Title: Safety Procedures
1Prescott College
2In the Event of an Emergency
- Assess the situation
- If it is an emergency call 9-911 (on campus) and
give your name, location, and telephone number. - Give as much information as possible regarding
the nature of the situation. For example, whether
or not the victim is conscious, if any treatment
has been given, the location of a fire etc. - Do not move injured unless there is a life
threatening danger (falling debris, fire,
3Emergencies During Business Hours
- First call 9-911 to report the emergency
- Then dial 0 to reach the switchboard operator
- Off Campus dial 9-778-2090 X0
4Important Phone NumbersNights and Weekends
- AE Program Coordinator- Field Emergencies
- Steve Pace 717-5823
- Facilities Director Facilities Emergencies
- Tony Torrey 771-4049
- College Counselor Student Emergencies
- Adam Vellturo 771-4940
5Emergency Call Box
- These call boxes will AUTOMATICALLY dial 911 if
you press the button - They will be installed at
- Sinagua 322 Grove (Faculty offices and
classrooms) - Mogollon 330 Grove (GIS and Science Lab)
- Sam Hill 232 N. Granite
- Granite Performing Arts Center 218 N. Granite
- Summit 112 Summit St. (already installed)
- Contact the switchboard or one of the emergency
pager numbers using a regular phone line after
notifying 911
6Bomb Threat
- The person receiving a bomb threat should remain
calm and attempt to obtain as much information as
possible from the caller. - Listen for unusual noises or voice
characteristics. - Call 911
- Call Prescott College Switchboard. On campus Dial
0. Off campus dial 9-778-2090 x0
7Bomb Threat
- Include any information regarding location of
bomb, time it is set to explode, time you
received the call, and any distinguishing
information about the caller. - If you spot a suspicious object, report it to the
switchboard operator. DO NOT MOVE OR TOUCH IT.
8Hazardous Material
If a gas cylinder, natural gas or other chemical
begins to leak, or suspicious odors are detected
- Confine the fumes or fire by shutting door to
area. - Call 9-911
- Call Switchboard Evacuate to a safe area (500
feet) away from the building.
- Evacuation of any building will be signaled by
verbal notification. - Walk, do not run to the nearest exit.
- Identify and assist those persons who may need
special assistance. Persons with mobility
impairment should prepare for emergencies ahead
of time by instructing coworkers, classmates or
instructors on how to assist in emergency
10Internal Notification
- Immediate Supervisor Any accident, injury, theft,
robbery, etc. occurring on/with College property
should be reported. - Transportation All traffic accidents should be
reported. (Sue x 4304). - Facilities Utility outages and structural damage
to buildings should be reported. - (Tony x 4302).
- Director of Human Resources or the Director of
Student Affairs Arrests Assaults and allegations
of sexual assault should be reported (Connie
x4201) (Dianne x1001).
11Domestic/Personal Issues
If you have a restraining order on an individual
- Please notify Human Resources
- Please notify your Supervisor
- Please provide a current picture if possible to
any people that may have first contact with the
12Facilities Reporting
Pagers are for EMERGENCY use only Contact
facilities via their pager only if
- The security or integrity of a College building
is affected. - There are downed electrical lines gas or water
- Do not use pagers
- If you are locked out of a building
- If you need routine maintenance
- If want to leave a message
13Internal Notification
- Any Accident or Incident involving the following
require notification of the President and Chief
Advancement Officer - Serious injury or death
- Life threatening situations
- Suicide
- Employees and/or students lost in the field
- Sexual Assault
- Evacuations involving outside agencies (ex. Fire
Department) - Serious vehicle accidents
- Bomb Threats
- Building emergencies (fire, lightning strike,etc.)
14Crisis Communication
- Staff, faculty and students should not speak with
media personnel. - All inquiries should be directed to the
Advancement Office. - The College will be kept up to date via Public
- All incidents, accidents occurring on College
property must also be reported to HR by a
supervisor. - A Report of Accident Form is on-line at HR web
page. - Supervisor must complete within 48 hours of
16Workers Compensation
- Any injury or illness resulting in lost time or
medical treatment beyond first aid must be
reported to HR. - In order to guarantee that your injury will be
covered under workers comp you must fill out a
form PRIOR to seeking medical treatment. - It is best to obtain services from a MD not a
17Work Related Injury or Illness
- To receive treatment take with you to the medical
facility - Either the Blue Book form
- (every supervisor and College van will have a
Blue Book) - OR the Incident Report Form
- (available in HR)
- After Receiving Treatment
- ALWAYS fill out an Incident Report Form within 10
days of receiving treatment - ALWAYS have supervisor fill out the on-line
Report of Accident Form
18Blue Book Form
Incident Report Form
19Sexual Harassment/Assault
- Prescott College does not tolerate assault or
harassment in any form. - Report any alleged harassment to HR Director, or
as an alternate contact the Director of Student
Affairs. - Handled confidentially.
20Definition of Sexual Harassment
- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature when - Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an
individual is used as the basis for employment
decisions affecting the individual - Submission to such conduct is either explicitly
or implicitly made a term or condition of
21Sexual Harassment
Such conduct has the effect of unreasonably
interfering with an individuals work performance
or creating an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive work environment. Offensive sexual
flirtations, advances, or propositions continued
or repeated commentaries about an individuals
body or sexually suggestive pictures or objects
constitutes forms of sexual harassment.