushing Scorpio, but wounded.

  • We have all received the poisoned scorpion sting
    (sin) which leads to death. Christ on the Cross
    received the sting (sin) and died for us.
  • He has been stung in one foot, but is also
    treading on the heart of the Scorpion (Antares
    the wounding), crushing him under foot. He has
    the serpent under His power.

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  • God, who raised Him from the dead. And
    you, being dead in your trespasses and the
    uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made
    alive together with Him, having forgiven you all
    trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of
    requirements that was against us, which was
    contrary to us. And He has taken it out of
    the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having
    disarmed (stripped away from himself)
    principalities and powers, He made a public
    spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it
    (his death and resurrection) (Colossians

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  • In the Zodiac of Denderah it is an enthroned
    human being called Apibau the chief who comes.
    He has a hawks head (showing he is the enemy of
    the serpent - called Khu ruled or enemy).

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  • Ophiuchus holding Serpens in a strong grip.

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Decan 3 Hercules (the Branch kneeling)
  • This shows the final result of the conflict - the
    victory of the mighty vanquisher over the powers
    of evil. This is a large constellation high in
    the heavens.
  • He is bending on one knee while his left foot is
    set directly over the head of the great dragon.
    He wields a great club in his right hand. In his
    left hand he grasps a triple-headed
    serpent-monster (Cerberus).
  • He wears the skin of a lion he has slain.

  • Draco under the feet of Hercules.

  • Hercules (Greeks and Romans)
  • In the Denderah Zodiac we again have a man with a
    club, called Bau he who comes.
  • In Arabic, he is Al Giscale the strong one.
  • In Hebrew, Marsic, the Wounding.
  • or Gibbor, the Mighty One (Isaiah 96).

  • Aratus, who calls him the inexplicable image
  • Near this, and like a toiling man, revolves a
    form of it can no one clearly speak, nor what he
    labours at. they call him simply the man upon
    his knees in desperate struggle, like one who
    sinks, he seems. From both his shoulders his arms
    are high-uplifted and out-stretched as far as he
    can reach, and his right foot is planted on the
    coiled dragons head.

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  • In the myths he was a god-begotten man. Hercules
    is always destroying some terrible foe,
    overcoming impossible obstacles, defeating evil.
  • One such was the killing of the three-headed
    hydra who guarded the gates of hell and by whose
    venom he later died (shown in the
  • He also killed a dragon that guarded the apples
    of gold (also shown).

  • Draco under the feet of Hercules.

  • Jesus is the true killer of the roaring lion.
    He fought and slayed the Dragon and recovered
    access to the fruits of the Tree of Life. On his
    knee-he humbled himself in obedience to God,even
    unto death. He descended into hell and when
    Gods power raised him up, the spirits of the
    underworld cowered before him, taking the keys
    (authority/heads) of death and hell Do not be
    afraid I am the First and the Last. I am He
    who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
    forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades
    and of Death (Rev 117,18).
  • In His resurrection he wields his victorious club
    and subdues all his enemies and plants his foot
    on the Dragons head.

  • The brightest star (in his head) is
  • Ras al Gethi the head of him who bruise, or
    Ras-al-Awa, the head of the Desired.
  • (This identifies him with Orphicius).
  • The next brightest (in his right arm-pit) is
  • Kornephorus the branch, kneeling.
  • Other stars are
  • Marsic the wounding.
  • Maasyn (left arm) the sin-offering (Isa
  • Caiam or Guiam (lower right arm) punishing.
  • In Arabic treading under foot.

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  • The name Hercules comes from the Greeks who told
    many stories of his feats of strength. Aristotle
    admits that these had their origin in an ancient
    religion and that much had been preserved as the
    remains of an ancient wisdom. Other things
    had been changed and added after the mythical
    style. Neander says it was the
    fragments of a tradition, which transmitted the
    knowledge of divine things possessed in the
    earlier times. Sadly
    they had lost the original purpose and meaning of
    this constellation, which speaks of Christ.
    The Greek fables can be derived from
    the prophecies of the Messiah, of which they are
    a corruption. This is especially true of

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  • Chapter 4 The Redeemers Triumph
  • SAGITTARIUS, the Centaur
  • - rises from the dead in triumph.
  • LYRA, the Harp
  • He fills the Heavens with Praise.
  • ARA, the Altar
  • - Consuming Fires prepared for His Enemies.
  • DRACO, the defeated Dragon under His Feet.

