Title: Rural Students
1 2 Bachelor of Pharmacy Bachelor of
3Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Four year undergraduate program full-time
followed by 1 year pre-registration training.
Monash provides this through a Graduate
Certificate in Pharmacy Practice - Consists of four major areas of study
- Medicinal chemistry the chemistry of drugs
- Pharmaceutics the formulation of drug dose-forms
- Pharmacology the modes of actions of drugs
- Pharmacy Practice the clinical application of
the above including experiential placements
4Length of the course and hours of study
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Four years full-time, approx 23 hours per week
- Pre-Registration Training/Examinations 1 year
practical emphasis - Selection based on UMAT result and ENTER
- Bachelor of Pharmacy/Commerce
- B Pharmacy (4yrs) Registration Year (1yr)
- B Commerce (2 yrs full time or part time
equiv.) - Selection based on UMAT result and ENTERNOTE
UMAT is a pre-requisite for Pharmacy and
Pharmacy/Commerce - Fantastic placement program
5Why study Pharmacy?
- Science based
- People based
- Interesting
- Four majors
- Highly trusted profession
- Combination of formal lectures, practicals,
self-learning, experiential placements
6Possible career outcomes
- Community pharmacy
- Hospital pharmacy
- Government
- Pharmaceutical/Food industry
- Consultant pharmacy
- Armed services
- Teaching/secondary/tertiary
- Research
7Addressing the acute shortage of Pharmacists
- Practical Experience Program
- Rural Pharmacy Academic
- Wildfire
- Veterinary Pharmacy
- Rural Research
8Bachelor of Pharmacy Rural Entry Scheme
- Applications open between May 1 and October 27,
2006 - UMAT, ENTER and Rural
- Available Bachelor of Pharmacy and Bachelor of
Pharmacy/Commerce - Not required to return to rural area
- Applications available at www.vcp.monash.edu.au/co
9Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsEligibilit
- an Australian or New Zealand citizen or holder of
an Australian permanent resident visa or
humanitarian visa, and - studying Year 12 or IB in Australia in 2005, and
- from a rural or isolated area of Australia
- Intending to enrol in the Bachelor of Pharmacy or
Bachelor of Pharmacy/Bachelor of Commerce only
10Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsSelection
- Awarded to highest ranking rural applicant for
the Bachelor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Pharmacy/
Bachelor of Commerce based on their UMAT and
ENTER or interstate equivalent.
11Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsValue and
number per year
- 6000 per annum.
- Variable, depending of funding.
- The faculty reserves the right to vary the value
of the scholarship offered to individual
12Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsDuration
- Payable for the normal period of time specified
by the university for full time completion of the
degree (4 years), or until the degree is
completed, whichever is soonest, up to a maximum
of 5 years.
13Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsOffers
- In mid-late December 2006.
- A second round of offers may be made after
January 2007 if there are any scholarships still
14Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsRetention
- Maintain a minimum of distinction average (70)
across all units.
15Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsHow to
- Open application form and submit on-line.
- Applications close 5.00pm EST Friday 28 October
16Monash University Pharmacy ScholarshipsContact
- Coursework Scholarships UnitPh 03 9902 6011Fax
03 9905 5004scholarships_at_adm.monash.edu.au - www.adm.monash.edu.au/scholarships/opportunities/