Title: Bayesian Analysis of the Thermal Challenge Problem
1Bayesian Analysis of the Thermal Challenge Problem
- F. Liu1, M.J. Bayarri2, J. O. Berger1, R.
Paulo3, - J. Sacks4
- 1Duke, 2Valencia, 3Bristol, 4National Institute
of Statistical Sciences - May 22, 2006
- Sandia Laboratories
- Albuquerque, NM
- Reality Code Output Bias
- Field Reality Error
- Assumption in Challenge Error 0
- i 1,, nexpt where nexpt is the number of
observations in a particular experiment for fixed
inputs x,L,q
3Strategy Six Step (Statistical) Framework
- 1. Specify code inputs and associated ranges
- 2. Determine evaluation criteria
- Steps 1 and 2 define the problem
- 3. Experimental strategy
- Includes design of data collection(s)
- 4. Approximation of functions
- Necessary to deal with limited data use of
GASP Gaussian process priors on functions - 5. Analysis
- Comparison of field and model by Bayesian
analysis - 6. Feedback
- Continuous improvement of the model
4Evaluation CriteriaRegulatory Requirement
- Criteria Is bias b 0? Is b(..., 1000) 0?
- Regulatory Requirement
5Pure Model Prediction of Regulatory Requirement
Left for medium level pf.08Right for high
level pf.06
6Formulation (contd)
- Simplifying Assumption
- Additional Simplification
7Material Characterization (MC) Data
- Consider 2 levels medium, high (contains added
data) - Use data (only for temperatures 500) to
estimate ?, ? - assume ?, ? are independent with ? N(µ?s?), ?
N(µ?s?) and non-informative priors p (µ?) 1
and p(s?) 1/ s?and same for ?
8Ensemble Experiment (EE) Data
- Use data to estimate bias b predict at
accreditation configuration - EE data are for x 0 and for the following
design (configuration) for L, q
9Bayes Analysis
- Bayes Theorem
- Use MCMC methods to produce a sample from ppost
from which everything needed is obtained
10Bayes AnalysisPrior Distributions on Unknowns
- p(b) Gaussian Process (GP) on functions of
z(x,L,q,t) -
- Think of b as a random function, a realization of
the GP - When z z' Corr (b(z),b(z')) is high so b(z)
b(z') - When z far from z' Corr (b(z),b(z')) is low so
b(z) and b(z') are not connected - Degree of (smoothness) affected by as (a 2,
infinitely differentiable) - Scale determined by ßs
12Bayes Analysis EE Data
- For EE data run MCMC for (simplified) model (2)
and as2 -
- Use the MCMC samples to obtain
- Run MCMC on model (1) with fixed
- and get samples
13ppost(b) Lt L.0127, q1000 Rt L.0127,
q2000 Medium-level Data
14Prediction of Accreditation Data (AC) at x0
- For predicting at new setting (the AC
configuration) from the EE analysis there is a
new ?new, ?new with posterior distribution MC
Data found earlier - To the MCMC samples above adjoin
drawn from the posterior distribution of ?new,
?new - Adjoin draws from the distribution of b(0,
L.019, q3000,) bEE, (bEE, -- bias
functions at the four configurations of EE)
15Prediction of AC Data at x0Lt Medium-level
Rt High-levelBlueprediction dashed80 (10
below 10 above) boundsRed Accreditation
dataGreen Plug-in pure model prediction
16Bayesian Analysis EE AC Data
- Use x 0 data only
- Follow same strategy as for EE analysis (get
ßs, ? first)
17Prediction at Regulatory Requirement
- For predicting at regulatory configuration) from
the EEAC analysis use new ?new, ?new with
posterior distribution MC Data found earlier - To the MCMC samples from EEAC analysis above
adjoin drawn from the posterior
distribution of ?new, ?new - Adjoin draws from the distribution of b(0,
L.019, q3500,) bEEAC, (bEEAC, -- bias
functions at the five configurations of EEAC) - Produce sample prediction as
18Prediction at Regulatory Requirement blue
bias-corrected prediction with 80 boundsred
pure model prediction
19Regulatory Results Lt medium-level pf .02
Rt high-level pf .01
20Bayesian Analysis 2 (1)Run MCMC assuming b 0
(2) run full MCMC but sample ?i, ?i from their
posteriors from (1)
21Prediction at Regulatory Requirement pf .03
blue bias-corrected prediction with 80
boundsgreen pure model prediction
- Model is somewhat imperfect (bias appears)
- Bias-correction suggests (marginally) that device
may pass regulatory requirement - Variability in ?, ? is substantial
- Constancy of ?, ? is not supportable improve the
23The Specific Tasking Questions
- The statistical strategy (SAVE Simulator
Assessment and Validation Engine) described takes
into account all the issues raised and provides
the essential uncertainty bounds
- Bayarri, Berger, Higdon, Kennedy, Kottas, Paulo,
Sacks, Cafeo, Cavendish, Lin, Tu. (2002).A
Framework for Validation of Computer Models. In
D. Pace, S. Stevenson, eds., Proceedings of the
Workshop on Foundations for VV in the 21st
Century. Society for Computer Simulation. NISS
Technical Report 128, www.niss.org/downloadabletec
hreports.html - Kennedy, OHagan (2001). Bayesian Calibration of
Computer Models. JRSS B 425-464