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Christ risen and triumphant!
  • After His atonement (chapter 2)
  • and His conflict (chapter 3)
  • is His triumph (chapter 4)!
  • Matthew 2818 All authority is mine in heaven and
    on earth.
  • Rev 118 I am He that lives, and was dead and,
    behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen and have
    the keys of hell and of death.

SAGITARRIUS - the Archer.
  • SAGITTARIUS, the Centaur rises in triumph from
    the dead, aiming his arrow at the heart of the
  • We again see a Centaur (a being with two
    natures). Before as Centaurus, we saw him far
    down in the South, suffering death for us. Now
    he is risen and high up, on the ecliptic. For
    the Greeks, Sagittarius is Cheiron, the noble,
    righteous, wise and powerful Centaur, the
    righteous dealing Centaur.

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  • Hebrew and Syriac Kesith bending of a bow for
    shooting, the archer.
  • Greeks Toxotes, archer
  • Arabs al Kaus, the arrow.
  • Romans sagitarrius, the archer who sends forth
    the arrow.
  • Coptic Pimaere graciousness, beauty of the
    appearing. This is Christ coming forth from
    death in glory and resurrection power.
  • Ancient Akkadian Prince of the Earth.
  • In the ancient Zodiac of Dendarah he is called
    Knem he conquers.

His arrow is pointed at the heart of the
Scorpion, whose destruction is sure! Aratus says
of Cherion Midst golden stars he stands
refulgent now, and thrusts the scorpion with his
bended bow. With Victory won, final judgement
is assured.
  • Sagittarius aiming his arrow at Scorpio

Chapter Links
  • Notice how the Chapters are linked
  • Draco in Chapter 4 is under the feet of Hercules
    in Chapter 3.
  • Sagitarrius in Chapter 4 is aiming His arrow at
    Scorpios heart in Chapter 3.
  • Sagitarrius in Chapter 4 is Centaurus (Cheiron)
    in Chapter 1, raised from the dead.

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  • The brightest stars
  • Hebrew Naim the gracious one (Ps452)
  • Hebrew Nehushta the going or sending forth.
  • Terebellium, set forth swiftly.
  • Arabic names Al Naim the gracious one
  • Al Shaula the dart
  • Al Warida who comes forth
  • Ruchba ar rami the riding of the bowman.
  • Al Naim al sadiarathe gracious one who strives.
  • Greek Croton-the Purchaser.

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  • Psalm 452-7 You are fairer than the sons of
    men Grace is poured upon Your lips therefore
    God has blessed You forever. Gird Your sword
    upon Your thigh, O Mighty One, With Your glory
    and Your majesty. And in Your majesty ride
    prosperously because of truth, humility, and
    righteousness and Your right hand shall teach
    You awesome things. Your arrows are sharp in the
    heart of the Kings enemies the peoples fall
    under You. Your throne, O God, is forever and
    ever a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre
    of Your kingdom. You love righteousness and
    hate wickedness therefore God, Your God, has
    anointed You with the oil of gladness more than
    Your companions.
  • Applied to Christ in Hebrews 18.

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First Decan Lyra, the Harp
  • LYRA, the Harp through His victory He fills the
    Heavens with Praise. Christs rising from the
    dead conquering his enemies brings forth great
    praise which ascends to God (Psa 21).
  • Old charts show a triumphant ascending eagle.
    Known to Hebrews as the Fishing Eagle, also 2nd
    brightest star. Having dived for its prey,
    killed they spring up again.
  • I will sing to the LORD, for He has triumphed
    gloriously! The horse and its rider He has
    thrown into the sea! (Exodus 151).

  • In the Zodiac of Denderah it is an Eagle (the
    serpents enemy) ascending in triumph.
  • It is called Fentkar the serpent overcome or
  • Our picture combines the eagle and the harp

  • The brightest star is one of the most glorious in
    the sky, shining brilliant white.
  • It is Vega He shall be exalted, the warrior
  • The next brightest are
  • Shelyuk eagle Al Nesr (in Arabic).
  • Sulaphat springing up or ascending.

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The Lord ascends in triumph amidst shouts of
praise and singing.
  •  Psalm 247 Lift up your heads, O ye gates and
    be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors and the King
    of glory shall come in.
  •  8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and
    mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
  •  9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates even lift them
    up, ye everlasting doors and the King of glory
    shall come in.
  •  10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts,
    he is the King of glory. Selah.

2nd Decan Ara, the Altar
  • The first result of His victory is praise from
    His people, but the second result is judgement
    upon His enemies. ARA, the Altar- Consuming Fires
    prepared for His enemies.
  • Ara means Altar or Funeral Pyre). Here we have a
    burning pyre low in the sky placed upside down
    pointing towards the lower regions. It speaks
    of the completion of all judgment in the lake of
    fire. This confirms the arrow of Sagittarius.
    Now Christ is risen victorious over satan, final
    judgement is just a matter of time.
  • In Denderah, we see a man enthroned with a flail
    in his hand. He is called Bau he come)
  • In Arabic it is Al Mugamra the completing or
  • Greek Ara, Thusiasterion (cursing, utter
  • This is the final curse pronounced against the
    enemy (Psalm 219, Matthew 2541, Revelation

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  • Psalm 21 The king shall have joy in Your
    strength, O LORD and in Your salvation how
    greatly shall he rejoice! You have given him his
    hearts desire, and have not withheld the request
    of his lips. Selah. For You meet him with the
    blessings of goodness You set a crown of pure
    gold upon his head. He asked life from You, and
    You gave it to him - length of days forever and
    ever. His glory is great in Your salvation
    honour and majesty You have placed upon him. For
    You have made him most blessed forever You have
    made him exceedingly glad with Your presence.
    For the king trusts in the LORD, and through the
    mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved.
    Your hand will find all Your enemies Your right
    hand will find those who hate You. You shall
    make them as a fiery oven in the time of Your
    anger the LORD shall swallow them up in His
    wrath, and the fire shall devour them. Their
    offspring You shall destroy from the earth, and
    their descendants from among the sons of men.
    For they intended evil against You they devised
    a plot which they are not able to perform.
    Therefore You will make them turn their back You
    will make ready Your arrows on Your string toward
    their faces. Be exalted, O LORD, in Your own
    strength! We will sing and praise Your power.

3rd Decan DRACO, the Dragon.
  • DECAN 3 DRACO, the defeated Dragon under His
    Feet. Draco, fierce winding serpent firmly under
    the crushing feet of Hercules.
  • This first Act (of 4 chapters) closes with the
    devil cast down, stripped of all authority by the
    resurrected Christ. His ultimate destiny is the
    Lake of Fire seen in the last Decan.

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  • Draco (from the Greek) trodden on (Psalm
    9113). In the Zodiac of Denderah
    it is a SERPENT under the fore-feet of
    Sagittarius and is named Herfent the serpent
  • The brightest star (in a coil) is Thuban (Hebrew)
    the subtle. It used to be the pole star 4650
    years ago.
  • The next (in the head) is called in Hebrew
    Rastaban the head of the subtle (serpent).
  • In Arabic it is Al Waid who is to be
  • Also in the head is Ethanin the long serpent or
  • Other stars In Hebrew Grumian, the subtle
  • Giansar the punished enemy.
  • In Arabic Al Dib the reptile
  • El Athik the fraudful
  • El Aseih the bowed down.

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  • Draco the Dragon.

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The North Pole has moved from Draco to under
Christs Feet.
The Pole is now under His Feet
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